mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 03:48:37 +08:00
enhance: implement balancer at streaming coord (#34435)
issue: #33285 - add balancer implementation - add channel count fair balance policy - add channel assignment discover grpc service Signed-off-by: chyezh <chyezh@outlook.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -186,3 +187,14 @@ type QueryCoordCatalog interface {
RemoveCollectionTarget(collectionID int64) error
GetCollectionTargets() (map[int64]*querypb.CollectionTarget, error)
// StreamingCoordCataLog is the interface for streamingcoord catalog
type StreamingCoordCataLog interface {
// physical channel watch related
// ListPChannel list all pchannels on milvus.
ListPChannel(ctx context.Context) ([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, error)
// SavePChannel save a pchannel info to metastore.
SavePChannels(ctx context.Context, info []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta) error
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package streamingcoord
const (
MetaPrefix = "streamingcoord-meta"
PChannelMeta = MetaPrefix + "/pchannel-meta"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package streamingcoord
import (
// NewCataLog creates a new catalog instance
func NewCataLog(metaKV kv.MetaKv) metastore.StreamingCoordCataLog {
return &catalog{
metaKV: metaKV,
// catalog is a kv based catalog.
type catalog struct {
metaKV kv.MetaKv
// ListPChannels returns all pchannels
func (c *catalog) ListPChannel(ctx context.Context) ([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, error) {
keys, values, err := c.metaKV.LoadWithPrefix(PChannelMeta)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
infos := make([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, 0, len(values))
for k, value := range values {
info := &streamingpb.PChannelMeta{}
err = proto.Unmarshal([]byte(value), info)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unmarshal pchannel %s failed", keys[k])
infos = append(infos, info)
return infos, nil
// SavePChannels saves a pchannel
func (c *catalog) SavePChannels(ctx context.Context, infos []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta) error {
kvs := make(map[string]string, len(infos))
for _, info := range infos {
key := buildPChannelInfoPath(info.GetChannel().GetName())
v, err := proto.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "marshal pchannel %s failed", info.GetChannel().GetName())
kvs[key] = string(v)
return c.metaKV.MultiSave(kvs)
// buildPChannelInfoPath builds the path for pchannel info.
func buildPChannelInfoPath(name string) string {
return PChannelMeta + "/" + name
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package streamingcoord
import (
func TestCatalog(t *testing.T) {
kv := mock_kv.NewMockMetaKv(t)
kvStorage := make(map[string]string)
kv.EXPECT().LoadWithPrefix(mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(s string) ([]string, []string, error) {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(kvStorage))
vals := make([]string, 0, len(kvStorage))
for k, v := range kvStorage {
keys = append(keys, k)
vals = append(vals, v)
return keys, vals, nil
kv.EXPECT().MultiSave(mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(kvs map[string]string) error {
for k, v := range kvs {
kvStorage[k] = v
return nil
catalog := NewCataLog(kv)
metas, err := catalog.ListPChannel(context.Background())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Empty(t, metas)
err = catalog.SavePChannels(context.Background(), []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta{
Channel: &streamingpb.PChannelInfo{Name: "test", Term: 1},
Node: &streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo{ServerId: 1},
Channel: &streamingpb.PChannelInfo{Name: "test2", Term: 1},
Node: &streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo{ServerId: 1},
assert.NoError(t, err)
metas, err = catalog.ListPChannel(context.Background())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, metas, 2)
// error path.
kv.EXPECT().LoadWithPrefix(mock.Anything).Return(nil, nil, errors.New("load error"))
metas, err = catalog.ListPChannel(context.Background())
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Nil(t, metas)
kv.EXPECT().MultiSave(mock.Anything).Return(errors.New("save error"))
assert.Error(t, err)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
// Code generated by mockery v2.32.4. DO NOT EDIT.
package mock_metastore
import (
context "context"
mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
streamingpb "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/streamingpb"
// MockStreamingCoordCataLog is an autogenerated mock type for the StreamingCoordCataLog type
type MockStreamingCoordCataLog struct {
type MockStreamingCoordCataLog_Expecter struct {
mock *mock.Mock
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordCataLog) EXPECT() *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_Expecter {
return &MockStreamingCoordCataLog_Expecter{mock: &_m.Mock}
// ListPChannel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordCataLog) ListPChannel(ctx context.Context) ([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, error) {
ret := _m.Called(ctx)
var r0 []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context) ([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, error)); ok {
return rf(ctx)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context) []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context) error); ok {
r1 = rf(ctx)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// MockStreamingCoordCataLog_ListPChannel_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'ListPChannel'
type MockStreamingCoordCataLog_ListPChannel_Call struct {
// ListPChannel is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - ctx context.Context
func (_e *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_Expecter) ListPChannel(ctx interface{}) *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_ListPChannel_Call {
return &MockStreamingCoordCataLog_ListPChannel_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("ListPChannel", ctx)}
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_ListPChannel_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context)) *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_ListPChannel_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_ListPChannel_Call) Return(_a0 []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, _a1 error) *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_ListPChannel_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1)
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_ListPChannel_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context) ([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, error)) *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_ListPChannel_Call {
return _c
// SavePChannels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, info
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordCataLog) SavePChannels(ctx context.Context, info []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, info)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, info)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockStreamingCoordCataLog_SavePChannels_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'SavePChannels'
type MockStreamingCoordCataLog_SavePChannels_Call struct {
// SavePChannels is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - ctx context.Context
// - info []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta
func (_e *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_Expecter) SavePChannels(ctx interface{}, info interface{}) *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_SavePChannels_Call {
return &MockStreamingCoordCataLog_SavePChannels_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("SavePChannels", ctx, info)}
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_SavePChannels_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, info []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta)) *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_SavePChannels_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
run(args[0].(context.Context), args[1].([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta))
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_SavePChannels_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_SavePChannels_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_SavePChannels_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta) error) *MockStreamingCoordCataLog_SavePChannels_Call {
return _c
// NewMockStreamingCoordCataLog creates a new instance of MockStreamingCoordCataLog. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
// The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func NewMockStreamingCoordCataLog(t interface {
}) *MockStreamingCoordCataLog {
mock := &MockStreamingCoordCataLog{}
t.Cleanup(func() { mock.AssertExpectations(t) })
return mock
@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
// Code generated by mockery v2.32.4. DO NOT EDIT.
package mock_streamingpb
import (
context "context"
mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
metadata "google.golang.org/grpc/metadata"
streamingpb "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/streamingpb"
// MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer is an autogenerated mock type for the StreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer type
type MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer struct {
type MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter struct {
mock *mock.Mock
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer) EXPECT() *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter {
return &MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter{mock: &_m.Mock}
// Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer) Context() context.Context {
ret := _m.Called()
var r0 context.Context
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() context.Context); ok {
r0 = rf()
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(context.Context)
return r0
// MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Context_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Context'
type MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Context_Call struct {
// Context is a helper method to define mock.On call
func (_e *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter) Context() *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Context_Call {
return &MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Context_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Context")}
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Context_Call) Run(run func()) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Context_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Context_Call) Return(_a0 context.Context) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Context_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Context_Call) RunAndReturn(run func() context.Context) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Context_Call {
return _c
// Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer) Recv() (*streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest, error) {
ret := _m.Called()
var r0 *streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() (*streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest, error)); ok {
return rf()
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() *streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest); ok {
r0 = rf()
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func() error); ok {
r1 = rf()
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Recv_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Recv'
type MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Recv_Call struct {
// Recv is a helper method to define mock.On call
func (_e *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter) Recv() *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Recv_Call {
return &MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Recv_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Recv")}
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Recv_Call) Run(run func()) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Recv_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Recv_Call) Return(_a0 *streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest, _a1 error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Recv_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1)
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Recv_Call) RunAndReturn(run func() (*streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest, error)) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Recv_Call {
return _c
// RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error {
ret := _m.Called(m)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(interface{}) error); ok {
r0 = rf(m)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_RecvMsg_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'RecvMsg'
type MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_RecvMsg_Call struct {
// RecvMsg is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - m interface{}
func (_e *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter) RecvMsg(m interface{}) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_RecvMsg_Call {
return &MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_RecvMsg_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("RecvMsg", m)}
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_RecvMsg_Call) Run(run func(m interface{})) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_RecvMsg_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_RecvMsg_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_RecvMsg_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_RecvMsg_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(interface{}) error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_RecvMsg_Call {
return _c
// Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer) Send(_a0 *streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverResponse) error {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverResponse) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Send_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Send'
type MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Send_Call struct {
// Send is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - _a0 *streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverResponse
func (_e *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter) Send(_a0 interface{}) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Send_Call {
return &MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Send_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Send", _a0)}
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Send_Call) Run(run func(_a0 *streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverResponse)) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Send_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Send_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Send_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Send_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(*streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverResponse) error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Send_Call {
return _c
// SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(metadata.MD) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendHeader_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'SendHeader'
type MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendHeader_Call struct {
// SendHeader is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - _a0 metadata.MD
func (_e *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter) SendHeader(_a0 interface{}) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendHeader_Call {
return &MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendHeader_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("SendHeader", _a0)}
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendHeader_Call) Run(run func(_a0 metadata.MD)) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendHeader_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendHeader_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendHeader_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendHeader_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(metadata.MD) error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendHeader_Call {
return _c
// SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error {
ret := _m.Called(m)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(interface{}) error); ok {
r0 = rf(m)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendMsg_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'SendMsg'
type MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendMsg_Call struct {
// SendMsg is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - m interface{}
func (_e *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter) SendMsg(m interface{}) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendMsg_Call {
return &MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendMsg_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("SendMsg", m)}
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendMsg_Call) Run(run func(m interface{})) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendMsg_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendMsg_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendMsg_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendMsg_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(interface{}) error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SendMsg_Call {
return _c
// SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(metadata.MD) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetHeader_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'SetHeader'
type MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetHeader_Call struct {
// SetHeader is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - _a0 metadata.MD
func (_e *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter) SetHeader(_a0 interface{}) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetHeader_Call {
return &MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetHeader_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("SetHeader", _a0)}
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetHeader_Call) Run(run func(_a0 metadata.MD)) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetHeader_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetHeader_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetHeader_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetHeader_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(metadata.MD) error) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetHeader_Call {
return _c
// SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD) {
// MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetTrailer_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'SetTrailer'
type MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetTrailer_Call struct {
// SetTrailer is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - _a0 metadata.MD
func (_e *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_Expecter) SetTrailer(_a0 interface{}) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetTrailer_Call {
return &MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetTrailer_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("SetTrailer", _a0)}
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetTrailer_Call) Run(run func(_a0 metadata.MD)) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetTrailer_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetTrailer_Call) Return() *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetTrailer_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetTrailer_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(metadata.MD)) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer_SetTrailer_Call {
return _c
// NewMockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer creates a new instance of MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
// The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func NewMockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer(t interface {
}) *MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer {
mock := &MockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer{}
t.Cleanup(func() { mock.AssertExpectations(t) })
return mock
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
// Code generated by mockery v2.32.4. DO NOT EDIT.
package mock_balancer
import (
context "context"
types "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/streaming/util/types"
mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
typeutil "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/typeutil"
// MockBalancer is an autogenerated mock type for the Balancer type
type MockBalancer struct {
type MockBalancer_Expecter struct {
mock *mock.Mock
func (_m *MockBalancer) EXPECT() *MockBalancer_Expecter {
return &MockBalancer_Expecter{mock: &_m.Mock}
// Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *MockBalancer) Close() {
// MockBalancer_Close_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Close'
type MockBalancer_Close_Call struct {
// Close is a helper method to define mock.On call
func (_e *MockBalancer_Expecter) Close() *MockBalancer_Close_Call {
return &MockBalancer_Close_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Close")}
func (_c *MockBalancer_Close_Call) Run(run func()) *MockBalancer_Close_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockBalancer_Close_Call) Return() *MockBalancer_Close_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockBalancer_Close_Call) RunAndReturn(run func()) *MockBalancer_Close_Call {
return _c
// MarkAsUnavailable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, pChannels
func (_m *MockBalancer) MarkAsUnavailable(ctx context.Context, pChannels []types.PChannelInfo) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, pChannels)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, []types.PChannelInfo) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, pChannels)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockBalancer_MarkAsUnavailable_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'MarkAsUnavailable'
type MockBalancer_MarkAsUnavailable_Call struct {
// MarkAsUnavailable is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - ctx context.Context
// - pChannels []types.PChannelInfo
func (_e *MockBalancer_Expecter) MarkAsUnavailable(ctx interface{}, pChannels interface{}) *MockBalancer_MarkAsUnavailable_Call {
return &MockBalancer_MarkAsUnavailable_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("MarkAsUnavailable", ctx, pChannels)}
func (_c *MockBalancer_MarkAsUnavailable_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, pChannels []types.PChannelInfo)) *MockBalancer_MarkAsUnavailable_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
run(args[0].(context.Context), args[1].([]types.PChannelInfo))
return _c
func (_c *MockBalancer_MarkAsUnavailable_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockBalancer_MarkAsUnavailable_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockBalancer_MarkAsUnavailable_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, []types.PChannelInfo) error) *MockBalancer_MarkAsUnavailable_Call {
return _c
// Trigger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (_m *MockBalancer) Trigger(ctx context.Context) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockBalancer_Trigger_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Trigger'
type MockBalancer_Trigger_Call struct {
// Trigger is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - ctx context.Context
func (_e *MockBalancer_Expecter) Trigger(ctx interface{}) *MockBalancer_Trigger_Call {
return &MockBalancer_Trigger_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Trigger", ctx)}
func (_c *MockBalancer_Trigger_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context)) *MockBalancer_Trigger_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockBalancer_Trigger_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockBalancer_Trigger_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockBalancer_Trigger_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context) error) *MockBalancer_Trigger_Call {
return _c
// WatchBalanceResult provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cb
func (_m *MockBalancer) WatchBalanceResult(ctx context.Context, cb func(typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, cb)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, func(typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, cb)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockBalancer_WatchBalanceResult_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'WatchBalanceResult'
type MockBalancer_WatchBalanceResult_Call struct {
// WatchBalanceResult is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - ctx context.Context
// - cb func(typeutil.VersionInt64Pair , []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error
func (_e *MockBalancer_Expecter) WatchBalanceResult(ctx interface{}, cb interface{}) *MockBalancer_WatchBalanceResult_Call {
return &MockBalancer_WatchBalanceResult_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("WatchBalanceResult", ctx, cb)}
func (_c *MockBalancer_WatchBalanceResult_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, cb func(typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error)) *MockBalancer_WatchBalanceResult_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
run(args[0].(context.Context), args[1].(func(typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error))
return _c
func (_c *MockBalancer_WatchBalanceResult_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockBalancer_WatchBalanceResult_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockBalancer_WatchBalanceResult_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, func(typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) error) *MockBalancer_WatchBalanceResult_Call {
return _c
// NewMockBalancer creates a new instance of MockBalancer. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
// The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func NewMockBalancer(t interface {
}) *MockBalancer {
mock := &MockBalancer{}
t.Cleanup(func() { mock.AssertExpectations(t) })
return mock
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
// Code generated by mockery v2.32.4. DO NOT EDIT.
