import os import pdb import time import logging import hashlib from yaml import full_load, dump import utils logger = logging.getLogger("milvus_benchmark.utils") REGISTRY_URL = "" IDC_NAS_URL = "//" NAS_URL = "//" def get_host_cpus(hostname): from kubernetes import client, config config.load_kube_config() v1 = client.CoreV1Api() cpus = v1.read_node(hostname).status.allocatable.get("cpu") return cpus # update values.yaml def update_values(file_path, deploy_mode, hostname, milvus_config, server_config=None): if not os.path.isfile(file_path): raise Exception('File: %s not found' % file_path) #  bak values.yaml file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) bak_file_name = file_name + ".bak" file_parent_path = os.path.dirname(file_path) bak_file_path = file_parent_path + '/' + bak_file_name if os.path.exists(bak_file_path): os.system("cp %s %s" % (bak_file_path, file_path)) else: os.system("cp %s %s" % (file_path, bak_file_path)) with open(file_path) as f: values_dict = full_load(f) f.close() cluster = False if "cluster" in milvus_config and milvus_config["cluster"]: cluster = True for k, v in milvus_config.items(): if k.find("primary_path") != -1: suffix_path = milvus_config["suffix_path"] if "suffix_path" in milvus_config else None path_value = v if suffix_path: path_value = v + "_" + str(int(time.time())) values_dict["primaryPath"] = path_value values_dict['wal']['path'] = path_value + "/wal" values_dict['logs']['path'] = path_value + "/logs" # elif k.find("use_blas_threshold") != -1: # values_dict['useBLASThreshold'] = int(v) elif k.find("gpu_search_threshold") != -1: values_dict['gpu']['gpuSearchThreshold'] = int(v) if cluster: values_dict['readonly']['gpu']['gpuSearchThreshold'] = int(v) elif k.find("cpu_cache_capacity") != -1: values_dict['cache']['cacheSize'] = v if cluster: values_dict['readonly']['cache']['cacheSize'] = v # elif k.find("cache_insert_data") != -1: # values_dict['cache']['cacheInsertData'] = v elif k.find("insert_buffer_size") != -1: values_dict['cache']['insertBufferSize'] = v if cluster: values_dict['readonly']['cache']['insertBufferSize'] = v elif k.find("gpu_resource_config.enable") != -1: values_dict['gpu']['enabled'] = v if cluster: values_dict['readonly']['gpu']['enabled'] = v elif k.find("gpu_resource_config.cache_capacity") != -1: values_dict['gpu']['cacheSize'] = v if cluster: values_dict['readonly']['gpu']['cacheSize'] = v elif k.find("build_index_resources") != -1: values_dict['gpu']['buildIndexDevices'] = v if cluster: values_dict['readonly']['gpu']['buildIndexDevices'] = v elif k.find("search_resources") != -1: values_dict['gpu']['searchDevices'] = v if cluster: values_dict['readonly']['gpu']['searchDevices'] = v # wal elif k.find("auto_flush_interval") != -1: values_dict['storage']['autoFlushInterval'] = v if cluster: values_dict['readonly']['storage']['autoFlushInterval'] = v elif k.find("wal_enable") != -1: values_dict['wal']['enabled'] = v # if values_dict['nodeSelector']: # logger.warning("nodeSelector has been set: %s" % str(values_dict['engine']['nodeSelector'])) # return values_dict["wal"]["recoveryErrorIgnore"] = True # enable monitor values_dict["metrics"]["enabled"] = True values_dict["metrics"]["address"] = "" values_dict["metrics"]["port"] = 9091 # only test avx2 values_dict["extraConfiguration"].update({"engine": {"simd_type": "avx2"}}) # stat_optimizer_enable values_dict["extraConfiguration"]["engine"].update({"stat_optimizer_enable": False}) # enable read-write mode if cluster: values_dict["cluster"]["enabled"] = True # update readonly log path values_dict["readonly"]['logs']['path'] = values_dict['logs']['path'] + "/readonly" if "readonly" in milvus_config: if "replicas" in milvus_config["readonly"]: values_dict["readonly"]["replicas"] = milvus_config["readonly"]["replicas"] use_external_mysql = False if "external_mysql" in milvus_config and milvus_config["external_mysql"]: use_external_mysql = True # meta mysql if use_external_mysql: values_dict["mysql"]["enabled"] = False # values_dict["mysql"]["persistence"]["enabled"] = True # values_dict["mysql"]["persistence"]["existingClaim"] = hashlib.md5(path_value.encode(encoding='UTF-8')).hexdigest() values_dict['externalMysql']['enabled'] = True if deploy_mode == "local": values_dict['externalMysql']["ip"] = "" else: values_dict['externalMysql']["ip"] = "milvus-mysql.test" values_dict['externalMysql']["port"] = 3306 values_dict['externalMysql']["user"] = "root" values_dict['externalMysql']["password"] = "milvus" values_dict['externalMysql']["database"] = "db" else: values_dict["mysql"]["enabled"] = False # update values.yaml with the given host nas_url = NAS_URL if hostname: nas_url = IDC_NAS_URL values_dict['nodeSelector'] = {'': hostname} cpus = server_config["cpus"] # set limit/request cpus in resources values_dict["image"]['resources'] = { "limits": { # "cpu": str(int(cpus)) + ".0" "cpu": str(int(cpus)) + ".0" }, "requests": { # "cpu": str(int(cpus) // 2) + ".0" "cpu": "4.0" } } # update readonly resouces limits/requests values_dict["readonly"]['resources'] = { "limits": { # "cpu": str(int(cpus)) + ".0" "cpu": str(int(cpus)) + ".0" }, "requests": { # "cpu": str(int(cpus) // 