mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 03:48:37 +08:00
enhance: Enable dynamic update loaded collection's replica (#35822)
issue: #35821 After collection loaded, if we need to increase/decrease collection's replica, we need to release and load it again. milvus offers 4 solution to update loaded collection's replica, this PR aims to dynamic change the replica number without release, and after replica number changed, milvus will execute load replica or release replica in async, and the replica loaded status can be checked by getReplicas API. Notice that if set too much replicas than querynode can afford,the new replica won't be loaded successfully until enough querynode joins. --------- Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <wei.liu@zilliz.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -512,3 +512,14 @@ func (c *Client) CheckQueryNodeDistribution(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.Ch
return client.CheckQueryNodeDistribution(ctx, req)
func (c *Client) UpdateLoadConfig(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
req = typeutil.Clone(req)
commonpbutil.FillMsgBaseFromClient(paramtable.GetNodeID(), commonpbutil.WithTargetID(c.grpcClient.GetNodeID())),
return wrapGrpcCall(ctx, c, func(client querypb.QueryCoordClient) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return client.UpdateLoadConfig(ctx, req)
@ -484,3 +484,7 @@ func (s *Server) TransferChannel(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.TransferChann
func (s *Server) CheckQueryNodeDistribution(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.CheckQueryNodeDistributionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.queryCoord.CheckQueryNodeDistribution(ctx, req)
func (s *Server) UpdateLoadConfig(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.queryCoord.UpdateLoadConfig(ctx, req)
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ type QueryCoordCatalog interface {
ReleaseCollection(collection int64) error
ReleasePartition(collection int64, partitions ...int64) error
ReleaseReplicas(collectionID int64) error
ReleaseReplica(collection, replica int64) error
ReleaseReplica(collection int64, replicas ...int64) error
SaveResourceGroup(rgs ...*querypb.ResourceGroup) error
RemoveResourceGroup(rgName string) error
GetResourceGroups() ([]*querypb.ResourceGroup, error)
@ -240,9 +240,26 @@ func (s Catalog) ReleaseReplicas(collectionID int64) error {
return s.cli.RemoveWithPrefix(key)
func (s Catalog) ReleaseReplica(collection, replica int64) error {
key := encodeReplicaKey(collection, replica)
return s.cli.Remove(key)
func (s Catalog) ReleaseReplica(collection int64, replicas ...int64) error {
keys := lo.Map(replicas, func(replica int64, _ int) string {
return encodeReplicaKey(collection, replica)
if len(replicas) >= MetaOpsBatchSize {
index := 0
for index < len(replicas) {
endIndex := index + MetaOpsBatchSize
if endIndex > len(replicas) {
endIndex = len(replicas)
err := s.cli.MultiRemove(keys[index:endIndex])
if err != nil {
return err
index = endIndex
return nil
return s.cli.MultiRemove(keys)
func (s Catalog) SaveCollectionTargets(targets ...*querypb.CollectionTarget) error {
@ -384,13 +384,20 @@ func (_c *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleasePartition_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(int64,
return _c
// ReleaseReplica provides a mock function with given fields: collection, replica
func (_m *QueryCoordCatalog) ReleaseReplica(collection int64, replica int64) error {
ret := _m.Called(collection, replica)
// ReleaseReplica provides a mock function with given fields: collection, replicas
func (_m *QueryCoordCatalog) ReleaseReplica(collection int64, replicas ...int64) error {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(replicas))
for _i := range replicas {
_va[_i] = replicas[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, collection)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(int64, int64) error); ok {
r0 = rf(collection, replica)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(int64, ...int64) error); ok {
r0 = rf(collection, replicas...)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
@ -405,14 +412,21 @@ type QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call struct {
// ReleaseReplica is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - collection int64
// - replica int64
func (_e *QueryCoordCatalog_Expecter) ReleaseReplica(collection interface{}, replica interface{}) *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call {
return &QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("ReleaseReplica", collection, replica)}
// - replicas ...int64
func (_e *QueryCoordCatalog_Expecter) ReleaseReplica(collection interface{}, replicas ...interface{}) *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call {
return &QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("ReleaseReplica",
append([]interface{}{collection}, replicas...)...)}
func (_c *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call) Run(run func(collection int64, replica int64)) *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call {
func (_c *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call) Run(run func(collection int64, replicas ...int64)) *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
run(args[0].(int64), args[1].(int64))
variadicArgs := make([]int64, len(args)-1)
for i, a := range args[1:] {
if a != nil {
variadicArgs[i] = a.(int64)
run(args[0].(int64), variadicArgs...)
return _c
@ -422,7 +436,7 @@ func (_c *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call) Return(_a0 error) *QueryCoordCa
return _c
func (_c *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(int64, int64) error) *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call {
func (_c *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(int64, ...int64) error) *QueryCoordCatalog_ReleaseReplica_Call {
return _c
@ -2394,6 +2394,61 @@ func (_c *MockQueryCoord_TransferSegment_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Con
return _c
// UpdateLoadConfig provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (_m *MockQueryCoord) UpdateLoadConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1)
var r0 *commonpb.Status
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)); ok {
return rf(_a0, _a1)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest) *commonpb.Status); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*commonpb.Status)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// MockQueryCoord_UpdateLoadConfig_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'UpdateLoadConfig'
type MockQueryCoord_UpdateLoadConfig_Call struct {
// UpdateLoadConfig is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - _a0 context.Context
// - _a1 *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest
func (_e *MockQueryCoord_Expecter) UpdateLoadConfig(_a0 interface{}, _a1 interface{}) *MockQueryCoord_UpdateLoadConfig_Call {
return &MockQueryCoord_UpdateLoadConfig_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("UpdateLoadConfig", _a0, _a1)}
func (_c *MockQueryCoord_UpdateLoadConfig_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest)) *MockQueryCoord_UpdateLoadConfig_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
run(args[0].(context.Context), args[1].(*querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest))
return _c
func (_c *MockQueryCoord_UpdateLoadConfig_Call) Return(_a0 *commonpb.Status, _a1 error) *MockQueryCoord_UpdateLoadConfig_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1)
return _c
func (_c *MockQueryCoord_UpdateLoadConfig_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)) *MockQueryCoord_UpdateLoadConfig_Call {
return _c
// UpdateResourceGroups provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (_m *MockQueryCoord) UpdateResourceGroups(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *querypb.UpdateResourceGroupsRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1)
@ -2592,6 +2592,76 @@ func (_c *MockQueryCoordClient_TransferSegment_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(conte
return _c
// UpdateLoadConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (_m *MockQueryCoordClient) UpdateLoadConfig(ctx context.Context, in *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(opts))
for _i := range opts {
_va[_i] = opts[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, ctx, in)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *commonpb.Status
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest, ...grpc.CallOption) (*commonpb.Status, error)); ok {
return rf(ctx, in, opts...)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest, ...grpc.CallOption) *commonpb.Status); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, in, opts...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*commonpb.Status)
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest, ...grpc.CallOption) error); ok {
r1 = rf(ctx, in, opts...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// MockQueryCoordClient_UpdateLoadConfig_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'UpdateLoadConfig'
type MockQueryCoordClient_UpdateLoadConfig_Call struct {
// UpdateLoadConfig is a helper method to define mock.On call
// - ctx context.Context
// - in *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest
// - opts ...grpc.CallOption
func (_e *MockQueryCoordClient_Expecter) UpdateLoadConfig(ctx interface{}, in interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *MockQueryCoordClient_UpdateLoadConfig_Call {
return &MockQueryCoordClient_UpdateLoadConfig_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("UpdateLoadConfig",
append([]interface{}{ctx, in}, opts...)...)}
func (_c *MockQueryCoordClient_UpdateLoadConfig_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, in *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption)) *MockQueryCoordClient_UpdateLoadConfig_Call {
_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
variadicArgs := make([]grpc.CallOption, len(args)-2)
for i, a := range args[2:] {
if a != nil {
variadicArgs[i] = a.(grpc.CallOption)
run(args[0].(context.Context), args[1].(*querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest), variadicArgs...)