package mock_manager
import (
context "context"
mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
sessionutil "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/util/sessionutil"
types "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/streaming/util/types"
// MockManagerClient is an autogenerated mock type for the ManagerClient type
type MockManagerClient struct {
type MockManagerClient_Expecter struct {
mock *mock.Mock
func (_m *MockManagerClient) EXPECT() *MockManagerClient_Expecter {
return &MockManagerClient_Expecter{mock: &_m.Mock}
// Assign provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, pchannel
func (_m *MockManagerClient) Assign(ctx context.Context, pchannel types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, pchannel)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, pchannel)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockManagerClient_Assign_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Assign'
type MockManagerClient_Assign_Call struct {
// Assign is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - ctx context.Context
// - pchannel types.PChannelInfoAssigned
func (_e *MockManagerClient_Expecter) Assign(ctx interface{}, pchannel interface{}) *MockManagerClient_Assign_Call {
return &MockManagerClient_Assign_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Assign", ctx, pchannel)}
func (_c *MockManagerClient_Assign_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, pchannel types.PChannelInfoAssigned)) *MockManagerClient_Assign_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
run(args[0].(context.Context), args[1].(types.PChannelInfoAssigned))
return _c
func (_c *MockManagerClient_Assign_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockManagerClient_Assign_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockManagerClient_Assign_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) *MockManagerClient_Assign_Call {
return _c
// Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *MockManagerClient) Close() {
// MockManagerClient_Close_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Close'
type MockManagerClient_Close_Call struct {
// Close is a helper method to define mock.On call
func (_e *MockManagerClient_Expecter) Close() *MockManagerClient_Close_Call {
return &MockManagerClient_Close_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Close")}
func (_c *MockManagerClient_Close_Call) Run(run func()) *MockManagerClient_Close_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockManagerClient_Close_Call) Return() *MockManagerClient_Close_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockManagerClient_Close_Call) RunAndReturn(run func()) *MockManagerClient_Close_Call {
return _c
// CollectAllStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (_m *MockManagerClient) CollectAllStatus(ctx context.Context) (map[int64]types.StreamingNodeStatus, error) {
ret := _m.Called(ctx)
var r0 map[int64]types.StreamingNodeStatus
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context) (map[int64]types.StreamingNodeStatus, error)); ok {
return rf(ctx)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context) map[int64]types.StreamingNodeStatus); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(map[int64]types.StreamingNodeStatus)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context) error); ok {
r1 = rf(ctx)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// MockManagerClient_CollectAllStatus_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'CollectAllStatus'
type MockManagerClient_CollectAllStatus_Call struct {
// CollectAllStatus is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - ctx context.Context
func (_e *MockManagerClient_Expecter) CollectAllStatus(ctx interface{}) *MockManagerClient_CollectAllStatus_Call {
return &MockManagerClient_CollectAllStatus_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("CollectAllStatus", ctx)}
func (_c *MockManagerClient_CollectAllStatus_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context)) *MockManagerClient_CollectAllStatus_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockManagerClient_CollectAllStatus_Call) Return(_a0 map[int64]types.StreamingNodeStatus, _a1 error) *MockManagerClient_CollectAllStatus_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1)
return _c
func (_c *MockManagerClient_CollectAllStatus_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context) (map[int64]types.StreamingNodeStatus, error)) *MockManagerClient_CollectAllStatus_Call {
return _c
// Remove provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, pchannel
func (_m *MockManagerClient) Remove(ctx context.Context, pchannel types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, pchannel)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, pchannel)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockManagerClient_Remove_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Remove'
type MockManagerClient_Remove_Call struct {
// Remove is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - ctx context.Context
// - pchannel types.PChannelInfoAssigned
func (_e *MockManagerClient_Expecter) Remove(ctx interface{}, pchannel interface{}) *MockManagerClient_Remove_Call {
return &MockManagerClient_Remove_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Remove", ctx, pchannel)}
func (_c *MockManagerClient_Remove_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, pchannel types.PChannelInfoAssigned)) *MockManagerClient_Remove_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
run(args[0].(context.Context), args[1].(types.PChannelInfoAssigned))
return _c
func (_c *MockManagerClient_Remove_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockManagerClient_Remove_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockManagerClient_Remove_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) *MockManagerClient_Remove_Call {
return _c
// WatchNodeChanged provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (_m *MockManagerClient) WatchNodeChanged(ctx context.Context) <-chan map[int64]*sessionutil.SessionRaw {
ret := _m.Called(ctx)
var r0 <-chan map[int64]*sessionutil.SessionRaw
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context) <-chan map[int64]*sessionutil.SessionRaw); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(<-chan map[int64]*sessionutil.SessionRaw)
return r0
// MockManagerClient_WatchNodeChanged_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'WatchNodeChanged'
type MockManagerClient_WatchNodeChanged_Call struct {
// WatchNodeChanged is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - ctx context.Context
func (_e *MockManagerClient_Expecter) WatchNodeChanged(ctx interface{}) *MockManagerClient_WatchNodeChanged_Call {
return &MockManagerClient_WatchNodeChanged_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("WatchNodeChanged", ctx)}
func (_c *MockManagerClient_WatchNodeChanged_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context)) *MockManagerClient_WatchNodeChanged_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockManagerClient_WatchNodeChanged_Call) Return(_a0 <-chan map[int64]*sessionutil.SessionRaw) *MockManagerClient_WatchNodeChanged_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockManagerClient_WatchNodeChanged_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context) <-chan map[int64]*sessionutil.SessionRaw) *MockManagerClient_WatchNodeChanged_Call {
return _c
// NewMockManagerClient creates a new instance of MockManagerClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
// The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func NewMockManagerClient(t interface {
}) *MockManagerClient {
mock := &MockManagerClient{}
t.Cleanup(func() { mock.AssertExpectations(t) })
return mock
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package milvus.proto.log;
package milvus.proto.streaming;
option go_package = "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/streamingpb";
@ -18,23 +18,144 @@ message MessageID {
// Message is the basic unit of communication between publisher and consumer.
message Message {
bytes payload = 1; // message body
map<string, string> properties = 2; // message properties
bytes payload = 1; // message body
map<string, string> properties = 2; // message properties
// PChannelInfo is the information of a pchannel info.
// PChannelInfo is the information of a pchannel info, should only keep the basic info of a pchannel.
// It's used in many rpc and meta, so keep it simple.
message PChannelInfo {
string name = 1; // channel name
int64 term = 2; // A monotonic increasing term, every time the channel is recovered or moved to another streamingnode, the term will increase by meta server.
string name = 1; // channel name
int64 term =
2; // A monotonic increasing term, every time the channel is recovered or moved to another streamingnode, the term will increase by meta server.
// PChannelMetaHistory is the history meta information of a pchannel, should only keep the data that is necessary to persistent.
message PChannelMetaHistory {
int64 term = 1; // term when server assigned.
StreamingNodeInfo node =
2; // streaming node that the channel is assigned to.
// PChannelMetaState
enum PChannelMetaState {
PCHANNEL_META_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // should never used.
1; // channel is uninitialized, never assgined to any streaming node.
2; // new term is allocated, but not determined to be assgined.
3; // channel is assigned to a streaming node.
4; // channel is unavailable at this term.
// PChannelMeta is the meta information of a pchannel, should only keep the data that is necessary to persistent.
// It's only used in meta, so do not use it in rpc.
message PChannelMeta {
PChannelInfo channel = 1; // keep the meta info that current assigned to.
StreamingNodeInfo node = 2; // nil if channel is not uninitialized.
PChannelMetaState state = 3; // state of the channel.
repeated PChannelMetaHistory histories =
4; // keep the meta info history that used to be assigned to.
// VersionPair is the version pair of global and local.
message VersionPair {
int64 global = 1;
int64 local = 2;
// Milvus Service
service StreamingCoordStateService {
rpc GetComponentStates(milvus.GetComponentStatesRequest)
returns (milvus.ComponentStates) {
service StreamingNodeStateService {
rpc GetComponentStates(milvus.GetComponentStatesRequest)
returns (milvus.ComponentStates) {
// StreamingCoordAssignmentService
// StreamingCoordAssignmentService is the global log management service.
// Server: log coord. Running on every log node.
// Client: all log publish/consuming node.
service StreamingCoordAssignmentService {
// AssignmentDiscover is used to discover all log nodes managed by the streamingcoord.
// Channel assignment information will be pushed to client by stream.
rpc AssignmentDiscover(stream AssignmentDiscoverRequest)
returns (stream AssignmentDiscoverResponse) {
// AssignmentDiscoverRequest is the request of Discovery
message AssignmentDiscoverRequest {
oneof command {
ReportAssignmentErrorRequest report_error =
1; // report streaming error, trigger reassign right now.
CloseAssignmentDiscoverRequest close = 2; // close the stream.
// ReportAssignmentErrorRequest is the request to report assignment error happens.
message ReportAssignmentErrorRequest {
PChannelInfo pchannel = 1; // channel
StreamingError err = 2; // error happend on log node
// CloseAssignmentDiscoverRequest is the request to close the stream.
message CloseAssignmentDiscoverRequest {
// AssignmentDiscoverResponse is the response of Discovery
message AssignmentDiscoverResponse {
oneof response {
FullStreamingNodeAssignmentWithVersion full_assignment =
1; // all assignment info.
// TODO: may be support partial assignment info in future.
CloseAssignmentDiscoverResponse close = 2;
// FullStreamingNodeAssignmentWithVersion is the full assignment info of a log node with version.
message FullStreamingNodeAssignmentWithVersion {
VersionPair version = 1;
repeated StreamingNodeAssignment assignments = 2;
message CloseAssignmentDiscoverResponse {
// StreamingNodeInfo is the information of a streaming node.
message StreamingNodeInfo {
int64 server_id = 1;
string address = 2;
// StreamingNodeAssignment is the assignment info of a streaming node.
message StreamingNodeAssignment {
StreamingNodeInfo node = 1;
repeated PChannelInfo channels = 2;
// DeliverPolicy is the policy to deliver message.
message DeliverPolicy {
oneof policy {
google.protobuf.Empty all = 1; // deliver all messages.
google.protobuf.Empty latest = 2; // deliver the latest message.
MessageID start_from = 3; // deliver message from this message id. [startFrom, ...]
MessageID start_after = 4; // deliver message after this message id. (startAfter, ...]
google.protobuf.Empty all = 1; // deliver all messages.
google.protobuf.Empty latest = 2; // deliver the latest message.
MessageID start_from =
3; // deliver message from this message id. [startFrom, ...]
MessageID start_after =
4; // deliver message after this message id. (startAfter, ...]
@ -49,33 +170,35 @@ message DeliverFilter {
// DeliverFilterTimeTickGT is the filter to deliver message with time tick greater than this value.
message DeliverFilterTimeTickGT {
uint64 time_tick = 1; // deliver message with time tick greater than this value.
uint64 time_tick =
1; // deliver message with time tick greater than this value.
// DeliverFilterTimeTickGTE is the filter to deliver message with time tick greater than or equal to this value.
message DeliverFilterTimeTickGTE {
uint64 time_tick = 1; // deliver message with time tick greater than or equal to this value.
uint64 time_tick =
1; // deliver message with time tick greater than or equal to this value.
// DeliverFilterVChannel is the filter to deliver message with vchannel name.
message DeliverFilterVChannel {
string vchannel = 1; // deliver message with vchannel name.
string vchannel = 1; // deliver message with vchannel name.
// StreamingCode is the error code for log internal component.
enum StreamingCode {
STREAMING_CODE_CHANNEL_EXIST = 1; // channel already exist
STREAMING_CODE_CHANNEL_NOT_EXIST = 2; // channel not exist
STREAMING_CODE_CHANNEL_FENCED = 3; // channel is fenced
STREAMING_CODE_ON_SHUTDOWN = 4; // component is on shutdown
STREAMING_CODE_INVALID_REQUEST_SEQ = 5; // invalid request sequence
STREAMING_CODE_UNMATCHED_CHANNEL_TERM = 6; // unmatched channel term
STREAMING_CODE_IGNORED_OPERATION = 7; // ignored operation
STREAMING_CODE_INNER = 8; // underlying service failure.
STREAMING_CODE_EOF = 9; // end of stream, generated by grpc status.
STREAMING_CODE_INVAILD_ARGUMENT = 10; // invalid argument
STREAMING_CODE_UNKNOWN = 999; // unknown error
STREAMING_CODE_CHANNEL_EXIST = 1; // channel already exist
STREAMING_CODE_CHANNEL_NOT_EXIST = 2; // channel not exist
STREAMING_CODE_CHANNEL_FENCED = 3; // channel is fenced
STREAMING_CODE_ON_SHUTDOWN = 4; // component is on shutdown
STREAMING_CODE_INVALID_REQUEST_SEQ = 5; // invalid request sequence
STREAMING_CODE_UNMATCHED_CHANNEL_TERM = 6; // unmatched channel term
STREAMING_CODE_IGNORED_OPERATION = 7; // ignored operation
STREAMING_CODE_INNER = 8; // underlying service failure.
STREAMING_CODE_EOF = 9; // end of stream, generated by grpc status.
STREAMING_CODE_INVAILD_ARGUMENT = 10; // invalid argument
STREAMING_CODE_UNKNOWN = 999; // unknown error
// StreamingError is the error type for log internal component.
@ -84,7 +207,6 @@ message StreamingError {
string cause = 2;
// StreamingNodeHandlerService
@ -101,7 +223,8 @@ service StreamingNodeHandlerService {
// Error:
// If channel isn't assign to this log node, the RPC will return error CHANNEL_NOT_EXIST.
// If channel is moving away to other log node, the RPC will return error CHANNEL_FENCED.
rpc Produce(stream ProduceRequest) returns (stream ProduceResponse) {};
rpc Produce(stream ProduceRequest) returns (stream ProduceResponse) {
// Consume is a server streaming RPC to receive messages from a channel.
