package reader /* #cgo CFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/../core/output/include #cgo LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/../core/output/lib -lmilvus_segcore -Wl,-rpath=${SRCDIR}/../core/output/lib #include "collection_c.h" #include "partition_c.h" #include "segment_c.h" */ import "C" import ( "strconv" "" "" msgPb "" "" ) type IntPrimaryKey = typeutil.IntPrimaryKey const SegmentLifetime = 20000 const ( //SegmentOpened = 0 //SegmentClosed = 1 //SegmentIndexing = 2 //SegmentIndexed = 3 ) type Segment struct { SegmentPtr C.CSegmentBase SegmentID UniqueID SegmentCloseTime Timestamp LastMemSize int64 SegmentStatus int } //func (s *Segment) GetStatus() int { // /* // bool // IsOpened(CSegmentBase c_segment); // */ // var isOpened = C.IsOpened(s.SegmentPtr) // if isOpened { // return SegmentOpened // } else { // return SegmentClosed // } //} func (s *Segment) GetRowCount() int64 { /* long int GetRowCount(CSegmentBase c_segment); */ var rowCount = C.GetRowCount(s.SegmentPtr) return int64(rowCount) } func (s *Segment) GetDeletedCount() int64 { /* long int GetDeletedCount(CSegmentBase c_segment); */ var deletedCount = C.GetDeletedCount(s.SegmentPtr) return int64(deletedCount) } //func (s *Segment) CloseSegment(collection* Collection) error { // /* // int // Close(CSegmentBase c_segment); // */ // fmt.Println("Closing segment :", s.SegmentID) // // var status = C.Close(s.SegmentPtr) // s.SegmentStatus = SegmentClosed // // if status != 0 { // return errors.New("Close segment failed, error code = " + strconv.Itoa(int(status))) // } // // // Build index after closing segment // //s.SegmentStatus = SegmentIndexing // //fmt.Println("Building index...") // //s.BuildIndex(collection) // // // TODO: remove redundant segment indexed status // // Change segment status to indexed // //s.SegmentStatus = SegmentIndexed // //fmt.Println("Segment closed and indexed") // // fmt.Println("Segment closed") // return nil //} func (s *Segment) GetMemSize() int64 { /* long int GetMemoryUsageInBytes(CSegmentBase c_segment); */ var memoryUsageInBytes = C.GetMemoryUsageInBytes(s.SegmentPtr) return int64(memoryUsageInBytes) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// func (s *Segment) SegmentPreInsert(numOfRecords int) int64 { /* long int PreInsert(CSegmentBase c_segment, long int size); */ var offset = C.PreInsert(s.SegmentPtr, C.long(int64(numOfRecords))) return int64(offset) } func (s *Segment) SegmentPreDelete(numOfRecords int) int64 { /* long int PreDelete(CSegmentBase c_segment, long int size); */ var offset = C.PreDelete(s.SegmentPtr, C.long(int64(numOfRecords))) return int64(offset) } func (s *Segment) SegmentInsert(offset int64, entityIDs *[]UniqueID, timestamps *[]Timestamp, records *[]*commonpb.Blob) error { /* int Insert(CSegmentBase c_segment, long int reserved_offset, signed long int size, const long* primary_keys, const unsigned long* timestamps, void* raw_data, int sizeof_per_row, signed long int count); */ // Blobs to one big blob //var numOfRow = len(*entityIDs) //var sizeofPerRow = len((*records)[0]) // //assert.Equal(nil, numOfRow, len(*records)) // //var rawData = make([]byte, numOfRow*sizeofPerRow) //var copyOffset = 0 //for i := 0; i < len(*records); i++ { // copy(rawData[copyOffset:], (*records)[i]) // copyOffset += sizeofPerRow //} // //var cOffset = C.long(offset) //var cNumOfRows = C.long(numOfRow) //var cEntityIdsPtr = (*C.long)(&(*entityIDs)[0]) //var cTimestampsPtr = (*C.ulong)(&(*timestamps)[0]) //var cSizeofPerRow = //var cRawDataVoidPtr = unsafe.Pointer(&rawData[0]) // //var status = C.Insert(s.SegmentPtr, // cOffset, // cNumOfRows, // cEntityIdsPtr, // cTimestampsPtr, // cRawDataVoidPtr, // cSizeofPerRow, // cNumOfRows) // //if status != 0 { // return errors.New("Insert failed, error code = " + strconv.Itoa(int(status))) //} return nil } func (s *Segment) SegmentDelete(offset int64, entityIDs *[]UniqueID, timestamps *[]Timestamp) error { /* int Delete(CSegmentBase c_segment, long int reserved_offset, long size, const long* primary_keys, const unsigned long* timestamps); */ var cOffset = C.long(offset) var cSize = C.long(len(*entityIDs)) var cEntityIdsPtr = (*C.long)(&(*entityIDs)[0]) var cTimestampsPtr = (*C.ulong)(&(*timestamps)[0]) var status = C.Delete(s.SegmentPtr, cOffset, cSize, cEntityIdsPtr, cTimestampsPtr) if status != 0 { return errors.New("Delete failed, error code = " + strconv.Itoa(int(status))) } return nil } func (s *Segment) SegmentSearch(query *QueryInfo, timestamp Timestamp, vectorRecord *msgPb.VectorRowRecord) (*SearchResult, error) { /* int Search(CSegmentBase c_segment, CQueryInfo c_query_info, unsigned long timestamp, float* query_raw_data, int num_of_query_raw_data, long int* result_ids, float* result_distances); */ //type CQueryInfo C.CQueryInfo cQuery := C.CQueryInfo{ num_queries: C.long(query.NumQueries), topK:, field_name: C.CString(query.FieldName), } resultIds := make([]IntPrimaryKey, int64(query.TopK)*query.NumQueries) resultDistances := make([]float32, int64(query.TopK)*query.NumQueries) var cTimestamp = C.ulong(timestamp) var cResultIds = (*C.long)(&resultIds[0]) var cResultDistances = (*C.float)(&resultDistances[0]) var cQueryRawData *C.float var cQueryRawDataLength if vectorRecord.BinaryData != nil { return nil, errors.New("data of binary type is not supported yet") } else if len(vectorRecord.FloatData) <= 0 { return nil, errors.New("null query vector data") } else { cQueryRawData = (*C.float)(&vectorRecord.FloatData[0]) cQueryRawDataLength = ( } var status = C.Search(s.SegmentPtr, cQuery, cTimestamp, cQueryRawData, cQueryRawDataLength, cResultIds, cResultDistances) if status != 0 { return nil, errors.New("Search failed, error code = " + strconv.Itoa(int(status))) } //fmt.Println("Search Result---- Ids =", resultIds, ", Distances =", resultDistances) return &SearchResult{ResultIds: resultIds, ResultDistances: resultDistances}, nil }