return _c
func (_c *MockQueryCoordClient_UpdateLoadConfig_Call) Return(_a0 *commonpb.Status, _a1 error) *MockQueryCoordClient_UpdateLoadConfig_Call {
_c.Call.Return(_a0, _a1)
return _c
func (_c *MockQueryCoordClient_UpdateLoadConfig_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest, ...grpc.CallOption) (*commonpb.Status, error)) *MockQueryCoordClient_UpdateLoadConfig_Call {
return _c
// UpdateResourceGroups provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (_m *MockQueryCoordClient) UpdateResourceGroups(ctx context.Context, in *querypb.UpdateResourceGroupsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(opts))
@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ service QueryCoord {
rpc TransferSegment(TransferSegmentRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc TransferChannel(TransferChannelRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc CheckQueryNodeDistribution(CheckQueryNodeDistributionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc UpdateLoadConfig(UpdateLoadConfigRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
service QueryNode {
@ -892,4 +894,10 @@ message CheckQueryNodeDistributionRequest {
int64 target_nodeID = 4;
message UpdateLoadConfigRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 dbID = 2;
repeated int64 collectionIDs = 3;
int32 replica_number = 4;
repeated string resource_groups = 5;
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
@ -101,14 +102,17 @@ func (c *ChannelChecker) Check(ctx context.Context) []task.Task {
// clean node which has been move out from replica
for _, nodeInfo := range c.nodeMgr.GetAll() {
nodeID := nodeInfo.ID()
replicas := c.meta.ReplicaManager.GetByNode(nodeID)
channels := c.dist.ChannelDistManager.GetByFilter(meta.WithNodeID2Channel(nodeID))
if len(replicas) == 0 && len(channels) != 0 {
channelOnQN := c.dist.ChannelDistManager.GetByFilter(meta.WithNodeID2Channel(nodeID))
collectionChannels := lo.GroupBy(channelOnQN, func(ch *meta.DmChannel) int64 { return ch.CollectionID })
for collectionID, channels := range collectionChannels {
replica := c.meta.ReplicaManager.GetByCollectionAndNode(collectionID, nodeID)
if replica == nil {
reduceTasks := c.createChannelReduceTasks(ctx, channels, meta.NilReplica)
task.SetReason("dirty channel exists", reduceTasks...)
tasks = append(tasks, reduceTasks...)
return tasks
@ -107,15 +107,18 @@ func (c *SegmentChecker) Check(ctx context.Context) []task.Task {
// clean node which has been move out from replica
for _, nodeInfo := range c.nodeMgr.GetAll() {
nodeID := nodeInfo.ID()
replicas := c.meta.ReplicaManager.GetByNode(nodeID)
segments := c.dist.SegmentDistManager.GetByFilter(meta.WithNodeID(nodeID))
if len(replicas) == 0 && len(segments) != 0 {
segmentsOnQN := c.dist.SegmentDistManager.GetByFilter(meta.WithNodeID(nodeID))
collectionSegments := lo.GroupBy(segmentsOnQN, func(segment *meta.Segment) int64 { return segment.GetCollectionID() })
for collectionID, segments := range collectionSegments {
replica := c.meta.ReplicaManager.GetByCollectionAndNode(collectionID, nodeID)
if replica == nil {
reduceTasks := c.createSegmentReduceTasks(ctx, segments, meta.NilReplica, querypb.DataScope_Historical)
task.SetReason("dirty segment exists", reduceTasks...)
task.SetPriority(task.TaskPriorityNormal, reduceTasks...)
results = append(results, reduceTasks...)
return results
@ -92,6 +92,10 @@ func (job *LoadCollectionJob) PreExecute() error {
req.ReplicaNumber = 1
if len(req.GetResourceGroups()) == 0 {
req.ResourceGroups = []string{meta.DefaultResourceGroupName}
collection := job.meta.GetCollection(req.GetCollectionID())
if collection == nil {
return nil
@ -112,6 +116,14 @@ func (job *LoadCollectionJob) PreExecute() error {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(collection.GetLoadFields(), req.GetLoadFields(), "can't change the load field list for loaded collection")
collectionUsedRG := job.meta.ReplicaManager.GetResourceGroupByCollection(collection.GetCollectionID()).Collect()
left, right := lo.Difference(collectionUsedRG, req.GetResourceGroups())
if len(left) > 0 || len(right) > 0 {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("collection with different resource groups %v existed, release this collection first before changing its resource groups",
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(collectionUsedRG, req.GetResourceGroups(), "can't change the resource groups for loaded partitions")
return nil
@ -287,6 +299,10 @@ func (job *LoadPartitionJob) PreExecute() error {
req.ReplicaNumber = 1
if len(req.GetResourceGroups()) == 0 {
req.ResourceGroups = []string{meta.DefaultResourceGroupName}
collection := job.meta.GetCollection(req.GetCollectionID())
if collection == nil {
return nil
@ -305,6 +321,14 @@ func (job *LoadPartitionJob) PreExecute() error {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(collection.GetLoadFields(), req.GetLoadFields(), "can't change the load field list for loaded collection")
collectionUsedRG := job.meta.ReplicaManager.GetResourceGroupByCollection(collection.GetCollectionID()).Collect()
left, right := lo.Difference(collectionUsedRG, req.GetResourceGroups())
if len(left) > 0 || len(right) > 0 {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("collection with different resource groups %v existed, release this collection first before changing its resource groups",
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(collectionUsedRG, req.GetResourceGroups(), "can't change the resource groups for loaded partitions")
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package job
import (
type UpdateLoadConfigJob struct {
collectionID int64
newReplicaNumber int32
newResourceGroups []string
meta *meta.Meta
targetMgr meta.TargetManagerInterface
targetObserver *observers.TargetObserver
collectionObserver *observers.CollectionObserver
func NewUpdateLoadConfigJob(ctx context.Context,
req *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest,
meta *meta.Meta,
targetMgr meta.TargetManagerInterface,
targetObserver *observers.TargetObserver,
collectionObserver *observers.CollectionObserver,
) *UpdateLoadConfigJob {
collectionID := req.GetCollectionIDs()[0]
return &UpdateLoadConfigJob{
BaseJob: NewBaseJob(ctx, req.Base.GetMsgID(), collectionID),
meta: meta,
targetMgr: targetMgr,
targetObserver: targetObserver,
collectionObserver: collectionObserver,
collectionID: collectionID,
newReplicaNumber: req.GetReplicaNumber(),
newResourceGroups: req.GetResourceGroups(),
func (job *UpdateLoadConfigJob) Execute() error {
if !job.meta.CollectionManager.Exist(job.collectionID) {
msg := "modify replica for unloaded collection is not supported"
err := merr.WrapErrCollectionNotLoaded(msg)
log.Warn(msg, zap.Error(err))
return err
// 1. check replica parameters
if job.newReplicaNumber == 0 {
msg := "set replica number to 0 for loaded collection is not supported"
err := merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg(msg)
log.Warn(msg, zap.Error(err))
return err
if len(job.newResourceGroups) == 0 {
job.newResourceGroups = []string{meta.DefaultResourceGroupName}
var err error
// 2. reassign
toSpawn, toTransfer, toRelease, err := utils.ReassignReplicaToRG(job.meta, job.collectionID, job.newReplicaNumber, job.newResourceGroups)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to reassign replica", zap.Error(err))