// All message after given startMessageID and excluding will be sent to the client by stream.
@ -109,7 +232,8 @@ service StreamingNodeHandlerService {
// Error:
// If channel isn't assign to this log node, the RPC will return error CHANNEL_NOT_EXIST.
// If channel is moving away to other log node, the RPC will return error CHANNEL_FENCED.
rpc Consume(stream ConsumeRequest) returns (stream ConsumeResponse) {};
rpc Consume(stream ConsumeRequest) returns (stream ConsumeResponse) {
// ProduceRequest is the request of the Produce RPC.
@ -129,8 +253,8 @@ message CreateProducerRequest {
// ProduceMessageRequest is the request of the Produce RPC.
message ProduceMessageRequest {
int64 request_id = 1; // request id for reply.
Message message = 2; // message to be sent.
int64 request_id = 1; // request id for reply.
Message message = 2; // message to be sent.
// CloseProducerRequest is the request of the CloseProducer RPC.
@ -149,8 +273,9 @@ message ProduceResponse {
// CreateProducerResponse is the result of the CreateProducer RPC.
message CreateProducerResponse {
int64 producer_id = 1; // A unique producer id on streamingnode for this producer in streamingnode lifetime.
// Is used to identify the producer in streamingnode for other unary grpc call at producer level.
int64 producer_id =
1; // A unique producer id on streamingnode for this producer in streamingnode lifetime.
// Is used to identify the producer in streamingnode for other unary grpc call at producer level.
message ProduceMessageResponse {
@ -163,7 +288,7 @@ message ProduceMessageResponse {
// ProduceMessageResponseResult is the result of the produce message streaming RPC.
message ProduceMessageResponseResult {
MessageID id = 1; // the offset of the message in the channel
MessageID id = 1; // the offset of the message in the channel
// CloseProducerResponse is the result of the CloseProducer RPC.
@ -187,8 +312,8 @@ message CloseConsumerRequest {
// CreateConsumerRequest is passed in the header of stream.
message CreateConsumerRequest {
PChannelInfo pchannel = 1;
DeliverPolicy deliver_policy = 2; // deliver policy.
repeated DeliverFilter deliver_filters = 3; // deliver filter.
DeliverPolicy deliver_policy = 2; // deliver policy.
repeated DeliverFilter deliver_filters = 3; // deliver filter.
// ConsumeResponse is the reponse of the Consume RPC.
@ -204,8 +329,8 @@ message CreateConsumerResponse {
message ConsumeMessageReponse {
MessageID id = 1; // message id of message.
Message message = 2; // message to be consumed.
MessageID id = 1; // message id of message.
Message message = 2; // message to be consumed.
message CloseConsumerResponse {
@ -223,7 +348,9 @@ service StreamingNodeManagerService {
// Block until the channel assignd is ready to read or write on the log node.
// Error:
// If the channel already exists, return error with code CHANNEL_EXIST.
rpc Assign(StreamingNodeManagerAssignRequest) returns (StreamingNodeManagerAssignResponse) {};
rpc Assign(StreamingNodeManagerAssignRequest)
returns (StreamingNodeManagerAssignResponse) {
// Remove is unary RPC to remove a channel on a log node.
// Data of the channel on flying would be sent or flused as much as possible.
@ -231,12 +358,16 @@ service StreamingNodeManagerService {
// New incoming request of handler of this channel will be rejected with special error.
// Error:
// If the channel does not exist, return error with code CHANNEL_NOT_EXIST.
rpc Remove(StreamingNodeManagerRemoveRequest) returns (StreamingNodeManagerRemoveResponse) {};
rpc Remove(StreamingNodeManagerRemoveRequest)
returns (StreamingNodeManagerRemoveResponse) {
// rpc CollectStatus() ...
// CollectStatus is unary RPC to collect all avaliable channel info and load balance info on a log node.
// Used to recover channel info on log coord, collect balance info and health check.
rpc CollectStatus(StreamingNodeManagerCollectStatusRequest) returns (StreamingNodeManagerCollectStatusResponse) {};
rpc CollectStatus(StreamingNodeManagerCollectStatusRequest)
returns (StreamingNodeManagerCollectStatusResponse) {
// StreamingManagerAssignRequest is the request message of Assign RPC.
@ -251,7 +382,8 @@ message StreamingNodeManagerRemoveRequest {
PChannelInfo pchannel = 1;
message StreamingNodeManagerRemoveResponse {}
message StreamingNodeManagerRemoveResponse {
message StreamingNodeManagerCollectStatusRequest {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package balancer
import (
// newBalanceTimer creates a new balanceTimer
func newBalanceTimer() *balanceTimer {
return &balanceTimer{
backoff: backoff.NewExponentialBackOff(),
newIncomingBackOff: false,
// balanceTimer is a timer for balance operation
type balanceTimer struct {
backoff *backoff.ExponentialBackOff
newIncomingBackOff bool
enableBackoff bool
// EnableBackoffOrNot enables or disables backoff
func (t *balanceTimer) EnableBackoff() {
t.enableBackoff = true
t.newIncomingBackOff = true
// DisableBackoff disables backoff
func (t *balanceTimer) DisableBackoff() {
t.enableBackoff = false
// NextTimer returns the next timer and the duration of the timer
func (t *balanceTimer) NextTimer() (<-chan time.Time, time.Duration) {
if !t.enableBackoff {
balanceInterval := paramtable.Get().StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceTriggerInterval.GetAsDurationByParse()
return time.After(balanceInterval), balanceInterval
if t.newIncomingBackOff {
t.newIncomingBackOff = false
// reconfig backoff
t.backoff.InitialInterval = paramtable.Get().StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceBackoffInitialInterval.GetAsDurationByParse()
t.backoff.Multiplier = paramtable.Get().StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceBackoffMultiplier.GetAsFloat()
t.backoff.MaxInterval = paramtable.Get().StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceTriggerInterval.GetAsDurationByParse()
nextBackoff := t.backoff.NextBackOff()
return time.After(nextBackoff), nextBackoff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package balancer
import (
var _ Balancer = (*balancerImpl)(nil)
// Balancer is a load balancer to balance the load of log node.
// Given the balance result to assign or remove channels to corresponding log node.
// Balancer is a local component, it should promise all channel can be assigned, and reach the final consistency.
// Balancer should be thread safe.
type Balancer interface {
// WatchBalanceResult watches the balance result.
WatchBalanceResult(ctx context.Context, cb func(version typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, relations []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) error
// MarkAsAvailable marks the pchannels as available, and trigger a rebalance.
MarkAsUnavailable(ctx context.Context, pChannels []types.PChannelInfo) error
// Trigger is a hint to trigger a balance.
Trigger(ctx context.Context) error
// Close close the balancer.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
package balancer
import (
// RecoverBalancer recover the balancer working.
func RecoverBalancer(
ctx context.Context,
policy string,
streamingNodeManager manager.ManagerClient,
incomingNewChannel ...string, // Concurrent incoming new channel directly from the configuration.
// we should add a rpc interface for creating new incoming new channel.
) (Balancer, error) {
// Recover the channel view from catalog.
manager, err := channel.RecoverChannelManager(ctx, incomingNewChannel...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "fail to recover channel manager")
b := &balancerImpl{
lifetime: lifetime.NewLifetime(lifetime.Working),
logger: log.With(zap.String("policy", policy)),
streamingNodeManager: streamingNodeManager, // TODO: fill it up.
channelMetaManager: manager,
policy: mustGetPolicy(policy),
reqCh: make(chan *request, 5),
backgroundTaskNotifier: syncutil.NewAsyncTaskNotifier[struct{}](),
go b.execute()
return b, nil
// balancerImpl is a implementation of Balancer.
type balancerImpl struct {
lifetime lifetime.Lifetime[lifetime.State]
logger *log.MLogger
streamingNodeManager manager.ManagerClient
channelMetaManager *channel.ChannelManager
policy Policy // policy is the balance policy, TODO: should be dynamic in future.
reqCh chan *request // reqCh is the request channel, send the operation to background task.
backgroundTaskNotifier *syncutil.AsyncTaskNotifier[struct{}] // backgroundTaskNotifier is used to conmunicate with the background task.
// WatchBalanceResult watches the balance result.
func (b *balancerImpl) WatchBalanceResult(ctx context.Context, cb func(version typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, relations []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) error {
if b.lifetime.Add(lifetime.IsWorking) != nil {
return status.NewOnShutdownError("balancer is closing")
defer b.lifetime.Done()
return b.channelMetaManager.WatchAssignmentResult(ctx, cb)
func (b *balancerImpl) MarkAsUnavailable(ctx context.Context, pChannels []types.PChannelInfo) error {
if b.lifetime.Add(lifetime.IsWorking) != nil {
return status.NewOnShutdownError("balancer is closing")
defer b.lifetime.Done()
return b.sendRequestAndWaitFinish(ctx, newOpMarkAsUnavailable(ctx, pChannels))
// Trigger trigger a re-balance.
func (b *balancerImpl) Trigger(ctx context.Context) error {
if b.lifetime.Add(lifetime.IsWorking) != nil {
return status.NewOnShutdownError("balancer is closing")
defer b.lifetime.Done()
return b.sendRequestAndWaitFinish(ctx, newOpTrigger(ctx))
// sendRequestAndWaitFinish send a request to the background task and wait for it to finish.
func (b *balancerImpl) sendRequestAndWaitFinish(ctx context.Context, newReq *request) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case b.reqCh <- newReq:
return newReq.future.Get()
// Close close the balancer.
func (b *balancerImpl) Close() {
// execute the balancer.
func (b *balancerImpl) execute() {
b.logger.Info("balancer start to execute")
defer func() {
b.logger.Info("balancer execute finished")
balanceTimer := newBalanceTimer()
for {
// Wait for next balance trigger.
// Maybe trigger by timer or by request.
nextTimer, nextBalanceInterval := balanceTimer.NextTimer()
b.logger.Info("balance wait", zap.Duration("nextBalanceInterval", nextBalanceInterval))
select {
case <-b.backgroundTaskNotifier.Context().Done():
case newReq := <-b.reqCh:
case <-nextTimer:
if err := b.balance(b.backgroundTaskNotifier.Context()); err != nil {
if b.backgroundTaskNotifier.Context().Err() != nil {
// balancer is closed.
b.logger.Warn("fail to apply balance, start a backoff...")
b.logger.Info("apply balance success")
// applyAllRequest apply all request in the request channel.
func (b *balancerImpl) applyAllRequest() {
for {
select {
case newReq := <-b.reqCh:
// Trigger a balance of layout.
// Return a nil chan to avoid
// Return a channel to notify the balance trigger again.
func (b *balancerImpl) balance(ctx context.Context) error {
b.logger.Info("start to balance")
pchannelView := b.channelMetaManager.CurrentPChannelsView()
b.logger.Info("collect all status...")
nodeStatus, err := b.streamingNodeManager.CollectAllStatus(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fail to collect all status")
// call the balance strategy to generate the expected layout.
currentLayout := generateCurrentLayout(pchannelView, nodeStatus)
expectedLayout, err := b.policy.Balance(currentLayout)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fail to balance")
b.logger.Info("balance policy generate result success, try to assign...", zap.Any("expectedLayout", expectedLayout))
// bookkeeping the meta assignment started.
modifiedChannels, err := b.channelMetaManager.AssignPChannels(ctx, expectedLayout.ChannelAssignment)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fail to assign pchannels")
if len(modifiedChannels) == 0 {
b.logger.Info("no change of balance result need to be applied")
return nil
return b.applyBalanceResultToStreamingNode(ctx, modifiedChannels)
// applyBalanceResultToStreamingNode apply the balance result to streaming node.
func (b *balancerImpl) applyBalanceResultToStreamingNode(ctx context.Context, modifiedChannels map[string]*channel.PChannelMeta) error {
b.logger.Info("balance result need to be applied...", zap.Int("modifiedChannelCount", len(modifiedChannels)))
// different channel can be execute concurrently.
g, _ := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
// generate balance operations and applied them.
for _, channel := range modifiedChannels {
channel := channel
g.Go(func() error {
// all history channels should be remove from related nodes.
for _, assignment := range channel.AssignHistories() {
if err := b.streamingNodeManager.Remove(ctx, assignment); err != nil {
b.logger.Warn("fail to remove channel", zap.Any("assignment", assignment))
return err
b.logger.Info("remove channel success", zap.Any("assignment", assignment))
// assign the channel to the target node.
if err := b.streamingNodeManager.Assign(ctx, channel.CurrentAssignment()); err != nil {
b.logger.Warn("fail to assign channel", zap.Any("assignment", channel.CurrentAssignment()))
return err
b.logger.Info("assign channel success", zap.Any("assignment", channel.CurrentAssignment()))
// bookkeeping the meta assignment done.
if err := b.channelMetaManager.AssignPChannelsDone(ctx, []string{channel.Name()}); err != nil {
b.logger.Warn("fail to bookkeep pchannel assignment done", zap.Any("assignment", channel.CurrentAssignment()))
return err
return nil
return g.Wait()
// generateCurrentLayout generate layout from all nodes info and meta.
func generateCurrentLayout(channelsInMeta map[string]*channel.PChannelMeta, allNodesStatus map[int64]types.StreamingNodeStatus) (layout CurrentLayout) {
activeRelations := make(map[int64][]types.PChannelInfo, len(allNodesStatus))
incomingChannels := make([]string, 0)
channelsToNodes := make(map[string]int64, len(channelsInMeta))
assigned := make(map[int64][]types.PChannelInfo, len(allNodesStatus))
for _, meta := range channelsInMeta {
if !meta.IsAssigned() {
incomingChannels = append(incomingChannels, meta.Name())
// dead or expired relationship.
log.Warn("channel is not assigned to any server",
zap.String("channel", meta.Name()),
zap.Int64("term", meta.CurrentTerm()),
zap.Int64("serverID", meta.CurrentServerID()),
zap.String("state", meta.State().String()),
if nodeStatus, ok := allNodesStatus[meta.CurrentServerID()]; ok && nodeStatus.IsHealthy() {
// active relationship.
activeRelations[meta.CurrentServerID()] = append(activeRelations[meta.CurrentServerID()], types.PChannelInfo{
Name: meta.Name(),
Term: meta.CurrentTerm(),
channelsToNodes[meta.Name()] = meta.CurrentServerID()
assigned[meta.CurrentServerID()] = append(assigned[meta.CurrentServerID()], meta.ChannelInfo())
} else {
incomingChannels = append(incomingChannels, meta.Name())
// dead or expired relationship.