return err
log.Info("reassign replica",
zap.Int64("collectionID", job.collectionID),
zap.Int32("replicaNumber", job.newReplicaNumber),
zap.Strings("resourceGroups", job.newResourceGroups),
zap.Any("toSpawn", toSpawn),
zap.Any("toTransfer", toTransfer),
zap.Any("toRelease", toRelease))
// 3. try to spawn new replica
channels := job.targetMgr.GetDmChannelsByCollection(job.collectionID, meta.CurrentTargetFirst)
newReplicas, spawnErr := job.meta.ReplicaManager.Spawn(job.collectionID, toSpawn, lo.Keys(channels))
if spawnErr != nil {
log.Warn("failed to spawn replica", zap.Error(spawnErr))
err := spawnErr
return err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
// roll back replica from meta
replicaIDs := lo.Map(newReplicas, func(r *meta.Replica, _ int) int64 { return r.GetID() })
err := job.meta.ReplicaManager.RemoveReplicas(job.collectionID, replicaIDs...)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to remove replicas", zap.Int64s("replicaIDs", replicaIDs), zap.Error(err))
// 4. try to transfer replicas
replicaOldRG := make(map[int64]string)
for rg, replicas := range toTransfer {
collectionReplicas := lo.GroupBy(replicas, func(r *meta.Replica) int64 { return r.GetCollectionID() })
for collectionID, replicas := range collectionReplicas {
for _, replica := range replicas {
replicaOldRG[replica.GetID()] = replica.GetResourceGroup()
if transferErr := job.meta.ReplicaManager.MoveReplica(rg, replicas); transferErr != nil {
log.Warn("failed to transfer replica for collection", zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID), zap.Error(transferErr))
err = transferErr
return err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
for _, replicas := range toTransfer {
for _, replica := range replicas {
oldRG := replicaOldRG[replica.GetID()]
if replica.GetResourceGroup() != oldRG {
if err := job.meta.ReplicaManager.TransferReplica(replica.GetID(), replica.GetResourceGroup(), oldRG, 1); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to roll back replicas", zap.Int64("replica", replica.GetID()), zap.Error(err))
// 5. remove replica from meta
err = job.meta.ReplicaManager.RemoveReplicas(job.collectionID, toRelease...)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to remove replicas", zap.Int64s("replicaIDs", toRelease), zap.Error(err))
return err
// 6. recover node distribution among replicas
utils.RecoverReplicaOfCollection(job.meta, job.collectionID)
// 7. update replica number in meta
err = job.meta.UpdateReplicaNumber(job.collectionID, job.newReplicaNumber)
if err != nil {
msg := "failed to update replica number"
log.Warn(msg, zap.Error(err))
return err
// 8. update next target, no need to rollback if pull target failed, target observer will pull target in periodically
_, err = job.targetObserver.UpdateNextTarget(job.collectionID)
if err != nil {
msg := "failed to update next target"
log.Warn(msg, zap.Error(err))
return nil
@ -637,3 +637,25 @@ func (m *CollectionManager) removePartition(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID, part
return nil
func (m *CollectionManager) UpdateReplicaNumber(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID, replicaNumber int32) error {
defer m.rwmutex.Unlock()
collection, ok := m.collections[collectionID]
if !ok {
return merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(collectionID)
newCollection := collection.Clone()
newCollection.ReplicaNumber = replicaNumber
partitions := m.getPartitionsByCollection(collectionID)
newPartitions := make([]*Partition, 0, len(partitions))
for _, partition := range partitions {
newPartition := partition.Clone()
newPartition.ReplicaNumber = replicaNumber
newPartitions = append(newPartitions, newPartition)
return m.putCollection(true, newCollection, newPartitions...)
@ -98,9 +98,6 @@ func (m *ReplicaManager) Get(id typeutil.UniqueID) *Replica {
func (m *ReplicaManager) Spawn(collection int64, replicaNumInRG map[string]int, channels []string) ([]*Replica, error) {
defer m.rwmutex.Unlock()
if m.collIDToReplicaIDs[collection] != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("replicas of collection %d is already spawned", collection)
balancePolicy := paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.Balancer.GetValue()
enableChannelExclusiveMode := balancePolicy == ChannelLevelScoreBalancerName
@ -202,6 +199,21 @@ func (m *ReplicaManager) TransferReplica(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID, srcRGNa
return m.put(replicas...)
func (m *ReplicaManager) MoveReplica(dstRGName string, toMove []*Replica) error {
defer m.rwmutex.Unlock()
replicas := make([]*Replica, 0, len(toMove))
replicaIDs := make([]int64, 0)
for _, replica := range toMove {
mutableReplica := replica.CopyForWrite()
replicas = append(replicas, mutableReplica.IntoReplica())
replicaIDs = append(replicaIDs, replica.GetID())
log.Info("move replicas to resource group", zap.String("dstRGName", dstRGName), zap.Int64s("replicas", replicaIDs))
return m.put(replicas...)
// getSrcReplicasAndCheckIfTransferable checks if the collection can be transfer from srcRGName to dstRGName.
func (m *ReplicaManager) getSrcReplicasAndCheckIfTransferable(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID, srcRGName string, replicaNum int) ([]*Replica, error) {
// Check if collection is loaded.
@ -244,10 +256,40 @@ func (m *ReplicaManager) RemoveCollection(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID) error
return nil
func (m *ReplicaManager) RemoveReplicas(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID, replicas ...typeutil.UniqueID) error {
defer m.rwmutex.Unlock()
log.Info("release replicas", zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID), zap.Int64s("replicas", replicas))
return m.removeReplicas(collectionID, replicas...)
func (m *ReplicaManager) removeReplicas(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID, replicas ...typeutil.UniqueID) error {
err := m.catalog.ReleaseReplica(collectionID, replicas...)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, replica := range replicas {
delete(m.replicas, replica)
if m.collIDToReplicaIDs[collectionID].Len() == 0 {
delete(m.collIDToReplicaIDs, collectionID)
return nil
func (m *ReplicaManager) GetByCollection(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID) []*Replica {
defer m.rwmutex.RUnlock()
return m.getByCollection(collectionID)
func (m *ReplicaManager) getByCollection(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID) []*Replica {
replicas := make([]*Replica, 0)
if m.collIDToReplicaIDs[collectionID] != nil {
for replicaID := range m.collIDToReplicaIDs[collectionID] {
@ -349,6 +349,22 @@ func (rm *ResourceManager) GetNodes(rgName string) ([]int64, error) {
return rm.groups[rgName].GetNodes(), nil
// GetResourceGroupByNodeID return whether resource group's node match required node count
func (rm *ResourceManager) VerifyNodeCount(requiredNodeCount map[string]int) error {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
for rgName, nodeCount := range requiredNodeCount {
if rm.groups[rgName] == nil {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNotFound(rgName)
if rm.groups[rgName].NodeNum() != nodeCount {
return ErrNodeNotEnough
return nil
// GetOutgoingNodeNumByReplica return outgoing node num on each rg from this replica.
func (rm *ResourceManager) GetOutgoingNodeNumByReplica(replica *Replica) map[string]int32 {
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import (
@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ import (
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ import (
@ -466,6 +470,9 @@ func (s *Server) startQueryCoord() error {
go s.handleNodeUpLoop()
go s.watchNodes(revision)
// watch load config changes
// check whether old node exist, if yes suspend auto balance until all old nodes down
@ -840,3 +847,62 @@ func (s *Server) updateBalanceConfig() bool {
log.RatedDebug(10, "old query node exist", zap.Strings("sessions", lo.Keys(sessions)))
return false
func (s *Server) watchLoadConfigChanges() {
replicaNumHandler := config.NewHandler("watchReplicaNumberChanges", func(e *config.Event) {
log.Info("watch load config changes", zap.String("key", e.Key), zap.String("value", e.Value), zap.String("type", e.EventType))
collectionIDs := s.meta.GetAll()
if len(collectionIDs) == 0 {
log.Warn("no collection loaded, skip to trigger update load config")
replicaNum, err := strconv.ParseInt(e.Value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("invalid cluster level load config, skip it", zap.String("key", e.Key), zap.String("value", e.Value))
if replicaNum <= 0 {
log.Info("invalid cluster level load config, skip it", zap.Int64("replica_num", replicaNum))
rgs := paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadResourceGroups.GetAsStrings()
s.UpdateLoadConfig(s.ctx, &querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest{
CollectionIDs: collectionIDs,
ReplicaNumber: int32(replicaNum),
ResourceGroups: rgs,
paramtable.Get().Watch(paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadReplicaNumber.Key, replicaNumHandler)
rgHandler := config.NewHandler("watchResourceGroupChanges", func(e *config.Event) {
log.Info("watch load config changes", zap.String("key", e.Key), zap.String("value", e.Value), zap.String("type", e.EventType))
collectionIDs := s.meta.GetAll()
if len(collectionIDs) == 0 {
log.Warn("no collection loaded, skip to trigger update load config")
if len(e.Value) == 0 {
log.Warn("invalid cluster level load config, skip it", zap.String("key", e.Key), zap.String("value", e.Value))
rgs := strings.Split(e.Value, ",")
rgs = lo.Map(rgs, func(rg string, _ int) string { return strings.TrimSpace(rg) })
if len(rgs) == 0 {
log.Info("invalid cluster level load config, skip it", zap.Strings("resource_groups", rgs))
replicaNum := paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadReplicaNumber.GetAsInt64()
s.UpdateLoadConfig(s.ctx, &querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest{
CollectionIDs: collectionIDs,
ReplicaNumber: int32(replicaNum),
ResourceGroups: rgs,
paramtable.Get().Watch(paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadResourceGroups.Key, rgHandler)
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import (
@ -239,14 +240,47 @@ func (s *Server) LoadCollection(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.LoadCollection
if err := s.checkResourceGroup(req.GetCollectionID(), req.GetResourceGroups()); err != nil {
msg := "failed to load collection"
log.Warn(msg, zap.Error(err))
return merr.Status(errors.Wrap(err, msg)), nil
if req.GetReplicaNumber() <= 0 {
log.Info("request doesn't indicate the number of replicas, set it to 1")
req.ReplicaNumber = 1
loadJob := job.NewLoadCollectionJob(ctx,
if len(req.GetResourceGroups()) == 0 {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("request doesn't indicate the resource groups, set it to %s", meta.DefaultResourceGroupName))
req.ResourceGroups = []string{meta.DefaultResourceGroupName}
var loadJob job.Job
collection := s.meta.GetCollection(req.GetCollectionID())
if collection != nil && collection.GetStatus() == querypb.LoadStatus_Loaded {
// if collection is loaded, check if collection is loaded with the same replica number and resource groups
// if replica number or resource group changes, switch to update load config
collectionUsedRG := s.meta.ReplicaManager.GetResourceGroupByCollection(collection.GetCollectionID()).Collect()
left, right := lo.Difference(collectionUsedRG, req.GetResourceGroups())
rgChanged := len(left) > 0 || len(right) > 0
replicaChanged := collection.GetReplicaNumber() != req.GetReplicaNumber()
if replicaChanged || rgChanged {
log.Warn("collection is loaded with different replica number or resource group, switch to update load config",
zap.Int32("oldReplicaNumber", collection.GetReplicaNumber()),
zap.Strings("oldResourceGroups", collectionUsedRG))
updateReq := &querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest{
CollectionIDs: []int64{req.GetCollectionID()},
ReplicaNumber: req.GetReplicaNumber(),
ResourceGroups: req.GetResourceGroups(),
loadJob = job.NewUpdateLoadConfigJob(
if loadJob == nil {
loadJob = job.NewLoadCollectionJob(ctx,
@ -257,6 +291,8 @@ func (s *Server) LoadCollection(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.LoadCollection
err := loadJob.Wait()
if err != nil {
@ -360,13 +396,6 @@ func (s *Server) LoadPartitions(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.LoadPartitions
if err := s.checkResourceGroup(req.GetCollectionID(), req.GetResourceGroups()); err != nil {
msg := "failed to load partitions"
log.Warn(msg, zap.Error(err))
return merr.Status(errors.Wrap(err, msg)), nil
loadJob := job.NewLoadPartitionJob(ctx,
@ -391,23 +420,6 @@ func (s *Server) LoadPartitions(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.LoadPartitions
return merr.Success(), nil
func (s *Server) checkResourceGroup(collectionID int64, resourceGroups []string) error {
if len(resourceGroups) != 0 {
collectionUsedRG := s.meta.ReplicaManager.GetResourceGroupByCollection(collectionID)
for _, rgName := range resourceGroups {
if len(collectionUsedRG) > 0 && !collectionUsedRG.Contain(rgName) {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("created resource group(s)", rgName, "given resource group not found")
if len(resourceGroups) > 1 && rgName == meta.DefaultResourceGroupName {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("no default resource group mixed with the other resource group(s)", rgName)
return nil
func (s *Server) ReleasePartitions(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.ReleasePartitionsRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", req.GetCollectionID()),
@ -1168,3 +1180,79 @@ func (s *Server) DescribeResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.Describ
return resp, nil
func (s *Server) UpdateLoadConfig(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64s("collectionIDs", req.GetCollectionIDs()),
zap.Int32("replicaNumber", req.GetReplicaNumber()),
zap.Strings("resourceGroups", req.GetResourceGroups()),
log.Info("update load config request received")
if err := merr.CheckHealthy(s.State()); err != nil {
msg := "failed to update load config"
log.Warn(msg, zap.Error(err))
return merr.Status(errors.Wrap(err, msg)), nil
jobs := make([]job.Job, 0, len(req.GetCollectionIDs()))
for _, collectionID := range req.GetCollectionIDs() {
collection := s.meta.GetCollection(collectionID)
if collection == nil || collection.GetStatus() != querypb.LoadStatus_Loaded {
err := merr.WrapErrCollectionNotLoaded(collectionID)
log.Warn("failed to update load config", zap.Error(err))
collectionUsedRG := s.meta.ReplicaManager.GetResourceGroupByCollection(collection.GetCollectionID()).Collect()
left, right := lo.Difference(collectionUsedRG, req.GetResourceGroups())
rgChanged := len(left) > 0 || len(right) > 0
replicaChanged := collection.GetReplicaNumber() != req.GetReplicaNumber()
subReq := proto.Clone(req).(*querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest)
subReq.CollectionIDs = []int64{collectionID}
if len(req.ResourceGroups) == 0 {
subReq.ResourceGroups = collectionUsedRG
rgChanged = false
if subReq.GetReplicaNumber() == 0 {
subReq.ReplicaNumber = collection.GetReplicaNumber()
replicaChanged = false
if !replicaChanged && !rgChanged {
log.Info("no need to update load config", zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID))
updateJob := job.NewUpdateLoadConfigJob(
jobs = append(jobs, updateJob)
var err error
for _, job := range jobs {
subErr := job.Wait()
if subErr != nil {
err = merr.Combine(err, subErr)
if err != nil {
msg := "failed to update load config"
log.Warn(msg, zap.Error(err))
return merr.Status(errors.Wrap(err, msg)), nil
log.Info("update load config request finished")
return merr.Success(), nil
@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ func (suite *ServiceSuite) TestLoadCollectionFailed() {
req := &querypb.LoadCollectionRequest{
CollectionID: 0,
CollectionID: 1001,
ReplicaNumber: 2,
ResourceGroups: []string{meta.DefaultResourceGroupName, "rg"},
@ -276,11 +276,12 @@ func (ex *Executor) releaseSegment(task *SegmentTask, step int) {
// get segment's replica first, then get shard leader by replica
replica := ex.meta.ReplicaManager.GetByCollectionAndNode(task.CollectionID(), action.Node())
if replica == nil {
msg := "node doesn't belong to any replica"
msg := "node doesn't belong to any replica, try to send release to worker"
err := merr.WrapErrNodeNotAvailable(action.Node())
log.Warn(msg, zap.Error(err))
dstNode = action.Node()
req.NeedTransfer = false
} else {
view := ex.dist.LeaderViewManager.GetLatestShardLeaderByFilter(meta.WithReplica2LeaderView(replica), meta.WithChannelName2LeaderView(action.Shard()))
if view == nil {
msg := "no shard leader for the segment to execute releasing"
@ -288,12 +289,12 @@ func (ex *Executor) releaseSegment(task *SegmentTask, step int) {
log.Warn(msg, zap.Error(err))
dstNode = view.ID
log = log.With(zap.Int64("shardLeader", view.ID))
req.NeedTransfer = true
log.Info("release segment...")