log.Warn("channel of current server id is not healthy or not alive",
zap.String("channel", meta.Name()),
zap.Int64("term", meta.CurrentTerm()),
zap.Int64("serverID", meta.CurrentServerID()),
allNodesInfo := make(map[int64]types.StreamingNodeInfo, len(allNodesStatus))
for serverID, nodeStatus := range allNodesStatus {
// filter out the unhealthy nodes.
if nodeStatus.IsHealthy() {
allNodesInfo[serverID] = nodeStatus.StreamingNodeInfo
return CurrentLayout{
IncomingChannels: incomingChannels,
ChannelsToNodes: channelsToNodes,
AssignedChannels: assigned,
AllNodesInfo: allNodesInfo,
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package balancer_test
import (
_ "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/streamingcoord/server/balancer/policy"
func TestBalancer(t *testing.T) {
streamingNodeManager := mock_manager.NewMockManagerClient(t)
streamingNodeManager.EXPECT().Assign(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
streamingNodeManager.EXPECT().Remove(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
1: {
StreamingNodeInfo: types.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerID: 1,
Address: "localhost:1",
2: {
StreamingNodeInfo: types.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerID: 2,
Address: "localhost:2",
3: {
StreamingNodeInfo: types.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerID: 3,
Address: "localhost:3",
4: {
StreamingNodeInfo: types.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerID: 3,
Address: "localhost:3",
Err: types.ErrStopping,
}, nil)
catalog := mock_metastore.NewMockStreamingCoordCataLog(t)
catalog.EXPECT().ListPChannel(mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context) ([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, error) {
return []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta{
Channel: &streamingpb.PChannelInfo{
Name: "test-channel-1",
Term: 1,
State: streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNED,
Node: &streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo{ServerId: 1},
Channel: &streamingpb.PChannelInfo{
Name: "test-channel-2",
Term: 1,
State: streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNED,
Node: &streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo{ServerId: 4},
Channel: &streamingpb.PChannelInfo{
Name: "test-channel-3",
Term: 2,
State: streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNING,
Node: &streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo{ServerId: 2},
}, nil
catalog.EXPECT().SavePChannels(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Maybe()
ctx := context.Background()
b, err := balancer.RecoverBalancer(ctx, "pchannel_count_fair", streamingNodeManager)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, b)
defer b.Close()
b.MarkAsUnavailable(ctx, []types.PChannelInfo{{
Name: "test-channel-1",
Term: 1,
doneErr := errors.New("done")
err = b.WatchBalanceResult(ctx, func(version typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, relations []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error {
// should one pchannel be assigned to per nodes
nodeIDs := typeutil.NewSet[int64]()
if len(relations) == 3 {
for _, status := range relations {
assert.Equal(t, 3, nodeIDs.Len())
return doneErr
return nil
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, doneErr)
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
package channel
import (
var ErrChannelNotExist = errors.New("channel not exist")
// RecoverChannelManager creates a new channel manager.
func RecoverChannelManager(ctx context.Context, incomingChannel ...string) (*ChannelManager, error) {
channels, err := recoverFromConfigurationAndMeta(ctx, incomingChannel...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
globalVersion := paramtable.GetNodeID()
return &ChannelManager{
cond: syncutil.NewContextCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
channels: channels,
version: typeutil.VersionInt64Pair{
Global: globalVersion, // global version should be keep increasing globally, it's ok to use node id.
Local: 0,
}, nil
// recoverFromConfigurationAndMeta recovers the channel manager from configuration and meta.
func recoverFromConfigurationAndMeta(ctx context.Context, incomingChannel ...string) (map[string]*PChannelMeta, error) {
// Get all channels from meta.
channelMetas, err := resource.Resource().StreamingCatalog().ListPChannel(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
channels := make(map[string]*PChannelMeta, len(channelMetas))
for _, channel := range channelMetas {
channels[channel.GetChannel().GetName()] = newPChannelMetaFromProto(channel)
// Get new incoming meta from configuration.
for _, newChannel := range incomingChannel {
if _, ok := channels[newChannel]; !ok {
channels[newChannel] = newPChannelMeta(newChannel)
return channels, nil
// ChannelManager manages the channels.
// ChannelManager is the `wal` of channel assignment and unassignment.
// Every operation applied to the streaming node should be recorded in ChannelManager first.
type ChannelManager struct {
cond *syncutil.ContextCond
channels map[string]*PChannelMeta
version typeutil.VersionInt64Pair
// CurrentPChannelsView returns the current view of pchannels.
func (cm *ChannelManager) CurrentPChannelsView() map[string]*PChannelMeta {
defer cm.cond.L.Unlock()
channels := make(map[string]*PChannelMeta, len(cm.channels))
for k, v := range cm.channels {
channels[k] = v
return channels
// AssignPChannels update the pchannels to servers and return the modified pchannels.
// When the balancer want to assign a pchannel into a new server.
// It should always call this function to update the pchannel assignment first.
// Otherwise, the pchannel assignment tracing is lost at meta.
func (cm *ChannelManager) AssignPChannels(ctx context.Context, pChannelToStreamingNode map[string]types.StreamingNodeInfo) (map[string]*PChannelMeta, error) {
defer cm.cond.L.Unlock()
// modified channels.
pChannelMetas := make([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, 0, len(pChannelToStreamingNode))
for channelName, streamingNode := range pChannelToStreamingNode {
pchannel, ok := cm.channels[channelName]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChannelNotExist
mutablePchannel := pchannel.CopyForWrite()
if mutablePchannel.TryAssignToServerID(streamingNode) {
pChannelMetas = append(pChannelMetas, mutablePchannel.IntoRawMeta())
err := cm.updatePChannelMeta(ctx, pChannelMetas)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
updates := make(map[string]*PChannelMeta, len(pChannelMetas))
for _, pchannel := range pChannelMetas {
updates[pchannel.GetChannel().GetName()] = newPChannelMetaFromProto(pchannel)
return updates, nil
// AssignPChannelsDone clear up the history data of the pchannels and transfer the state into assigned.
// When the balancer want to cleanup the history data of a pchannel.
// It should always remove the pchannel on the server first.
// Otherwise, the pchannel assignment tracing is lost at meta.
func (cm *ChannelManager) AssignPChannelsDone(ctx context.Context, pChannels []string) error {
defer cm.cond.L.Unlock()
// modified channels.
pChannelMetas := make([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, 0, len(pChannels))
for _, channelName := range pChannels {
pchannel, ok := cm.channels[channelName]
if !ok {
return ErrChannelNotExist
mutablePChannel := pchannel.CopyForWrite()
pChannelMetas = append(pChannelMetas, mutablePChannel.IntoRawMeta())
return cm.updatePChannelMeta(ctx, pChannelMetas)
// MarkAsUnavailable mark the pchannels as unavailable.
func (cm *ChannelManager) MarkAsUnavailable(ctx context.Context, pChannels []types.PChannelInfo) error {
defer cm.cond.L.Unlock()
// modified channels.
pChannelMetas := make([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, 0, len(pChannels))
for _, channel := range pChannels {
pchannel, ok := cm.channels[channel.Name]
if !ok {
return ErrChannelNotExist
mutablePChannel := pchannel.CopyForWrite()
pChannelMetas = append(pChannelMetas, mutablePChannel.IntoRawMeta())
return cm.updatePChannelMeta(ctx, pChannelMetas)
// updatePChannelMeta updates the pchannel metas.
func (cm *ChannelManager) updatePChannelMeta(ctx context.Context, pChannelMetas []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta) error {
if len(pChannelMetas) == 0 {
return nil
if err := resource.Resource().StreamingCatalog().SavePChannels(ctx, pChannelMetas); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "update meta at catalog")
// update in-memory copy and increase the version.
for _, pchannel := range pChannelMetas {
cm.channels[pchannel.GetChannel().GetName()] = newPChannelMetaFromProto(pchannel)
// update metrics.
return nil
func (cm *ChannelManager) WatchAssignmentResult(ctx context.Context, cb func(version typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, assignments []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) error {
// push the first balance result to watcher callback function if balance result is ready.
version, err := cm.applyAssignments(cb)
if err != nil {
return err
for {
// wait for version change, and apply the latest assignment to callback.
if err := cm.waitChanges(ctx, version); err != nil {
return err
if version, err = cm.applyAssignments(cb); err != nil {
return err
// applyAssignments applies the assignments.
func (cm *ChannelManager) applyAssignments(cb func(version typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, assignments []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) (typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, error) {
assignments, version := cm.getAssignments()
return version, cb(version, assignments)
// getAssignments returns the current assignments.
func (cm *ChannelManager) getAssignments() ([]types.PChannelInfoAssigned, typeutil.VersionInt64Pair) {
assignments := make([]types.PChannelInfoAssigned, 0, len(cm.channels))
for _, c := range cm.channels {
if c.IsAssigned() {
assignments = append(assignments, c.CurrentAssignment())
return assignments, cm.version
// waitChanges waits for the layout to be updated.
func (cm *ChannelManager) waitChanges(ctx context.Context, version typeutil.Version) error {
for version.EQ(cm.version) {
if err := cm.cond.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
package channel
import (
func TestChannelManager(t *testing.T) {
catalog := mock_metastore.NewMockStreamingCoordCataLog(t)
ctx := context.Background()
// Test recover failure.
catalog.EXPECT().ListPChannel(mock.Anything).Return(nil, errors.New("recover failure"))
m, err := RecoverChannelManager(ctx)
assert.Nil(t, m)
assert.Error(t, err)
catalog.EXPECT().ListPChannel(mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context) ([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, error) {
return []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta{
Channel: &streamingpb.PChannelInfo{
Name: "test-channel",
Term: 1,
Node: &streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerId: 1,
}, nil
m, err = RecoverChannelManager(ctx)
assert.NotNil(t, m)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Test save meta failure
catalog.EXPECT().SavePChannels(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(errors.New("save meta failure"))
modified, err := m.AssignPChannels(ctx, map[string]types.StreamingNodeInfo{"test-channel": {ServerID: 2}})
assert.Nil(t, modified)
assert.Error(t, err)
err = m.AssignPChannelsDone(ctx, []string{"test-channel"})
assert.Error(t, err)
err = m.MarkAsUnavailable(ctx, []types.PChannelInfo{{
Name: "test-channel",
Term: 2,
assert.Error(t, err)
// Test update non exist pchannel
modified, err = m.AssignPChannels(ctx, map[string]types.StreamingNodeInfo{"non-exist-channel": {ServerID: 2}})
assert.Nil(t, modified)
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, ErrChannelNotExist)
err = m.AssignPChannelsDone(ctx, []string{"non-exist-channel"})
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, ErrChannelNotExist)
err = m.MarkAsUnavailable(ctx, []types.PChannelInfo{{
Name: "non-exist-channel",
Term: 2,
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, ErrChannelNotExist)
// Test success.
catalog.EXPECT().SavePChannels(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Unset()
catalog.EXPECT().SavePChannels(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
modified, err = m.AssignPChannels(ctx, map[string]types.StreamingNodeInfo{"test-channel": {ServerID: 2}})
assert.NotNil(t, modified)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, modified, 1)
err = m.AssignPChannelsDone(ctx, []string{"test-channel"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = m.MarkAsUnavailable(ctx, []types.PChannelInfo{{
Name: "test-channel",
Term: 2,
assert.NoError(t, err)
view := m.CurrentPChannelsView()
assert.NotNil(t, view)
assert.Len(t, view, 1)
assert.NotNil(t, view["test-channel"])
func TestChannelManagerWatch(t *testing.T) {
catalog := mock_metastore.NewMockStreamingCoordCataLog(t)
catalog.EXPECT().ListPChannel(mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context) ([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, error) {
return []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta{
Channel: &streamingpb.PChannelInfo{
Name: "test-channel",
Term: 1,
Node: &streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerId: 1,
State: streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNED,
}, nil
catalog.EXPECT().SavePChannels(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
manager, err := RecoverChannelManager(context.Background())
assert.NoError(t, err)
done := make(chan struct{})
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
called := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
defer close(done)
err := manager.WatchAssignmentResult(ctx, func(version typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, assignments []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error {
select {
case called <- struct{}{}:
return nil
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, context.Canceled)
manager.AssignPChannels(ctx, map[string]types.StreamingNodeInfo{"test-channel": {ServerID: 2}})
manager.AssignPChannelsDone(ctx, []string{"test-channel"})
manager.MarkAsUnavailable(ctx, []types.PChannelInfo{{
Name: "test-channel",
Term: 2,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
package channel
import (
// newPChannelMeta creates a new PChannelMeta.
func newPChannelMeta(name string) *PChannelMeta {
return &PChannelMeta{
inner: &streamingpb.PChannelMeta{
Channel: &streamingpb.PChannelInfo{
Name: name,
Term: 1,
Node: nil,
State: streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_UNINITIALIZED,
Histories: make([]*streamingpb.PChannelMetaHistory, 0),
// newPChannelMetaFromProto creates a new PChannelMeta from proto.
func newPChannelMetaFromProto(channel *streamingpb.PChannelMeta) *PChannelMeta {
return &PChannelMeta{
inner: channel,
// PChannelMeta is the read only version of PChannelInfo, to be used in balancer,
// If you need to update PChannelMeta, please use CopyForWrite to get mutablePChannel.
type PChannelMeta struct {
inner *streamingpb.PChannelMeta
// Name returns the name of the channel.
func (c *PChannelMeta) Name() string {
return c.inner.GetChannel().GetName()
// ChannelInfo returns the channel info.
func (c *PChannelMeta) ChannelInfo() types.PChannelInfo {
return typeconverter.NewPChannelInfoFromProto(c.inner.Channel)
// Term returns the current term of the channel.
func (c *PChannelMeta) CurrentTerm() int64 {
return c.inner.GetChannel().GetTerm()
// CurrentServerID returns the server id of the channel.