status, err := ex.cluster.ReleaseSegments(ctx, dstNode, req)
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func RecoverAllCollection(m *meta.Meta) {
func checkResourceGroup(m *meta.Meta, resourceGroups []string, replicaNumber int32) (map[string]int, error) {
func AssignReplica(m *meta.Meta, resourceGroups []string, replicaNumber int32, checkNodeNum bool) (map[string]int, error) {
if len(resourceGroups) != 0 && len(resourceGroups) != 1 && len(resourceGroups) != int(replicaNumber) {
return nil, errors.Errorf(
"replica=[%d] resource group=[%s], resource group num can only be 0, 1 or same as replica number", replicaNumber, strings.Join(resourceGroups, ","))
@ -142,18 +142,21 @@ func checkResourceGroup(m *meta.Meta, resourceGroups []string, replicaNumber int
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if num > len(nodes) {
err := merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNodeNotEnough(rgName, len(nodes), num)
log.Warn("failed to check resource group", zap.Error(err))
if checkNodeNum {
err := merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNodeNotEnough(rgName, len(nodes), num)
return nil, err
return replicaNumInRG, nil
// SpawnReplicasWithRG spawns replicas in rgs one by one for given collection.
func SpawnReplicasWithRG(m *meta.Meta, collection int64, resourceGroups []string, replicaNumber int32, channels []string) ([]*meta.Replica, error) {
replicaNumInRG, err := checkResourceGroup(m, resourceGroups, replicaNumber)
replicaNumInRG, err := AssignReplica(m, resourceGroups, replicaNumber, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -167,3 +170,76 @@ func SpawnReplicasWithRG(m *meta.Meta, collection int64, resourceGroups []string
RecoverReplicaOfCollection(m, collection)
return replicas, nil
func ReassignReplicaToRG(
m *meta.Meta,
collectionID int64,
newReplicaNumber int32,
newResourceGroups []string,
) (map[string]int, map[string][]*meta.Replica, []int64, error) {
// assign all replicas to newResourceGroups, got each rg's replica number
newAssignment, err := AssignReplica(m, newResourceGroups, newReplicaNumber, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
replicas := m.ReplicaManager.GetByCollection(collectionID)
replicasInRG := lo.GroupBy(replicas, func(replica *meta.Replica) string {
return replica.GetResourceGroup()
// if rg doesn't exist in newResourceGroups, add all replicas to candidateToRelease
candidateToRelease := make([]*meta.Replica, 0)
outRg, _ := lo.Difference(lo.Keys(replicasInRG), newResourceGroups)
if len(outRg) > 0 {
for _, rgName := range outRg {
candidateToRelease = append(candidateToRelease, replicasInRG[rgName]...)
// if rg has more replicas than newAssignment's replica number, add the rest replicas to candidateToMove
// also set the lacked replica number as rg's replicaToSpawn value
replicaToSpawn := make(map[string]int, len(newAssignment))
for rgName, count := range newAssignment {
if len(replicasInRG[rgName]) > count {
candidateToRelease = append(candidateToRelease, replicasInRG[rgName][count:]...)
} else {
lack := count - len(replicasInRG[rgName])
if lack > 0 {
replicaToSpawn[rgName] = lack
candidateIdx := 0
// if newReplicaNumber is small than current replica num, pick replica from candidate and add it to replicasToRelease
replicasToRelease := make([]int64, 0)
replicaReleaseCounter := len(replicas) - int(newReplicaNumber)
for replicaReleaseCounter > 0 {
replicasToRelease = append(replicasToRelease, candidateToRelease[candidateIdx].GetID())
replicaReleaseCounter -= 1
candidateIdx += 1
// if candidateToMove is not empty, pick replica from candidate add add it to replicaToTransfer
// which means if rg has less replicas than expected, we transfer some existed replica to it.
replicaToTransfer := make(map[string][]*meta.Replica)
if candidateIdx < len(candidateToRelease) {
for rg := range replicaToSpawn {
for replicaToSpawn[rg] > 0 && candidateIdx < len(candidateToRelease) {
if replicaToTransfer[rg] == nil {
replicaToTransfer[rg] = make([]*meta.Replica, 0)
replicaToTransfer[rg] = append(replicaToTransfer[rg], candidateToRelease[candidateIdx])
candidateIdx += 1
replicaToSpawn[rg] -= 1
if replicaToSpawn[rg] == 0 {
delete(replicaToSpawn, rg)
return replicaToSpawn, replicaToTransfer, replicasToRelease, nil
@ -21,13 +21,16 @@ import (
type alterCollectionTask struct {
@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ func (a *alterCollectionTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
newColl := oldColl.Clone()
updateCollectionProperties(newColl, a.Req.GetProperties())
newColl.Properties = MergeProperties(oldColl.Properties, a.Req.GetProperties())
ts := a.GetTs()
redoTask := newBaseRedoTask(a.core.stepExecutor)
@ -85,27 +88,34 @@ func (a *alterCollectionTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
opts: []proxyutil.ExpireCacheOpt{proxyutil.SetMsgType(commonpb.MsgType_AlterCollection)},
oldReplicaNumber, _ := common.DatabaseLevelReplicaNumber(oldColl.Properties)
oldResourceGroups, _ := common.DatabaseLevelResourceGroups(oldColl.Properties)
newReplicaNumber, _ := common.DatabaseLevelReplicaNumber(newColl.Properties)
newResourceGroups, _ := common.DatabaseLevelResourceGroups(newColl.Properties)
left, right := lo.Difference(oldResourceGroups, newResourceGroups)
rgChanged := len(left) > 0 || len(right) > 0
replicaChanged := oldReplicaNumber != newReplicaNumber
if rgChanged || replicaChanged {
log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("alter collection trigger update load config",
zap.Int64("collectionID", oldColl.CollectionID),
zap.Int64("oldReplicaNumber", oldReplicaNumber),
zap.Int64("newReplicaNumber", newReplicaNumber),
zap.Strings("oldResourceGroups", oldResourceGroups),
zap.Strings("newResourceGroups", newResourceGroups),
redoTask.AddAsyncStep(NewSimpleStep("", func(ctx context.Context) ([]nestedStep, error) {
resp, err := a.core.queryCoord.UpdateLoadConfig(ctx, &querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest{
CollectionIDs: []int64{oldColl.CollectionID},
ReplicaNumber: int32(newReplicaNumber),
ResourceGroups: newResourceGroups,
if err := merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to trigger update load config for collection", zap.Int64("collectionID", newColl.CollectionID), zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
return nil, nil
return redoTask.Execute(ctx)
func updateCollectionProperties(coll *model.Collection, updatedProps []*commonpb.KeyValuePair) {
props := make(map[string]string)
for _, prop := range coll.Properties {
props[prop.Key] = prop.Value
for _, prop := range updatedProps {
props[prop.Key] = prop.Value
propKV := make([]*commonpb.KeyValuePair, 0)
for key, value := range props {
propKV = append(propKV, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: key,
Value: value,
coll.Properties = propKV
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ func Test_alterCollectionTask_Execute(t *testing.T) {
Value: "true",
updateCollectionProperties(coll, updateProps1)
coll.Properties = MergeProperties(coll.Properties, updateProps1)
assert.Contains(t, coll.Properties, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.CollectionTTLConfigKey,
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ func Test_alterCollectionTask_Execute(t *testing.T) {
Value: "2",
updateCollectionProperties(coll, updateProps2)
coll.Properties = MergeProperties(coll.Properties, updateProps2)
assert.Contains(t, coll.Properties, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.CollectionTTLConfigKey,