// If the channel is not assigned to any server, return -1.
func (c *PChannelMeta) CurrentServerID() int64 {
return c.inner.GetNode().GetServerId()
// CurrentAssignment returns the current assignment of the channel.
func (c *PChannelMeta) CurrentAssignment() types.PChannelInfoAssigned {
return types.PChannelInfoAssigned{
Channel: typeconverter.NewPChannelInfoFromProto(c.inner.Channel),
Node: typeconverter.NewStreamingNodeInfoFromProto(c.inner.Node),
// AssignHistories returns the history of the channel assignment.
func (c *PChannelMeta) AssignHistories() []types.PChannelInfoAssigned {
history := make([]types.PChannelInfoAssigned, 0, len(c.inner.Histories))
for _, h := range c.inner.Histories {
history = append(history, types.PChannelInfoAssigned{
Channel: types.PChannelInfo{
Name: c.inner.GetChannel().GetName(),
Term: h.Term,
Node: typeconverter.NewStreamingNodeInfoFromProto(h.Node),
return history
// IsAssigned returns if the channel is assigned to a server.
func (c *PChannelMeta) IsAssigned() bool {
return c.inner.State == streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNED
// State returns the state of the channel.
func (c *PChannelMeta) State() streamingpb.PChannelMetaState {
return c.inner.State
// CopyForWrite returns mutablePChannel to modify pchannel
// but didn't affect other replicas.
func (c *PChannelMeta) CopyForWrite() *mutablePChannel {
return &mutablePChannel{
PChannelMeta: &PChannelMeta{
inner: proto.Clone(c.inner).(*streamingpb.PChannelMeta),
// mutablePChannel is a mutable version of PChannel.
// use to update the channel info.
type mutablePChannel struct {
// TryAssignToServerID assigns the channel to a server.
func (m *mutablePChannel) TryAssignToServerID(streamingNode types.StreamingNodeInfo) bool {
if m.CurrentServerID() == streamingNode.ServerID && m.inner.State == streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNED {
// if the channel is already assigned to the server, return false.
return false
if m.inner.State != streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_UNINITIALIZED {
// if the channel is already initialized, add the history.
m.inner.Histories = append(m.inner.Histories, &streamingpb.PChannelMetaHistory{
Term: m.inner.Channel.Term,
Node: m.inner.Node,
// otherwise update the channel into assgining state.
m.inner.Node = typeconverter.NewProtoFromStreamingNodeInfo(streamingNode)
m.inner.State = streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNING
return true
// AssignToServerDone assigns the channel to the server done.
func (m *mutablePChannel) AssignToServerDone() {
if m.inner.State == streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNING {
m.inner.Histories = make([]*streamingpb.PChannelMetaHistory, 0)
m.inner.State = streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNED
// MarkAsUnavailable marks the channel as unavailable.
func (m *mutablePChannel) MarkAsUnavailable(term int64) {
if m.inner.State == streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNED && m.CurrentTerm() == term {
m.inner.State = streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_UNAVAILABLE
// IntoRawMeta returns the raw meta, no longger available after call.
func (m *mutablePChannel) IntoRawMeta() *streamingpb.PChannelMeta {
c := m.PChannelMeta
m.PChannelMeta = nil
return c.inner
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package channel
import (
func TestPChannel(t *testing.T) {
pchannel := newPChannelMetaFromProto(&streamingpb.PChannelMeta{
Channel: &streamingpb.PChannelInfo{
Name: "test-channel",
Term: 1,
Node: &streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerId: 123,
State: streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_UNINITIALIZED,
assert.Equal(t, "test-channel", pchannel.Name())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), pchannel.CurrentTerm())
assert.Equal(t, int64(123), pchannel.CurrentServerID())
assert.Equal(t, streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_UNINITIALIZED, pchannel.State())
assert.False(t, pchannel.IsAssigned())
assert.Empty(t, pchannel.AssignHistories())
assert.Equal(t, types.PChannelInfoAssigned{
Channel: types.PChannelInfo{
Name: "test-channel",
Term: 1,
Node: types.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerID: 123,
}, pchannel.CurrentAssignment())
pchannel = newPChannelMeta("test-channel")
assert.Equal(t, "test-channel", pchannel.Name())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), pchannel.CurrentTerm())
assert.Empty(t, pchannel.AssignHistories())
assert.False(t, pchannel.IsAssigned())
// Test CopyForWrite()
mutablePChannel := pchannel.CopyForWrite()
assert.NotNil(t, mutablePChannel)
// Test AssignToServerID()
newServerID := types.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerID: 456,
assert.True(t, mutablePChannel.TryAssignToServerID(newServerID))
updatedChannelInfo := newPChannelMetaFromProto(mutablePChannel.IntoRawMeta())
assert.Equal(t, "test-channel", pchannel.Name())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), pchannel.CurrentTerm())
assert.Empty(t, pchannel.AssignHistories())
assert.Equal(t, "test-channel", updatedChannelInfo.Name())
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), updatedChannelInfo.CurrentTerm())
assert.Equal(t, int64(456), updatedChannelInfo.CurrentServerID())
assert.Empty(t, pchannel.AssignHistories())
assert.False(t, updatedChannelInfo.IsAssigned())
assert.Equal(t, streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNING, updatedChannelInfo.State())
mutablePChannel = updatedChannelInfo.CopyForWrite()
mutablePChannel.TryAssignToServerID(types.StreamingNodeInfo{ServerID: 789})
updatedChannelInfo = newPChannelMetaFromProto(mutablePChannel.IntoRawMeta())
assert.Equal(t, "test-channel", updatedChannelInfo.Name())
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), updatedChannelInfo.CurrentTerm())
assert.Equal(t, int64(789), updatedChannelInfo.CurrentServerID())
assert.Len(t, updatedChannelInfo.AssignHistories(), 1)
assert.Equal(t, "test-channel", updatedChannelInfo.AssignHistories()[0].Channel.Name)
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), updatedChannelInfo.AssignHistories()[0].Channel.Term)
assert.Equal(t, int64(456), updatedChannelInfo.AssignHistories()[0].Node.ServerID)
assert.False(t, updatedChannelInfo.IsAssigned())
assert.Equal(t, streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNING, updatedChannelInfo.State())
// Test AssignToServerDone
mutablePChannel = updatedChannelInfo.CopyForWrite()
updatedChannelInfo = newPChannelMetaFromProto(mutablePChannel.IntoRawMeta())
assert.Equal(t, "test-channel", updatedChannelInfo.Name())
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), updatedChannelInfo.CurrentTerm())
assert.Equal(t, int64(789), updatedChannelInfo.CurrentServerID())
assert.Len(t, updatedChannelInfo.AssignHistories(), 0)
assert.True(t, updatedChannelInfo.IsAssigned())
assert.Equal(t, streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_ASSIGNED, updatedChannelInfo.State())
// Test reassigned
mutablePChannel = updatedChannelInfo.CopyForWrite()
assert.False(t, mutablePChannel.TryAssignToServerID(types.StreamingNodeInfo{ServerID: 789}))
// Test MarkAsUnavailable
mutablePChannel = updatedChannelInfo.CopyForWrite()
updatedChannelInfo = newPChannelMetaFromProto(mutablePChannel.IntoRawMeta())
assert.True(t, updatedChannelInfo.IsAssigned())
mutablePChannel = updatedChannelInfo.CopyForWrite()
updatedChannelInfo = newPChannelMetaFromProto(mutablePChannel.IntoRawMeta())
assert.False(t, updatedChannelInfo.IsAssigned())
assert.Equal(t, streamingpb.PChannelMetaState_PCHANNEL_META_STATE_UNAVAILABLE, updatedChannelInfo.State())
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package policy
import "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/streamingcoord/server/balancer"
func init() {
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package policy
import (
var _ balancer.Policy = &pchannelCountFairPolicy{}
// pchannelCountFairPolicy is a policy to balance the load of log node by channel count.
// Make sure the channel count of each streaming node is equal or differ by 1.
type pchannelCountFairPolicy struct{}
func (p *pchannelCountFairPolicy) Name() string {
return "pchannel_count_fair"
func (p *pchannelCountFairPolicy) Balance(currentLayout balancer.CurrentLayout) (expectedLayout balancer.ExpectedLayout, err error) {
if currentLayout.TotalNodes() == 0 {
return balancer.ExpectedLayout{}, errors.New("no available streaming node")
// Get the average and remaining channel count of all streaming node.
avgChannelCount := currentLayout.TotalChannels() / currentLayout.TotalNodes()
remainingChannelCount := currentLayout.TotalChannels() % currentLayout.TotalNodes()
assignments := make(map[string]types.StreamingNodeInfo, currentLayout.TotalChannels())
nodesChannelCount := make(map[int64]int, currentLayout.TotalNodes())
needAssignChannel := currentLayout.IncomingChannels
// keep the channel already on the node.
for serverID, nodeInfo := range currentLayout.AllNodesInfo {
nodesChannelCount[serverID] = 0
for i, channelInfo := range currentLayout.AssignedChannels[serverID] {
if i < avgChannelCount {
assignments[channelInfo.Name] = nodeInfo
} else if i == avgChannelCount && remainingChannelCount > 0 {
assignments[channelInfo.Name] = nodeInfo
} else {
needAssignChannel = append(needAssignChannel, channelInfo.Name)
// assign the incoming node to the node with least channel count.
for serverID, assignedChannelCount := range nodesChannelCount {
assignCount := 0
if assignedChannelCount < avgChannelCount {
assignCount = avgChannelCount - assignedChannelCount
} else if assignedChannelCount == avgChannelCount && remainingChannelCount > 0 {
assignCount = 1
for i := 0; i < assignCount; i++ {
assignments[needAssignChannel[i]] = currentLayout.AllNodesInfo[serverID]
needAssignChannel = needAssignChannel[assignCount:]
return balancer.ExpectedLayout{
ChannelAssignment: assignments,
}, nil
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
package policy
import (
func TestPChannelCountFair(t *testing.T) {
policy := &pchannelCountFairPolicy{}
assert.Equal(t, "pchannel_count_fair", policy.Name())
expected, err := policy.Balance(balancer.CurrentLayout{
IncomingChannels: []string{
AllNodesInfo: map[int64]types.StreamingNodeInfo{
1: {ServerID: 1},
2: {ServerID: 2},
3: {ServerID: 3},
AssignedChannels: map[int64][]types.PChannelInfo{
1: {},
2: {
{Name: "c1"},
{Name: "c3"},
{Name: "c4"},
3: {
{Name: "c2"},
{Name: "c5"},
{Name: "c6"},
{Name: "c7"},
ChannelsToNodes: map[string]int64{
"c1": 2,
"c3": 2,
"c4": 2,
"c2": 3,
"c5": 3,
"c6": 3,
"c7": 3,
assert.Equal(t, 10, len(expected.ChannelAssignment))
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), expected.ChannelAssignment["c1"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), expected.ChannelAssignment["c3"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), expected.ChannelAssignment["c4"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), expected.ChannelAssignment["c2"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), expected.ChannelAssignment["c5"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), expected.ChannelAssignment["c6"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), expected.ChannelAssignment["c7"].ServerID)
counts := countByServerID(expected)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(counts))
for _, count := range counts {
assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, count, 3)
assert.LessOrEqual(t, count, 4)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "pchannel_count_fair", policy.Name())
expected, err = policy.Balance(balancer.CurrentLayout{
IncomingChannels: []string{
AllNodesInfo: map[int64]types.StreamingNodeInfo{
1: {ServerID: 1},
2: {ServerID: 2},
3: {ServerID: 3},
AssignedChannels: map[int64][]types.PChannelInfo{
1: {},
2: {
{Name: "c1"},
{Name: "c4"},
3: {
{Name: "c2"},
{Name: "c3"},
{Name: "c5"},
{Name: "c6"},
{Name: "c7"},
ChannelsToNodes: map[string]int64{
"c1": 2,
"c3": 3,
"c4": 2,
"c2": 3,
"c5": 3,
"c6": 3,
"c7": 3,
assert.Equal(t, 10, len(expected.ChannelAssignment))
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), expected.ChannelAssignment["c1"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), expected.ChannelAssignment["c4"].ServerID)
counts = countByServerID(expected)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(counts))
for _, count := range counts {
assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, count, 3)
assert.LessOrEqual(t, count, 4)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "pchannel_count_fair", policy.Name())
expected, err = policy.Balance(balancer.CurrentLayout{
IncomingChannels: []string{
AllNodesInfo: map[int64]types.StreamingNodeInfo{
1: {ServerID: 1},
2: {ServerID: 2},
3: {ServerID: 3},
AssignedChannels: map[int64][]types.PChannelInfo{
1: {
{Name: "c1"},
{Name: "c2"},
{Name: "c3"},
2: {
{Name: "c4"},
{Name: "c5"},
{Name: "c6"},
3: {
{Name: "c7"},
{Name: "c8"},
{Name: "c9"},
ChannelsToNodes: map[string]int64{
"c1": 1,
"c2": 1,
"c3": 1,
"c4": 2,
"c5": 2,
"c6": 2,
"c7": 3,
"c8": 3,
"c9": 3,
assert.Equal(t, 10, len(expected.ChannelAssignment))
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), expected.ChannelAssignment["c1"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), expected.ChannelAssignment["c2"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), expected.ChannelAssignment["c3"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), expected.ChannelAssignment["c4"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), expected.ChannelAssignment["c5"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), expected.ChannelAssignment["c6"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), expected.ChannelAssignment["c7"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), expected.ChannelAssignment["c8"].ServerID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), expected.ChannelAssignment["c9"].ServerID)
counts = countByServerID(expected)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(counts))
for _, count := range counts {
assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, count, 3)
assert.LessOrEqual(t, count, 4)
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, err = policy.Balance(balancer.CurrentLayout{})
assert.Error(t, err)
func countByServerID(expected balancer.ExpectedLayout) map[int64]int {
counts := make(map[int64]int)
for _, node := range expected.ChannelAssignment {
return counts
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package balancer
import (
// policies is a map of registered balancer policies.
var policies typeutil.ConcurrentMap[string, Policy]
// CurrentLayout is the full topology of streaming node and pChannel.
type CurrentLayout struct {
IncomingChannels []string // IncomingChannels is the channels that are waiting for assignment (not assigned in AllNodesInfo).
AllNodesInfo map[int64]types.StreamingNodeInfo // AllNodesInfo is the full information of all available streaming nodes and related pchannels (contain the node not assign anything on it).
AssignedChannels map[int64][]types.PChannelInfo // AssignedChannels maps the node id to assigned channels.
ChannelsToNodes map[string]int64 // ChannelsToNodes maps assigned channel name to node id.
// TotalChannels returns the total number of channels in the layout.
func (layout *CurrentLayout) TotalChannels() int {
return len(layout.IncomingChannels) + len(layout.ChannelsToNodes)
// TotalNodes returns the total number of nodes in the layout.
func (layout *CurrentLayout) TotalNodes() int {
return len(layout.AllNodesInfo)
// ExpectedLayout is the expected layout of streaming node and pChannel.
type ExpectedLayout struct {
ChannelAssignment map[string]types.StreamingNodeInfo // ChannelAssignment is the assignment of channel to node.
// Policy is a interface to define the policy of rebalance.
type Policy interface {
// Name is the name of the policy.
Name() string
// Balance is a function to balance the load of streaming node.
// 1. all channel should be assigned.
// 2. incoming layout should not be changed.
// 3. return a expected layout.
// 4. otherwise, error must be returned.
// return a map of channel to a list of balance operation.
// All balance operation in a list will be executed in order.
// different channel's balance operation can be executed concurrently.
Balance(currentLayout CurrentLayout) (expectedLayout ExpectedLayout, err error)
// RegisterPolicy registers balancer policy.
func RegisterPolicy(p Policy) {
_, loaded := policies.GetOrInsert(p.Name(), p)
if loaded {
panic("policy already registered: " + p.Name())
// mustGetPolicy returns the walimpls builder by name.
func mustGetPolicy(name string) Policy {
b, ok := policies.Get(name)
if !ok {
panic("policy not found: " + name)
return b
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package balancer
import (
// request is a operation request.
type request struct {
ctx context.Context
apply requestApply
future *syncutil.Future[error]
// requestApply is a request operation to be executed.
type requestApply func(impl *balancerImpl)
// newOpMarkAsUnavailable is a operation to mark some channels as unavailable.
func newOpMarkAsUnavailable(ctx context.Context, pChannels []types.PChannelInfo) *request {
future := syncutil.NewFuture[error]()
return &request{
ctx: ctx,
apply: func(impl *balancerImpl) {
future.Set(impl.channelMetaManager.MarkAsUnavailable(ctx, pChannels))
future: future,
// newOpTrigger is a operation to trigger a re-balance operation.
func newOpTrigger(ctx context.Context) *request {
future := syncutil.NewFuture[error]()
return &request{
ctx: ctx,
apply: func(impl *balancerImpl) {
future: future,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package resource
import (
clientv3 "go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3"
var r *resourceImpl // singleton resource instance
// optResourceInit is the option to initialize the resource.
type optResourceInit func(r *resourceImpl)
// OptETCD provides the etcd client to the resource.
func OptETCD(etcd *clientv3.Client) optResourceInit {
return func(r *resourceImpl) {
r.etcdClient = etcd
// OptStreamingCatalog provides streaming catalog to the resource.
func OptStreamingCatalog(catalog metastore.StreamingCoordCataLog) optResourceInit {
return func(r *resourceImpl) {
r.streamingCatalog = catalog
// Init initializes the singleton of resources.
// Should be call when streaming node startup.
func Init(opts ...optResourceInit) {
r = &resourceImpl{}
for _, opt := range opts {
// Resource access the underlying singleton of resources.
func Resource() *resourceImpl {
return r
// resourceImpl is a basic resource dependency for streamingnode server.
// All utility on it is concurrent-safe and singleton.
type resourceImpl struct {
etcdClient *clientv3.Client
streamingCatalog metastore.StreamingCoordCataLog
// StreamingCatalog returns the StreamingCatalog client.
func (r *resourceImpl) StreamingCatalog() metastore.StreamingCoordCataLog {
return r.streamingCatalog
// ETCD returns the etcd client.
func (r *resourceImpl) ETCD() *clientv3.Client {
return r.etcdClient
// assertNotNil panics if the resource is nil.
func assertNotNil(v interface{}) {
if v == nil {
panic("nil resource")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package resource
import (
clientv3 "go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3"
func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
assert.Panics(t, func() {
assert.Panics(t, func() {
assert.Panics(t, func() {
Init(OptETCD(&clientv3.Client{}), OptStreamingCatalog(
assert.NotNil(t, Resource().StreamingCatalog())
assert.NotNil(t, Resource().ETCD())
func TestInitForTest(t *testing.T) {
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
//go:build test
// +build test
package resource
// InitForTest initializes the singleton of resources for test.
func InitForTest(opts ...optResourceInit) {
r = &resourceImpl{}
for _, opt := range opts {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package service
import (
var _ streamingpb.StreamingCoordAssignmentServiceServer = (*assignmentServiceImpl)(nil)
// NewAssignmentService returns a new assignment service.
func NewAssignmentService(
balancer balancer.Balancer,
) streamingpb.StreamingCoordAssignmentServiceServer {
return &assignmentServiceImpl{
balancer: balancer,
type AssignmentService interface {
// assignmentServiceImpl is the implementation of the assignment service.
type assignmentServiceImpl struct {
balancer balancer.Balancer
// AssignmentDiscover watches the state of all log nodes.
func (s *assignmentServiceImpl) AssignmentDiscover(server streamingpb.StreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer) error {
defer metrics.StreamingCoordAssignmentListenerTotal.WithLabelValues(paramtable.GetStringNodeID()).Dec()
return discover.NewAssignmentDiscoverServer(s.balancer, server).Execute()
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package discover
import (
// discoverGrpcServerHelper is a wrapped discover server of log messages.
type discoverGrpcServerHelper struct {
// SendFullAssignment sends the full assignment to client.
func (h *discoverGrpcServerHelper) SendFullAssignment(v typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, relations []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error {
assignmentsMap := make(map[int64]*streamingpb.StreamingNodeAssignment)
for _, relation := range relations {
if assignmentsMap[relation.Node.ServerID] == nil {
assignmentsMap[relation.Node.ServerID] = &streamingpb.StreamingNodeAssignment{
Node: typeconverter.NewProtoFromStreamingNodeInfo(relation.Node),
Channels: make([]*streamingpb.PChannelInfo, 0),
assignmentsMap[relation.Node.ServerID].Channels = append(
assignmentsMap[relation.Node.ServerID].Channels, typeconverter.NewProtoFromPChannelInfo(relation.Channel))
assignments := make([]*streamingpb.StreamingNodeAssignment, 0, len(assignmentsMap))
for _, node := range assignmentsMap {
assignments = append(assignments, node)
return h.Send(&streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverResponse{
Response: &streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverResponse_FullAssignment{
FullAssignment: &streamingpb.FullStreamingNodeAssignmentWithVersion{
Version: &streamingpb.VersionPair{
Global: v.Global,
Local: v.Local,
Assignments: assignments,
// SendCloseResponse sends the close response to client.
func (h *discoverGrpcServerHelper) SendCloseResponse() error {
return h.Send(&streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverResponse{
Response: &streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverResponse_Close{},
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
package discover
import (
var errClosedByUser = errors.New("closed by user")
func NewAssignmentDiscoverServer(
balancer balancer.Balancer,
streamServer streamingpb.StreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer,
) *AssignmentDiscoverServer {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancelCause(streamServer.Context())
return &AssignmentDiscoverServer{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
balancer: balancer,
streamServer: discoverGrpcServerHelper{
logger: log.With(),
type AssignmentDiscoverServer struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelCauseFunc
balancer balancer.Balancer
streamServer discoverGrpcServerHelper
logger *log.MLogger
func (s *AssignmentDiscoverServer) Execute() error {
// Start a recv arm to handle the control message from client.
go func() {
// recv loop will be blocked until the stream is closed.
// 1. close by client.
// 2. close by server context cancel by return of outside Execute.
_ = s.recvLoop()
// Start a send loop on current main goroutine.
// the loop will be blocked until:
// 1. the stream is broken.
// 2. recv arm recv closed and all response is sent.
return s.sendLoop()
// recvLoop receives the message from client.
func (s *AssignmentDiscoverServer) recvLoop() (err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
s.logger.Warn("recv arm of stream closed by unexpected error", zap.Error(err))
s.logger.Info("recv arm of stream closed")
for {
req, err := s.streamServer.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
switch req := req.Command.(type) {
case *streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest_ReportError:
channel := typeconverter.NewPChannelInfoFromProto(req.ReportError.GetPchannel())
// mark the channel as unavailable and trigger a recover right away.
s.balancer.MarkAsUnavailable(s.ctx, []types.PChannelInfo{channel})
case *streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest_Close:
s.logger.Warn("unknown command type", zap.Any("command", req))
// sendLoop sends the message to client.
func (s *AssignmentDiscoverServer) sendLoop() error {
err := s.balancer.WatchBalanceResult(s.ctx, s.streamServer.SendFullAssignment)
if errors.Is(err, errClosedByUser) {
return s.streamServer.SendCloseResponse()
return err
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package discover
import (
func TestAssignmentDiscover(t *testing.T) {
b := mock_balancer.NewMockBalancer(t)
b.EXPECT().WatchBalanceResult(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, cb func(typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) error {
versions := []typeutil.VersionInt64Pair{
{Global: 1, Local: 2},
{Global: 1, Local: 3},
pchans := [][]types.PChannelInfoAssigned{
Channel: types.PChannelInfo{Name: "pchannel", Term: 1},
Node: types.StreamingNodeInfo{ServerID: 1, Address: "localhost:1"},
Channel: types.PChannelInfo{Name: "pchannel", Term: 1},
Node: types.StreamingNodeInfo{ServerID: 1, Address: "localhost:1"},
Channel: types.PChannelInfo{Name: "pchannel2", Term: 1},
Node: types.StreamingNodeInfo{ServerID: 1, Address: "localhost:1"},
for i := 0; i < len(versions); i++ {
cb(versions[i], pchans[i])
return context.Cause(ctx)
b.EXPECT().MarkAsUnavailable(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
streamServer := mock_streamingpb.NewMockStreamingCoordAssignmentService_AssignmentDiscoverServer(t)
k := 0
reqs := []*streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest{
Command: &streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest_ReportError{
ReportError: &streamingpb.ReportAssignmentErrorRequest{
Pchannel: &streamingpb.PChannelInfo{
Name: "pchannel",
Term: 1,
Err: &streamingpb.StreamingError{
Code: streamingpb.StreamingCode_STREAMING_CODE_CHANNEL_EXIST,
Command: &streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest_Close{},
streamServer.EXPECT().Recv().RunAndReturn(func() (*streamingpb.AssignmentDiscoverRequest, error) {
if k >= len(reqs) {
return nil, io.EOF
req := reqs[k]
return req, nil
ads := NewAssignmentDiscoverServer(b, streamServer)
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package manager
import (
type ManagerClient interface {
// WatchNodeChanged returns a channel that receive a node change.
WatchNodeChanged(ctx context.Context) <-chan map[int64]*sessionutil.SessionRaw
// CollectStatus collects status of all wal instances in all streamingnode.
CollectAllStatus(ctx context.Context) (map[int64]types.StreamingNodeStatus, error)
// Assign a wal instance for the channel on log node of given server id.
Assign(ctx context.Context, pchannel types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error
// Remove the wal instance for the channel on log node of given server id.
Remove(ctx context.Context, pchannel types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error
// Close closes the manager client.
@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
quiet: False
with-expecter: True
filename: "mock_{{.InterfaceName}}.go"
dir: "internal/mocks/{{trimPrefix .PackagePath \"github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal\" | dir }}/mock_{{.PackageName}}"
dir: 'internal/mocks/{{trimPrefix .PackagePath "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal" | dir }}/mock_{{.PackageName}}'
mockname: "Mock{{.InterfaceName}}"
outpkg: "mock_{{.PackageName}}"
@ -23,6 +29,10 @@ packages:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package typeconverter
import (
func NewStreamingNodeInfoFromProto(proto *streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo) types.StreamingNodeInfo {
return types.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerID: proto.ServerId,
Address: proto.Address,
func NewProtoFromStreamingNodeInfo(info types.StreamingNodeInfo) *streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo {
return &streamingpb.StreamingNodeInfo{
ServerId: info.ServerID,
Address: info.Address,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package util
import (
// GetAllTopicsFromConfiguration gets all topics from configuration.
// It's a utility function to fetch all topics from configuration.
func GetAllTopicsFromConfiguration() typeutil.Set[string] {
var channels typeutil.Set[string]
if paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.PreCreatedTopicEnabled.GetAsBool() {
channels = typeutil.NewSet[string](paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.TopicNames.GetAsStrings()...)
} else {
channels = genChannelNames(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.RootCoordDml.GetValue(), paramtable.Get().RootCoordCfg.DmlChannelNum.GetAsInt())
return channels
// genChannelNames generates channel names with prefix and number.
func genChannelNames(prefix string, num int) typeutil.Set[string] {
results := typeutil.NewSet[string]()
for idx := 0; idx < num; idx++ {
result := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", prefix, idx)
return results
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package util
import (
func TestGetAllTopicsFromConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
topics := GetAllTopicsFromConfiguration()
assert.Len(t, topics, 16)
topics = GetAllTopicsFromConfiguration()
assert.Len(t, topics, 3)
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ dir: "mocks/{{trimPrefix .PackagePath \"github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg\" | dir
mockname: "Mock{{.InterfaceName}}"
outpkg: "mock_{{.PackageName}}"
@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ INSTALL_PATH := $(ROOTPATH)/bin
$(MAKE) -C $(ROOTPATH) getdeps
generate-mockery: getdeps generate-mockery-streaming
generate-mockery: getdeps
$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --config $(PWD)/.mockery_pkg.yaml
$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=MsgStream --dir=$(PWD)/mq/msgstream --output=$(PWD)/mq/msgstream --filename=mock_msgstream.go --with-expecter --structname=MockMsgStream --outpkg=msgstream --inpackage
$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=Factory --dir=$(PWD)/mq/msgstream --output=$(PWD)/mq/msgstream --filename=mock_msgstream_factory.go --with-expecter --structname=MockFactory --outpkg=msgstream --inpackage
$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=Client --dir=$(PWD)/mq/msgdispatcher --output=$(PWD)/mq/msgsdispatcher --filename=mock_client.go --with-expecter --structname=MockClient --outpkg=msgdispatcher --inpackage
$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=Logger --dir=$(PWD)/eventlog --output=$(PWD)/eventlog --filename=mock_logger.go --with-expecter --structname=MockLogger --outpkg=eventlog --inpackage
$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=MessageID --dir=$(PWD)/mq/msgstream/mqwrapper --output=$(PWD)/mq/msgstream/mqwrapper --filename=mock_id.go --with-expecter --structname=MockMessageID --outpkg=mqwrapper --inpackage
generate-mockery-streaming: getdeps
$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --config $(PWD)/streaming/.mockery.yaml
@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ var (
Help: "Total of assignment listener",
StreamingCoordAssignmentInfo = newStreamingCoordGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
StreamingCoordAssignmentVersion = newStreamingCoordGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "assignment_info",
Help: "Info of assignment",
}, "global_version", "local_version")
// StreamingNode metrics
StreamingNodeWALTotal = newStreamingNodeGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func RegisterStreamingServiceClient(registry *prometheus.Registry) {
func RegisterStreamingCoord(registry *prometheus.Registry) {
// RegisterStreamingNode registers log service metrics
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
// Code generated by mockery v2.32.4. DO NOT EDIT.