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ func Test_alterCollectionTask_Execute(t *testing.T) {
Value: "true",
updateCollectionProperties(coll, updatePropsIso)
coll.Properties = MergeProperties(coll.Properties, updatePropsIso)
assert.Contains(t, coll.Properties, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.PartitionKeyIsolationKey,
Value: "true",
@ -21,11 +21,16 @@ import (
type alterDatabaseTask struct {
@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ func (a *alterDatabaseTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
newDB := oldDB.Clone()
ret := updateProperties(oldDB.Properties, a.Req.GetProperties())
ret := MergeProperties(oldDB.Properties, a.Req.GetProperties())
newDB.Properties = ret
ts := a.GetTs()
@ -67,10 +72,48 @@ func (a *alterDatabaseTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
ts: ts,
oldReplicaNumber, _ := common.DatabaseLevelReplicaNumber(oldDB.Properties)
oldResourceGroups, _ := common.DatabaseLevelResourceGroups(oldDB.Properties)
newReplicaNumber, _ := common.DatabaseLevelReplicaNumber(newDB.Properties)
newResourceGroups, _ := common.DatabaseLevelResourceGroups(newDB.Properties)
left, right := lo.Difference(oldResourceGroups, newResourceGroups)
rgChanged := len(left) > 0 || len(right) > 0
replicaChanged := oldReplicaNumber != newReplicaNumber
if rgChanged || replicaChanged {
log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("alter database trigger update load config",
zap.Int64("dbID", oldDB.ID),
zap.Int64("oldReplicaNumber", oldReplicaNumber),
zap.Int64("newReplicaNumber", newReplicaNumber),
zap.Strings("oldResourceGroups", oldResourceGroups),
zap.Strings("newResourceGroups", newResourceGroups),
redoTask.AddAsyncStep(NewSimpleStep("", func(ctx context.Context) ([]nestedStep, error) {
colls, err := a.core.meta.ListCollections(ctx, oldDB.Name, a.ts, true)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to trigger update load config for database", zap.Int64("dbID", oldDB.ID), zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
if len(colls) == 0 {
return nil, nil
resp, err := a.core.queryCoord.UpdateLoadConfig(ctx, &querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest{
CollectionIDs: lo.Map(colls, func(coll *model.Collection, _ int) int64 { return coll.CollectionID }),
ReplicaNumber: int32(newReplicaNumber),
ResourceGroups: newResourceGroups,
if err := merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to trigger update load config for database", zap.Int64("dbID", oldDB.ID), zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
return nil, nil
return redoTask.Execute(ctx)
func updateProperties(oldProps []*commonpb.KeyValuePair, updatedProps []*commonpb.KeyValuePair) []*commonpb.KeyValuePair {
func MergeProperties(oldProps []*commonpb.KeyValuePair, updatedProps []*commonpb.KeyValuePair) []*commonpb.KeyValuePair {
props := make(map[string]string)
for _, prop := range oldProps {
props[prop.Key] = prop.Value
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ func Test_alterDatabaseTask_Execute(t *testing.T) {
ret := updateProperties(oldProps, updateProps1)
ret := MergeProperties(oldProps, updateProps1)
assert.Contains(t, ret, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.CollectionTTLConfigKey,
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ func Test_alterDatabaseTask_Execute(t *testing.T) {
Value: "2",
ret2 := updateProperties(ret, updateProps2)
ret2 := MergeProperties(ret, updateProps2)
assert.Contains(t, ret2, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.CollectionTTLConfigKey,
@ -181,3 +181,7 @@ func (m *GrpcQueryCoordClient) TransferChannel(ctx context.Context, req *querypb
func (m *GrpcQueryCoordClient) CheckQueryNodeDistribution(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.CheckQueryNodeDistributionRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return &commonpb.Status{}, m.Err
func (m *GrpcQueryCoordClient) UpdateLoadConfig(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.UpdateLoadConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return &commonpb.Status{}, m.Err
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ func NewEtcdSource(etcdInfo *EtcdInfo) (*EtcdSource, error) {
keyPrefix: etcdInfo.KeyPrefix,
es.configRefresher = newRefresher(etcdInfo.RefreshInterval, es.refreshConfigurations)
return es, nil
@ -92,7 +93,6 @@ func (es *EtcdSource) GetConfigurations() (map[string]string, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for key, value := range es.currentConfigs {
configMap[key] = value
@ -67,18 +67,27 @@ import (
var params *paramtable.ComponentParam = paramtable.Get()
var (
initOnce sync.Once
configMap map[string]string
func DefaultParams() map[string]string {
initOnce.Do(func() {
testPath := fmt.Sprintf("integration-test-%d", time.Now().Unix())
return map[string]string{
params.EtcdCfg.RootPath.Key: testPath,
params.MinioCfg.RootPath.Key: testPath,
//"runtime.role": typeutil.StandaloneRole,
//params.IntegrationTestCfg.IntegrationMode.Key: "true",
params.LocalStorageCfg.Path.Key: path.Join("/tmp", testPath),
params.CommonCfg.StorageType.Key: "local",
params.DataNodeCfg.MemoryForceSyncEnable.Key: "false", // local execution will print too many logs
params.CommonCfg.GracefulStopTimeout.Key: "30",
// Notice: don't use ParamItem.Key here, the config key will be empty before param table init
configMap = map[string]string{
"etcd.rootPath": testPath,
"minio.rootPath": testPath,
"localStorage.path": path.Join("/tmp", testPath),
"common.storageType": "local",
"dataNode.memory.forceSyncEnable": "false", // local execution will print too many logs
"common.gracefulStopTimeout": "30",
return configMap
type MiniClusterV2 struct {
@ -34,12 +34,11 @@ type PrivilegeGroupTestSuite struct {
func (s *PrivilegeGroupTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.BalanceCheckInterval.Key, "1000")
paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.GracefulStopTimeout.Key, "1")
paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.AuthorizationEnabled.Key, "true")
func (s *PrivilegeGroupTestSuite) TestPrivilegeGroup() {
@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ package balance
import (
@ -31,6 +33,8 @@ import (
@ -47,11 +51,22 @@ type LoadTestSuite struct {
func (s *LoadTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
// setup mini cluster to use embed etcd
endpoints := etcd.GetEmbedEtcdEndpoints(s.EtcdServer)
val := strings.Join(endpoints, ",")
// setup env value to init etcd source
s.T().Setenv("etcd.endpoints", val)
for key, value := range integration.DefaultParams() {
s.T().Setenv(key, value)
paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.BalanceCheckInterval.Key, "1000")
paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.GracefulStopTimeout.Key, "1")
paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.CheckNodeInReplicaInterval.Key, "5")
func (s *LoadTestSuite) loadCollection(collectionName string, db string, replica int, rgs []string) {
@ -83,110 +98,11 @@ func (s *LoadTestSuite) releaseCollection(db, collectionName string) {
func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestLoadWithDatabaseLevelConfig() {
ctx := context.Background()
s.CreateCollectionWithConfiguration(ctx, &integration.CreateCollectionConfig{
DBName: dbName,
Dim: dim,
CollectionName: collectionName,
ChannelNum: 1,
SegmentNum: 3,
RowNumPerSegment: 2000,
// prepare resource groups
rgNum := 3
rgs := make([]string, 0)
for i := 0; i < rgNum; i++ {
rgs = append(rgs, fmt.Sprintf("rg_%d", i))