package mock_kv
import (
predicates "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/kv/predicates"
mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
// MockMetaKv is an autogenerated mock type for the MetaKv type
type MockMetaKv struct {
type MockMetaKv_Expecter struct {
mock *mock.Mock
func (_m *MockMetaKv) EXPECT() *MockMetaKv_Expecter {
return &MockMetaKv_Expecter{mock: &_m.Mock}
// Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *MockMetaKv) Close() {
// MockMetaKv_Close_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Close'
type MockMetaKv_Close_Call struct {
// Close is a helper method to define mock.On call
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) Close() *MockMetaKv_Close_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_Close_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Close")}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Close_Call) Run(run func()) *MockMetaKv_Close_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Close_Call) Return() *MockMetaKv_Close_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Close_Call) RunAndReturn(run func()) *MockMetaKv_Close_Call {
return _c
// CompareVersionAndSwap provides a mock function with given fields: key, version, target
func (_m *MockMetaKv) CompareVersionAndSwap(key string, version int64, target string) (bool, error) {
ret := _m.Called(key, version, target)
var r0 bool
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string, int64, string) (bool, error)); ok {
return rf(key, version, target)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string, int64, string) bool); ok {
r0 = rf(key, version, target)
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(bool)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(string, int64, string) error); ok {
r1 = rf(key, version, target)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// MockMetaKv_CompareVersionAndSwap_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'CompareVersionAndSwap'
type MockMetaKv_CompareVersionAndSwap_Call struct {
// CompareVersionAndSwap is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - key string
// - version int64
// - target string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) CompareVersionAndSwap(key interface{}, version interface{}, target interface{}) *MockMetaKv_CompareVersionAndSwap_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_CompareVersionAndSwap_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("CompareVersionAndSwap", key, version, target)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_CompareVersionAndSwap_Call) Run(run func(key string, version int64, target string)) *MockMetaKv_CompareVersionAndSwap_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
run(args[0].(string), args[1].(int64), args[2].(string))
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_CompareVersionAndSwap_Call) Return(_a0 bool, _a1 error) *MockMetaKv_CompareVersionAndSwap_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1)
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_CompareVersionAndSwap_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string, int64, string) (bool, error)) *MockMetaKv_CompareVersionAndSwap_Call {
return _c
// GetPath provides a mock function with given fields: key
func (_m *MockMetaKv) GetPath(key string) string {
ret := _m.Called(key)
var r0 string
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) string); ok {
r0 = rf(key)
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(string)
return r0
// MockMetaKv_GetPath_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'GetPath'
type MockMetaKv_GetPath_Call struct {
// GetPath is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - key string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) GetPath(key interface{}) *MockMetaKv_GetPath_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_GetPath_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("GetPath", key)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_GetPath_Call) Run(run func(key string)) *MockMetaKv_GetPath_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_GetPath_Call) Return(_a0 string) *MockMetaKv_GetPath_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_GetPath_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string) string) *MockMetaKv_GetPath_Call {
return _c
// Has provides a mock function with given fields: key
func (_m *MockMetaKv) Has(key string) (bool, error) {
ret := _m.Called(key)
var r0 bool
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) (bool, error)); ok {
return rf(key)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) bool); ok {
r0 = rf(key)
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(bool)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(string) error); ok {
r1 = rf(key)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// MockMetaKv_Has_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Has'
type MockMetaKv_Has_Call struct {
// Has is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - key string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) Has(key interface{}) *MockMetaKv_Has_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_Has_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Has", key)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Has_Call) Run(run func(key string)) *MockMetaKv_Has_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Has_Call) Return(_a0 bool, _a1 error) *MockMetaKv_Has_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1)
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Has_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string) (bool, error)) *MockMetaKv_Has_Call {
return _c
// HasPrefix provides a mock function with given fields: prefix
func (_m *MockMetaKv) HasPrefix(prefix string) (bool, error) {
ret := _m.Called(prefix)
var r0 bool
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) (bool, error)); ok {
return rf(prefix)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) bool); ok {
r0 = rf(prefix)
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(bool)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(string) error); ok {
r1 = rf(prefix)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// MockMetaKv_HasPrefix_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'HasPrefix'
type MockMetaKv_HasPrefix_Call struct {
// HasPrefix is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - prefix string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) HasPrefix(prefix interface{}) *MockMetaKv_HasPrefix_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_HasPrefix_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("HasPrefix", prefix)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_HasPrefix_Call) Run(run func(prefix string)) *MockMetaKv_HasPrefix_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_HasPrefix_Call) Return(_a0 bool, _a1 error) *MockMetaKv_HasPrefix_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1)
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_HasPrefix_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string) (bool, error)) *MockMetaKv_HasPrefix_Call {
return _c
// Load provides a mock function with given fields: key
func (_m *MockMetaKv) Load(key string) (string, error) {
ret := _m.Called(key)
var r0 string
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) (string, error)); ok {
return rf(key)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) string); ok {
r0 = rf(key)
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(string)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(string) error); ok {
r1 = rf(key)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// MockMetaKv_Load_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Load'
type MockMetaKv_Load_Call struct {
// Load is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - key string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) Load(key interface{}) *MockMetaKv_Load_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_Load_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Load", key)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Load_Call) Run(run func(key string)) *MockMetaKv_Load_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Load_Call) Return(_a0 string, _a1 error) *MockMetaKv_Load_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1)
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Load_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string) (string, error)) *MockMetaKv_Load_Call {
return _c
// LoadWithPrefix provides a mock function with given fields: key
func (_m *MockMetaKv) LoadWithPrefix(key string) ([]string, []string, error) {
ret := _m.Called(key)
var r0 []string
var r1 []string
var r2 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) ([]string, []string, error)); ok {
return rf(key)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) []string); ok {
r0 = rf(key)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).([]string)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(string) []string); ok {
r1 = rf(key)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).([]string)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(2).(func(string) error); ok {
r2 = rf(key)
} else {
r2 = ret.Error(2)
return r0, r1, r2
// MockMetaKv_LoadWithPrefix_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'LoadWithPrefix'
type MockMetaKv_LoadWithPrefix_Call struct {
// LoadWithPrefix is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - key string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) LoadWithPrefix(key interface{}) *MockMetaKv_LoadWithPrefix_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_LoadWithPrefix_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("LoadWithPrefix", key)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_LoadWithPrefix_Call) Run(run func(key string)) *MockMetaKv_LoadWithPrefix_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_LoadWithPrefix_Call) Return(_a0 []string, _a1 []string, _a2 error) *MockMetaKv_LoadWithPrefix_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1, _a2)
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_LoadWithPrefix_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string) ([]string, []string, error)) *MockMetaKv_LoadWithPrefix_Call {
return _c
// MultiLoad provides a mock function with given fields: keys
func (_m *MockMetaKv) MultiLoad(keys []string) ([]string, error) {
ret := _m.Called(keys)
var r0 []string
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func([]string) ([]string, error)); ok {
return rf(keys)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func([]string) []string); ok {
r0 = rf(keys)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).([]string)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func([]string) error); ok {
r1 = rf(keys)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// MockMetaKv_MultiLoad_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'MultiLoad'
type MockMetaKv_MultiLoad_Call struct {
// MultiLoad is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - keys []string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) MultiLoad(keys interface{}) *MockMetaKv_MultiLoad_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_MultiLoad_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("MultiLoad", keys)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiLoad_Call) Run(run func(keys []string)) *MockMetaKv_MultiLoad_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiLoad_Call) Return(_a0 []string, _a1 error) *MockMetaKv_MultiLoad_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1)
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiLoad_Call) RunAndReturn(run func([]string) ([]string, error)) *MockMetaKv_MultiLoad_Call {
return _c
// MultiRemove provides a mock function with given fields: keys
func (_m *MockMetaKv) MultiRemove(keys []string) error {
ret := _m.Called(keys)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func([]string) error); ok {
r0 = rf(keys)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockMetaKv_MultiRemove_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'MultiRemove'
type MockMetaKv_MultiRemove_Call struct {
// MultiRemove is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - keys []string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) MultiRemove(keys interface{}) *MockMetaKv_MultiRemove_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_MultiRemove_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("MultiRemove", keys)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiRemove_Call) Run(run func(keys []string)) *MockMetaKv_MultiRemove_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiRemove_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockMetaKv_MultiRemove_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiRemove_Call) RunAndReturn(run func([]string) error) *MockMetaKv_MultiRemove_Call {
return _c
// MultiSave provides a mock function with given fields: kvs
func (_m *MockMetaKv) MultiSave(kvs map[string]string) error {
ret := _m.Called(kvs)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(map[string]string) error); ok {
r0 = rf(kvs)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockMetaKv_MultiSave_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'MultiSave'
type MockMetaKv_MultiSave_Call struct {
// MultiSave is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - kvs map[string]string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) MultiSave(kvs interface{}) *MockMetaKv_MultiSave_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_MultiSave_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("MultiSave", kvs)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiSave_Call) Run(run func(kvs map[string]string)) *MockMetaKv_MultiSave_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiSave_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockMetaKv_MultiSave_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiSave_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(map[string]string) error) *MockMetaKv_MultiSave_Call {
return _c
// MultiSaveAndRemove provides a mock function with given fields: saves, removals, preds
func (_m *MockMetaKv) MultiSaveAndRemove(saves map[string]string, removals []string, preds ...predicates.Predicate) error {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(preds))
for _i := range preds {
_va[_i] = preds[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, saves, removals)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(map[string]string, []string, ...predicates.Predicate) error); ok {
r0 = rf(saves, removals, preds...)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemove_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'MultiSaveAndRemove'
type MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemove_Call struct {
// MultiSaveAndRemove is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - saves map[string]string
// - removals []string
// - preds ...predicates.Predicate
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) MultiSaveAndRemove(saves interface{}, removals interface{}, preds ...interface{}) *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemove_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemove_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("MultiSaveAndRemove",
append([]interface{}{saves, removals}, preds...)...)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemove_Call) Run(run func(saves map[string]string, removals []string, preds ...predicates.Predicate)) *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemove_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
variadicArgs := make([]predicates.Predicate, len(args)-2)
for i, a := range args[2:] {
if a != nil {
variadicArgs[i] = a.(predicates.Predicate)
run(args[0].(map[string]string), args[1].([]string), variadicArgs...)
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemove_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemove_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemove_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(map[string]string, []string, ...predicates.Predicate) error) *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemove_Call {
return _c
// MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix provides a mock function with given fields: saves, removals, preds
func (_m *MockMetaKv) MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix(saves map[string]string, removals []string, preds ...predicates.Predicate) error {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(preds))
for _i := range preds {
_va[_i] = preds[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, saves, removals)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(map[string]string, []string, ...predicates.Predicate) error); ok {
r0 = rf(saves, removals, preds...)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix'
type MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix_Call struct {
// MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - saves map[string]string
// - removals []string
// - preds ...predicates.Predicate
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix(saves interface{}, removals interface{}, preds ...interface{}) *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix",
append([]interface{}{saves, removals}, preds...)...)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix_Call) Run(run func(saves map[string]string, removals []string, preds ...predicates.Predicate)) *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
variadicArgs := make([]predicates.Predicate, len(args)-2)
for i, a := range args[2:] {
if a != nil {
variadicArgs[i] = a.(predicates.Predicate)
run(args[0].(map[string]string), args[1].([]string), variadicArgs...)
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(map[string]string, []string, ...predicates.Predicate) error) *MockMetaKv_MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix_Call {
return _c
// Remove provides a mock function with given fields: key
func (_m *MockMetaKv) Remove(key string) error {
ret := _m.Called(key)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) error); ok {
r0 = rf(key)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockMetaKv_Remove_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Remove'
type MockMetaKv_Remove_Call struct {
// Remove is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - key string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) Remove(key interface{}) *MockMetaKv_Remove_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_Remove_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Remove", key)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Remove_Call) Run(run func(key string)) *MockMetaKv_Remove_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Remove_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockMetaKv_Remove_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Remove_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string) error) *MockMetaKv_Remove_Call {
return _c
// RemoveWithPrefix provides a mock function with given fields: key
func (_m *MockMetaKv) RemoveWithPrefix(key string) error {
ret := _m.Called(key)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) error); ok {
r0 = rf(key)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockMetaKv_RemoveWithPrefix_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'RemoveWithPrefix'
type MockMetaKv_RemoveWithPrefix_Call struct {
// RemoveWithPrefix is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - key string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) RemoveWithPrefix(key interface{}) *MockMetaKv_RemoveWithPrefix_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_RemoveWithPrefix_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("RemoveWithPrefix", key)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_RemoveWithPrefix_Call) Run(run func(key string)) *MockMetaKv_RemoveWithPrefix_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_RemoveWithPrefix_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockMetaKv_RemoveWithPrefix_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_RemoveWithPrefix_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string) error) *MockMetaKv_RemoveWithPrefix_Call {
return _c
// Save provides a mock function with given fields: key, value
func (_m *MockMetaKv) Save(key string, value string) error {
ret := _m.Called(key, value)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string, string) error); ok {
r0 = rf(key, value)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockMetaKv_Save_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Save'
type MockMetaKv_Save_Call struct {
// Save is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - key string
// - value string
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) Save(key interface{}, value interface{}) *MockMetaKv_Save_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_Save_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Save", key, value)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Save_Call) Run(run func(key string, value string)) *MockMetaKv_Save_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
run(args[0].(string), args[1].(string))
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Save_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockMetaKv_Save_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_Save_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string, string) error) *MockMetaKv_Save_Call {
return _c
// WalkWithPrefix provides a mock function with given fields: prefix, paginationSize, fn
func (_m *MockMetaKv) WalkWithPrefix(prefix string, paginationSize int, fn func([]byte, []byte) error) error {
ret := _m.Called(prefix, paginationSize, fn)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string, int, func([]byte, []byte) error) error); ok {
r0 = rf(prefix, paginationSize, fn)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// MockMetaKv_WalkWithPrefix_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'WalkWithPrefix'
type MockMetaKv_WalkWithPrefix_Call struct {
// WalkWithPrefix is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - prefix string
// - paginationSize int
// - fn func([]byte , []byte) error
func (_e *MockMetaKv_Expecter) WalkWithPrefix(prefix interface{}, paginationSize interface{}, fn interface{}) *MockMetaKv_WalkWithPrefix_Call {
return &MockMetaKv_WalkWithPrefix_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("WalkWithPrefix", prefix, paginationSize, fn)}
func (_c *MockMetaKv_WalkWithPrefix_Call) Run(run func(prefix string, paginationSize int, fn func([]byte, []byte) error)) *MockMetaKv_WalkWithPrefix_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
run(args[0].(string), args[1].(int), args[2].(func([]byte, []byte) error))
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_WalkWithPrefix_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockMetaKv_WalkWithPrefix_Call {
return _c
func (_c *MockMetaKv_WalkWithPrefix_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string, int, func([]byte, []byte) error) error) *MockMetaKv_WalkWithPrefix_Call {
return _c
// NewMockMetaKv creates a new instance of MockMetaKv. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
// The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func NewMockMetaKv(t interface {
}) *MockMetaKv {
mock := &MockMetaKv{}
t.Cleanup(func() { mock.AssertExpectations(t) })
return mock
@ -3,14 +3,15 @@
package msgdispatcher
import (
context "context"
common "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/mq/common"
mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
msgpb "github.com/milvus-io/milvus-proto/go-api/v2/msgpb"
msgstream "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/mq/msgstream"
// MockClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Client type
@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ type MockClient_Register_Call struct {
// - ctx context.Context
// - vchannel string
// - pos *msgpb.MsgPosition
// - subPos mqwrapper.SubscriptionInitialPosition
// - subPos common.SubscriptionInitialPosition
func (_e *MockClient_Expecter) Register(ctx interface{}, vchannel interface{}, pos interface{}, subPos interface{}) *MockClient_Register_Call {
return &MockClient_Register_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Register", ctx, vchannel, pos, subPos)}
@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
package msgstream
import (
context "context"
common "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/mq/common"
mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
msgpb "github.com/milvus-io/milvus-proto/go-api/v2/msgpb"
// MockMsgStream is an autogenerated mock type for the MsgStream type
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ type MockMsgStream_AsConsumer_Call struct {
// - ctx context.Context
// - channels []string
// - subName string
// - position mqwrapper.SubscriptionInitialPosition
// - position common.SubscriptionInitialPosition
func (_e *MockMsgStream_Expecter) AsConsumer(ctx interface{}, channels interface{}, subName interface{}, position interface{}) *MockMsgStream_AsConsumer_Call {
return &MockMsgStream_AsConsumer_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("AsConsumer", ctx, channels, subName, position)}
@ -9,3 +9,8 @@ type PChannelInfo struct {
Name string // name of pchannel.