s.Cluster.QueryCoord.CreateResourceGroup(ctx, &milvuspb.CreateResourceGroupRequest{
ResourceGroup: rgs[i],
Config: &rgpb.ResourceGroupConfig{
Requests: &rgpb.ResourceGroupLimit{
NodeNum: 1,
Limits: &rgpb.ResourceGroupLimit{
NodeNum: 1,
TransferFrom: []*rgpb.ResourceGroupTransfer{
ResourceGroup: meta.DefaultResourceGroupName,
TransferTo: []*rgpb.ResourceGroupTransfer{
ResourceGroup: meta.DefaultResourceGroupName,
resp, err := s.Cluster.QueryCoord.ListResourceGroups(ctx, &milvuspb.ListResourceGroupsRequest{})
s.Len(resp.GetResourceGroups(), rgNum+1)
for i := 1; i < rgNum; i++ {
s.Eventually(func() bool {
matchCounter := 0
for _, rg := range rgs {
resp1, err := s.Cluster.QueryCoord.DescribeResourceGroup(ctx, &querypb.DescribeResourceGroupRequest{
ResourceGroup: rg,
if len(resp1.ResourceGroup.Nodes) == 1 {
matchCounter += 1
return matchCounter == rgNum
}, 30*time.Second, time.Second)
status, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.AlterDatabase(ctx, &milvuspb.AlterDatabaseRequest{
DbName: "default",
Properties: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DatabaseReplicaNumber,
Value: "3",
Key: common.DatabaseResourceGroups,
Value: strings.Join(rgs, ","),
resp1, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.DescribeDatabase(ctx, &milvuspb.DescribeDatabaseRequest{
DbName: "default",
s.Len(resp1.GetProperties(), 2)
// load collection without specified replica and rgs
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 0, nil)
resp2, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
s.Len(resp2.GetReplicas(), 3)
s.releaseCollection(dbName, collectionName)
func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestLoadWithPredefineCollectionLevelConfig() {
ctx := context.Background()
// prepare resource groups
rgNum := 3
rgNum := 5
rgs := make([]string, 0)
for i := 0; i < rgNum; i++ {
rgs = append(rgs, fmt.Sprintf("rg_%d", i))
@ -246,7 +162,7 @@ func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestLoadWithPredefineCollectionLevelConfig() {
SegmentNum: 3,
RowNumPerSegment: 2000,
ReplicaNumber: 3,
ResourceGroups: rgs,
ResourceGroups: rgs[:3],
// load collection without specified replica and rgs
@ -258,6 +174,57 @@ func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestLoadWithPredefineCollectionLevelConfig() {
s.Len(resp2.GetReplicas(), 3)
// modify config, increase replica number
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.AlterCollection(ctx, &milvuspb.AlterCollectionRequest{
CollectionName: collectionName,
Properties: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DatabaseReplicaNumber,
Value: "5",
Key: common.DatabaseResourceGroups,
Value: strings.Join(rgs, ","),
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp2, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp2.GetReplicas()) == 5
}, 30*time.Second, time.Second)
// modify config, decrease replica number
resp4, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.AlterCollection(ctx, &milvuspb.AlterCollectionRequest{
CollectionName: collectionName,
Properties: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DatabaseReplicaNumber,
Value: "2",
Key: common.DatabaseResourceGroups,
Value: strings.Join(rgs[:2], ","),
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp2, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp2.GetReplicas()) == 2
}, 30*time.Second, time.Second)
s.releaseCollection(dbName, collectionName)
@ -265,7 +232,7 @@ func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestLoadWithPredefineDatabaseLevelConfig() {
ctx := context.Background()
// prepare resource groups
rgNum := 3
rgNum := 5
rgs := make([]string, 0)
for i := 0; i < rgNum; i++ {
rgs = append(rgs, fmt.Sprintf("rg_%d", i))
@ -327,7 +294,7 @@ func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestLoadWithPredefineDatabaseLevelConfig() {
Key: common.DatabaseResourceGroups,
Value: strings.Join(rgs, ","),
Value: strings.Join(rgs[:3], ","),
@ -352,6 +319,59 @@ func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestLoadWithPredefineDatabaseLevelConfig() {
s.Len(resp2.GetReplicas(), 3)
// modify config, increase replica number
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.AlterDatabase(ctx, &milvuspb.AlterDatabaseRequest{
DbName: newDbName,
Properties: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DatabaseReplicaNumber,
Value: "5",
Key: common.DatabaseResourceGroups,
Value: strings.Join(rgs, ","),
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp2, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: newDbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp2.GetReplicas()) == 5
}, 30*time.Second, time.Second)
// modify config, decrease replica number
resp4, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.AlterDatabase(ctx, &milvuspb.AlterDatabaseRequest{
DbName: newDbName,
Properties: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DatabaseReplicaNumber,
Value: "2",
Key: common.DatabaseResourceGroups,
Value: strings.Join(rgs[:2], ","),
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp2, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: newDbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp2.GetReplicas()) == 2
}, 30*time.Second, time.Second)
s.releaseCollection(newDbName, collectionName)
@ -359,7 +379,7 @@ func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestLoadWithPredefineClusterLevelConfig() {
ctx := context.Background()
// prepare resource groups
rgNum := 3
rgNum := 5
rgs := make([]string, 0)
for i := 0; i < rgNum; i++ {
rgs = append(rgs, fmt.Sprintf("rg_%d", i))
@ -420,9 +440,7 @@ func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestLoadWithPredefineClusterLevelConfig() {
RowNumPerSegment: 2000,
paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadReplicaNumber.Key, "3")
defer paramtable.Get().Reset(paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadReplicaNumber.Key)
paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadResourceGroups.Key, strings.Join(rgs, ","))
defer paramtable.Get().Reset(paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadResourceGroups.Key)
paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadResourceGroups.Key, strings.Join(rgs[:3], ","))
// load collection without specified replica and rgs
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 0, nil)
@ -433,6 +451,385 @@ func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestLoadWithPredefineClusterLevelConfig() {
s.Len(resp2.GetReplicas(), 3)
// modify load config, increase replicas
endpoints := etcd.GetEmbedEtcdEndpoints(s.EtcdServer)
configPrefix := path.Join(paramtable.Get().EtcdCfg.RootPath.GetValue(), "config")
log.Info("endpoints", zap.Strings("endpoints", endpoints), zap.String("configPrefix", configPrefix))
s.Cluster.EtcdCli.Put(ctx, path.Join(configPrefix, paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadReplicaNumber.Key), "5")
s.Cluster.EtcdCli.Put(ctx, path.Join(configPrefix, paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadResourceGroups.Key), strings.Join(rgs, ","))
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp3.GetReplicas()) == 5
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
// modify load config, decrease replicas
endpoints = etcd.GetEmbedEtcdEndpoints(s.EtcdServer)
log.Info("endpoints", zap.Strings("endpoints", endpoints), zap.String("configPrefix", configPrefix))
s.Cluster.EtcdCli.Put(ctx, path.Join(configPrefix, paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadReplicaNumber.Key), "2")
s.Cluster.EtcdCli.Put(ctx, path.Join(configPrefix, paramtable.Get().QueryCoordCfg.ClusterLevelLoadResourceGroups.Key), strings.Join(rgs[:2], ","))
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp3.GetReplicas()) == 2
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
s.releaseCollection(dbName, collectionName)
func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestDynamicUpdateLoadConfigs() {
ctx := context.Background()
s.CreateCollectionWithConfiguration(ctx, &integration.CreateCollectionConfig{
DBName: dbName,
Dim: dim,
CollectionName: collectionName,
ChannelNum: 1,
SegmentNum: 3,
RowNumPerSegment: 2000,
// prepare resource groups
rgNum := 5
rgs := make([]string, 0)
for i := 0; i < rgNum; i++ {
rgs = append(rgs, fmt.Sprintf("rg_%d", i))
s.Cluster.QueryCoord.CreateResourceGroup(ctx, &milvuspb.CreateResourceGroupRequest{
ResourceGroup: rgs[i],
Config: &rgpb.ResourceGroupConfig{
Requests: &rgpb.ResourceGroupLimit{
NodeNum: 1,
Limits: &rgpb.ResourceGroupLimit{
NodeNum: 1,
TransferFrom: []*rgpb.ResourceGroupTransfer{
ResourceGroup: meta.DefaultResourceGroupName,
TransferTo: []*rgpb.ResourceGroupTransfer{
ResourceGroup: meta.DefaultResourceGroupName,
resp, err := s.Cluster.QueryCoord.ListResourceGroups(ctx, &milvuspb.ListResourceGroupsRequest{})
s.Len(resp.GetResourceGroups(), rgNum+1)
for i := 1; i < rgNum; i++ {
nodesInRG := make(map[string][]int64)
s.Eventually(func() bool {
matchCounter := 0
for _, rg := range rgs {
resp1, err := s.Cluster.QueryCoord.DescribeResourceGroup(ctx, &querypb.DescribeResourceGroupRequest{
ResourceGroup: rg,
if len(resp1.ResourceGroup.Nodes) == 1 {
matchCounter += 1
nodesInRG[rg] = []int64{resp1.ResourceGroup.Nodes[0].NodeId}
return matchCounter == rgNum
}, 30*time.Second, time.Second)
// load collection
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 5, rgs)
resp2, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
s.Len(resp2.GetReplicas(), 5)
// test load collection with dynamic update
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 3, rgs[:3])
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp3.GetReplicas()) == 3
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
s.Eventually(func() bool {
segmentNum, channelNum := 0, 0
for _, qn := range s.Cluster.GetAllQueryNodes() {
resp, err := qn.GetDataDistribution(ctx, &querypb.GetDataDistributionRequest{})
segmentNum += len(resp.Segments)
channelNum += len(resp.Channels)
return segmentNum == 9 && channelNum == 3
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 2, rgs[3:])
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp3.GetReplicas()) == 2
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
s.Eventually(func() bool {
segmentNum, channelNum := 0, 0
for _, qn := range s.Cluster.GetAllQueryNodes() {
resp, err := qn.GetDataDistribution(ctx, &querypb.GetDataDistributionRequest{})
segmentNum += len(resp.Segments)
channelNum += len(resp.Channels)
return segmentNum == 6 && channelNum == 2
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
// test load collection with dynamic update
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 5, rgs)
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp3.GetReplicas()) == 5
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
s.releaseCollection(dbName, collectionName)
func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestDynamicUpdateLoadConfigs_WithoutRG() {
ctx := context.Background()
s.CreateCollectionWithConfiguration(ctx, &integration.CreateCollectionConfig{
DBName: dbName,
Dim: dim,
CollectionName: collectionName,
ChannelNum: 1,
SegmentNum: 3,
RowNumPerSegment: 2000,
// prepare resource groups
for i := 1; i < 5; i++ {
// load collection
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 5, nil)
resp2, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
s.Len(resp2.GetReplicas(), 5)
// test load collection with dynamic update
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 3, nil)
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp3.GetReplicas()) == 3
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
// test load collection with dynamic update
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 5, nil)
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp3.GetReplicas()) == 5
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
s.releaseCollection(dbName, collectionName)
func (s *LoadTestSuite) TestDynamicUpdateLoadConfigs_WithRGLackOfNode() {
ctx := context.Background()
s.CreateCollectionWithConfiguration(ctx, &integration.CreateCollectionConfig{
DBName: dbName,
Dim: dim,
CollectionName: collectionName,
ChannelNum: 1,
SegmentNum: 3,
RowNumPerSegment: 2000,
// load collection
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 1, nil)
resp2, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
s.Len(resp2.GetReplicas(), 1)
recycleRG := "__recycle_rg"
s.Cluster.QueryCoord.CreateResourceGroup(ctx, &milvuspb.CreateResourceGroupRequest{
ResourceGroup: recycleRG,
Config: &rgpb.ResourceGroupConfig{
Requests: &rgpb.ResourceGroupLimit{
NodeNum: 0,
Limits: &rgpb.ResourceGroupLimit{
NodeNum: 100,
// prepare resource groups
rgNum := 5
rgs := make([]string, 0)
for i := 0; i < rgNum; i++ {
rgs = append(rgs, fmt.Sprintf("rg_%d", i))
s.Cluster.QueryCoord.CreateResourceGroup(ctx, &milvuspb.CreateResourceGroupRequest{
ResourceGroup: rgs[i],
Config: &rgpb.ResourceGroupConfig{
Requests: &rgpb.ResourceGroupLimit{
NodeNum: 1,
Limits: &rgpb.ResourceGroupLimit{
NodeNum: 1,
TransferFrom: []*rgpb.ResourceGroupTransfer{
ResourceGroup: recycleRG,
TransferTo: []*rgpb.ResourceGroupTransfer{
ResourceGroup: recycleRG,
s.Cluster.QueryCoord.UpdateResourceGroups(ctx, &querypb.UpdateResourceGroupsRequest{
ResourceGroups: map[string]*rgpb.ResourceGroupConfig{
meta.DefaultResourceGroupName: {
Requests: &rgpb.ResourceGroupLimit{
NodeNum: 1,
Limits: &rgpb.ResourceGroupLimit{
NodeNum: 1,
resp, err := s.Cluster.QueryCoord.ListResourceGroups(ctx, &milvuspb.ListResourceGroupsRequest{})
s.Len(resp.GetResourceGroups(), rgNum+2)
// test load collection with dynamic update
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 3, rgs[:3])
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp3.GetReplicas()) == 3
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 2, rgs[3:])
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp3.GetReplicas()) == 2
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
// test load collection with dynamic update
s.loadCollection(collectionName, dbName, 5, rgs)
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
return len(resp3.GetReplicas()) == 5
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
// add qn back, expect each replica has shard leaders
for i := 0; i < rgNum; i++ {
s.Eventually(func() bool {
matchCounter := 0
for _, rg := range rgs {
resp1, err := s.Cluster.QueryCoord.DescribeResourceGroup(ctx, &querypb.DescribeResourceGroupRequest{
ResourceGroup: rg,
if len(resp1.ResourceGroup.Nodes) == 1 {
matchCounter += 1
return matchCounter == rgNum
}, 30*time.Second, time.Second)
s.Eventually(func() bool {
resp3, err := s.Cluster.Proxy.GetReplicas(ctx, &milvuspb.GetReplicasRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
s.Equal(5, len(resp3.GetReplicas()))
for _, replica := range resp3.GetReplicas() {
if len(replica.GetNodeIds()) != 1 {
return false
return true
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
s.releaseCollection(dbName, collectionName)
Reference in New Issue
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