Term int64 // term of pchannel.
type PChannelInfoAssigned struct {
Channel PChannelInfo
Node StreamingNodeInfo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package types
import (
var (
ErrStopping = errors.New("streaming node is stopping")
ErrNotAlive = errors.New("streaming node is not alive")
// VersionedStreamingNodeAssignments is the relation between server and channels with version.
type VersionedStreamingNodeAssignments struct {
Version typeutil.VersionInt64Pair
Assignments map[int64]StreamingNodeAssignment
// StreamingNodeAssignment is the relation between server and channels.
type StreamingNodeAssignment struct {
NodeInfo StreamingNodeInfo
Channels []PChannelInfo
// StreamingNodeInfo is the relation between server and channels.
type StreamingNodeInfo struct {
ServerID int64
Address string
// StreamingNodeStatus is the information of a streaming node.
type StreamingNodeStatus struct {
// TODO: balance attributes should added here in future.
Err error
// IsHealthy returns whether the streaming node is healthy.
func (n *StreamingNodeStatus) IsHealthy() bool {
return n.Err == nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package types
import (
func TestStreamingNodeStatus(t *testing.T) {
s := StreamingNodeStatus{Err: ErrStopping}
assert.False(t, s.IsHealthy())
s = StreamingNodeStatus{Err: ErrNotAlive}
assert.False(t, s.IsHealthy())
@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
package helper
import "context"
import (
// NewScannerHelper creates a new ScannerHelper.
func NewScannerHelper(scannerName string) *ScannerHelper {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return &ScannerHelper{
scannerName: scannerName,
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
finishCh: make(chan struct{}),
err: nil,
notifier: syncutil.NewAsyncTaskNotifier[error](),
// ScannerHelper is a helper for scanner implementation.
type ScannerHelper struct {
scannerName string
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
finishCh chan struct{}
err error
notifier *syncutil.AsyncTaskNotifier[error]
// Context returns the context of the scanner, which will cancel when the scanner helper is closed.
func (s *ScannerHelper) Context() context.Context {
return s.ctx
return s.notifier.Context()
// Name returns the name of the scanner.
@ -35,24 +32,21 @@ func (s *ScannerHelper) Name() string {
// Error returns the error of the scanner.
func (s *ScannerHelper) Error() error {
return s.err
return s.notifier.BlockAndGetResult()
// Done returns a channel that will be closed when the scanner is finished.
func (s *ScannerHelper) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return s.finishCh
return s.notifier.FinishChan()
// Close closes the scanner, block until the Finish is called.
func (s *ScannerHelper) Close() error {
return s.err
return s.notifier.BlockAndGetResult()
// Finish finishes the scanner with an error.
func (s *ScannerHelper) Finish(err error) {
s.err = err
@ -64,16 +64,18 @@ type ComponentParam struct {
GpuConfig gpuConfig
TraceCfg traceConfig
RootCoordCfg rootCoordConfig
ProxyCfg proxyConfig
QueryCoordCfg queryCoordConfig
QueryNodeCfg queryNodeConfig
DataCoordCfg dataCoordConfig
DataNodeCfg dataNodeConfig
IndexNodeCfg indexNodeConfig
HTTPCfg httpConfig
LogCfg logConfig
RoleCfg roleConfig
RootCoordCfg rootCoordConfig
ProxyCfg proxyConfig
QueryCoordCfg queryCoordConfig
QueryNodeCfg queryNodeConfig
DataCoordCfg dataCoordConfig
DataNodeCfg dataNodeConfig
IndexNodeCfg indexNodeConfig
HTTPCfg httpConfig
LogCfg logConfig
RoleCfg roleConfig
StreamingCoordCfg streamingCoordConfig
StreamingNodeCfg streamingNodeConfig
RootCoordGrpcServerCfg GrpcServerConfig
ProxyGrpcServerCfg GrpcServerConfig
@ -125,6 +127,8 @@ func (p *ComponentParam) init(bt *BaseTable) {
p.RootCoordGrpcServerCfg.Init("rootCoord", bt)
p.ProxyGrpcServerCfg.Init("proxy", bt)
@ -4168,6 +4172,46 @@ func (p *indexNodeConfig) init(base *BaseTable) {
type streamingCoordConfig struct {
AutoBalanceTriggerInterval ParamItem `refreshable:"true"`
AutoBalanceBackoffInitialInterval ParamItem `refreshable:"true"`
AutoBalanceBackoffMultiplier ParamItem `refreshable:"true"`
func (p *streamingCoordConfig) init(base *BaseTable) {
p.AutoBalanceTriggerInterval = ParamItem{
Key: "streamingCoord.autoBalanceTriggerInterval",
Version: "2.5.0",
Doc: `The interval of balance task trigger at background, 1 min by default.
It's ok to set it into duration string, such as 30s or 1m30s, see time.ParseDuration`,
DefaultValue: "1m",
Export: true,
p.AutoBalanceBackoffInitialInterval = ParamItem{
Key: "streamingCoord.autoBalanceBackoffInitialInterval",
Version: "2.5.0",
Doc: `The initial interval of balance task trigger backoff, 50 ms by default.
It's ok to set it into duration string, such as 30s or 1m30s, see time.ParseDuration`,
DefaultValue: "50ms",
Export: true,
p.AutoBalanceBackoffMultiplier = ParamItem{
Key: "streamingCoord.autoBalanceBackoffMultiplier",
Version: "2.5.0",
Doc: "The multiplier of balance task trigger backoff, 2 by default",
DefaultValue: "2",
Export: true,
type streamingNodeConfig struct{}
func (p *streamingNodeConfig) init(base *BaseTable) {
type runtimeConfig struct {
CreateTime RuntimeParamItem
UpdateTime RuntimeParamItem
@ -529,6 +529,18 @@ func TestComponentParam(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 100*time.Second, Params.GracefulStopTimeout.GetAsDuration(time.Second))
t.Run("test streamingCoordConfig", func(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 1*time.Minute, params.StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceTriggerInterval.GetAsDurationByParse())
assert.Equal(t, 50*time.Millisecond, params.StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceBackoffInitialInterval.GetAsDurationByParse())
assert.Equal(t, 2.0, params.StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceBackoffMultiplier.GetAsFloat())
params.Save(params.StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceTriggerInterval.Key, "50s")
params.Save(params.StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceBackoffInitialInterval.Key, "50s")
params.Save(params.StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceBackoffMultiplier.Key, "3.5")
assert.Equal(t, 50*time.Second, params.StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceTriggerInterval.GetAsDurationByParse())
assert.Equal(t, 50*time.Second, params.StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceBackoffInitialInterval.GetAsDurationByParse())
assert.Equal(t, 3.5, params.StreamingCoordCfg.AutoBalanceBackoffMultiplier.GetAsFloat())
t.Run("channel config priority", func(t *testing.T) {
Params := ¶ms.CommonCfg
params.Save(Params.RootCoordDml.Key, "dml1")
@ -244,6 +244,18 @@ func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsRoleDetails() map[string](map[string]([](map[string]st
return getAndConvert(pi.GetValue(), funcutil.JSONToRoleDetails, nil)
func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsDurationByParse() time.Duration {
val, _ := pi.get()
durationVal, err := time.ParseDuration(val)
if err != nil {
durationVal, err = time.ParseDuration(pi.DefaultValue)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unreachable: parse duration from default value failed, %s, err: %s", pi.DefaultValue, err.Error()))
return durationVal
func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsSize() int64 {
valueStr := strings.ToLower(pi.GetValue())
if strings.HasSuffix(valueStr, "g") || strings.HasSuffix(valueStr, "gb") {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package syncutil
import "context"
// NewAsyncTaskNotifier creates a new async task notifier.
func NewAsyncTaskNotifier[T any]() *AsyncTaskNotifier[T] {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return &AsyncTaskNotifier[T]{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
future: NewFuture[T](),
// AsyncTaskNotifier is a notifier for async task.
type AsyncTaskNotifier[T any] struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
future *Future[T]
// Context returns the context of the async task.
func (n *AsyncTaskNotifier[T]) Context() context.Context {
return n.ctx
// Cancel cancels the async task, the async task can receive the cancel signal from Context.
func (n *AsyncTaskNotifier[T]) Cancel() {
// BlockAndGetResult returns the result of the async task.
func (n *AsyncTaskNotifier[T]) BlockAndGetResult() T {
return n.future.Get()
// BlockUntilFinish blocks until the async task is finished.
func (n *AsyncTaskNotifier[T]) BlockUntilFinish() {
// FinishChan returns a channel that will be closed when the async task is finished.
func (n *AsyncTaskNotifier[T]) FinishChan() <-chan struct{} {
return n.future.Done()
// Finish finishes the async task with a result.
func (n *AsyncTaskNotifier[T]) Finish(result T) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package syncutil
import (
func TestAsyncTaskNotifier(t *testing.T) {
n := NewAsyncTaskNotifier[error]()
assert.NotNil(t, n.Context())
select {
case <-n.FinishChan():
t.Errorf("should not done")
case <-n.Context().Done():
t.Error("should not cancel")
finishErr := errors.New("test")
ch := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(ch)
done := false
cancel := false
cancelCh := n.Context().Done()
doneCh := n.FinishChan()
for i := 0; ; i += 1 {
select {
case <-doneCh:
done = true
doneCh = nil
case <-cancelCh:
cancel = true
cancelCh = nil
if cancel && done {
if i == 0 {
assert.True(t, cancel && !done)
} else if i == 1 {
assert.True(t, cancel && done)
assert.ErrorIs(t, n.BlockAndGetResult(), finishErr)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package typeutil
// Version is a interface for version comparison.
type Version interface {
// GT returns true if v > v2.
GT(Version) bool
// EQ returns true if v == v2.
EQ(Version) bool
// VersionInt64 is a int64 type version.
type VersionInt64 int64
func (v VersionInt64) GT(v2 Version) bool {
return v > mustCastVersionInt64(v2)
func (v VersionInt64) EQ(v2 Version) bool {
return v == mustCastVersionInt64(v2)
func mustCastVersionInt64(v2 Version) VersionInt64 {
if v2i, ok := v2.(VersionInt64); ok {
return v2i
} else if v2i, ok := v2.(*VersionInt64); ok {
return *v2i
panic("invalid version type")
// VersionInt64Pair is a pair of int64 type version.
// It's easy to be used in multi node version comparison.
type VersionInt64Pair struct {
Global int64
Local int64
func (v VersionInt64Pair) GT(v2 Version) bool {
vPair := mustCastVersionInt64Pair(v2)
return v.Global > vPair.Global || (v.Global == vPair.Global && v.Local > vPair.Local)
func (v VersionInt64Pair) EQ(v2 Version) bool {
vPair := mustCastVersionInt64Pair(v2)
return v.Global == vPair.Global && v.Local == vPair.Local
func mustCastVersionInt64Pair(v2 Version) VersionInt64Pair {
if v2i, ok := v2.(VersionInt64Pair); ok {
return v2i
} else if v2i, ok := v2.(*VersionInt64Pair); ok {
return *v2i
panic("invalid version type")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package typeutil
import (
func TestVersion(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, VersionInt64(1).GT(VersionInt64(0)))
assert.True(t, VersionInt64(0).EQ(VersionInt64(0)))
v := VersionInt64(0)
assert.True(t, VersionInt64(1).GT(&v))
assert.True(t, VersionInt64(0).EQ(&v))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
VersionInt64(0).GT(VersionInt64Pair{Global: 1, Local: 1})
assert.True(t, VersionInt64Pair{Global: 1, Local: 2}.GT(VersionInt64Pair{Global: 1, Local: 1}))
assert.True(t, VersionInt64Pair{Global: 2, Local: 0}.GT(VersionInt64Pair{Global: 1, Local: 1}))
assert.True(t, VersionInt64Pair{Global: 1, Local: 1}.EQ(VersionInt64Pair{Global: 1, Local: 1}))
v2 := VersionInt64Pair{Global: 1, Local: 1}
assert.True(t, VersionInt64Pair{Global: 1, Local: 2}.GT(&v2))
assert.True(t, VersionInt64Pair{Global: 2, Local: 0}.GT(&v2))
assert.True(t, VersionInt64Pair{Global: 1, Local: 1}.EQ(&v2))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
VersionInt64Pair{Global: 1, Local: 2}.GT(VersionInt64(0))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user