2) + ".0" "cpu": "4.0" } } values_dict['tolerations'] = [{ "key": "worker", "operator": "Equal", "value": "performance", "effect": "NoSchedule" }] # add extra volumes values_dict['extraVolumes'] = [{ 'name': 'test', 'flexVolume': { 'driver': "fstab/cifs", 'fsType': "cifs", 'secretRef': { 'name': "cifs-test-secret" }, 'options': { 'networkPath': nas_url, 'mountOptions': "vers=1.0" } } }] values_dict['extraVolumeMounts'] = [{ 'name': 'test', 'mountPath': '/test' }] # add extra volumes for mysql # values_dict['mysql']['persistence']['enabled'] = True # values_dict['mysql']['configurationFilesPath'] = "/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/" # values_dict['mysql']['imageTag'] = '5.6' # values_dict['mysql']['securityContext'] = { # 'enabled': True} # mysql_db_path = "/test" if deploy_mode == "cluster" and use_external_mysql: # mount_path = values_dict["primaryPath"]+'/data' # long_str = '- name: test-mysql\n flexVolume:\n driver: fstab/cifs\n fsType: cifs\n secretRef:\n name: cifs-test-secret\n options:\n networkPath: //\n mountOptions: vers=1.0' # values_dict['mysql']['extraVolumes'] = literal_str(long_str) # long_str_2 = "- name: test-mysql\n mountPath: %s" % mysql_db_path # values_dict['mysql']['extraVolumeMounts'] = literal_str(long_str_2) # mysql_cnf_str = '[mysqld]\npid-file=%s/\ndatadir=%s' % (mount_path, mount_path) # values_dict['mysql']['configurationFiles'] = {} # values_dict['mysql']['configurationFiles']['mysqld.cnf'] = literal_str(mysql_cnf_str) values_dict['mysql']['enabled'] = False values_dict['externalMysql']['enabled'] = True values_dict['externalMysql']["ip"] = "" values_dict['externalMysql']["port"] = 3306 values_dict['externalMysql']["user"] = "root" values_dict['externalMysql']["password"] = "Fantast1c" values_dict['externalMysql']["database"] = "db" # logger.debug(values_dict) # print(dump(values_dict)) with open(file_path, 'w') as f: dump(values_dict, f, default_flow_style=False) f.close() # DEBUG with open(file_path) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip("\n") # deploy server def helm_install_server(helm_path, deploy_mode, image_tag, image_type, name, namespace): timeout = 300 logger.debug("Server deploy mode: %s" % deploy_mode) host = "%s.%s.svc.cluster.local" % (name, namespace) if deploy_mode == "single": install_cmd = "helm install \ --set image.repository=%s \ --set image.tag=%s \ --set image.pullPolicy=Always \ --set service.type=ClusterIP \ -f ci/filebeat/values.yaml \ --namespace %s \ %s ." % (REGISTRY_URL, image_tag, namespace, name) elif deploy_mode == "cluster": install_cmd = "helm install \ --set cluster.enabled=true \ --set persistence.enabled=true \ --set mishards.image.tag=test \ --set mishards.image.pullPolicy=Always \ --set image.repository=%s \ --set image.tag=%s \ --set image.pullPolicy=Always \ --set service.type=ClusterIP \ -f ci/filebeat/values.yaml \ --namespace %s \ %s ." % (REGISTRY_URL, image_tag, namespace, name) logger.debug(install_cmd) logger.debug(host) if os.system("cd %s && %s" % (helm_path, install_cmd)): logger.error("Helm install failed: %s" % name) return None time.sleep(30) # config.load_kube_config() # v1 = client.CoreV1Api() # pod_name = None # pod_id = None # pods = v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace) # for i in pods.items: # if != -1: # pod_name = # pod_ip = i.status.pod_ip # logger.debug(pod_name) # logger.debug(pod_ip) # return pod_name, pod_ip return host # delete server @utils.retry(3) def helm_del_server(name, namespace): # logger.debug("Sleep 600s before uninstall server") # time.sleep(600) del_cmd = "helm uninstall -n milvus %s" % name if os.system(del_cmd): logger.error("Helm delete name:%s failed" % name) return False return True def restart_server(helm_release_name, namespace): res = True timeout = 120000 # service_name = "%s.%s.svc.cluster.local" % (helm_release_name, namespace) config.load_kube_config() v1 = client.CoreV1Api() pod_name = None # config_map_names = v1.list_namespaced_config_map(namespace, pretty='true') # body = {"replicas": 0} pods = v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace) for i in pods.items: if != -1 and"mysql") == -1: pod_name = break # v1.patch_namespaced_config_map(config_map_name, namespace, body, pretty='true') # status_res = v1.read_namespaced_service_status(helm_release_name, namespace, pretty='true') logger.debug("Pod name: %s" % pod_name) if pod_name is not None: try: v1.delete_namespaced_pod(pod_name, namespace) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) logger.error("Exception when calling CoreV1Api->delete_namespaced_pod") res = False return res logger.error("Sleep 10s after pod deleted") time.sleep(10) # check if restart successfully pods = v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace) for i in pods.items: pod_name_tmp = logger.error(pod_name_tmp) if pod_name_tmp == pod_name: continue elif pod_name_tmp.find(helm_release_name) == -1 or pod_name_tmp.find("mysql") != -1: continue else: status_res = v1.read_namespaced_pod_status(pod_name_tmp, namespace, pretty='true') logger.error(status_res.status.phase) start_time = time.time() ready_break = False while time.time() - start_time <= timeout: logger.error(time.time()) status_res = v1.read_namespaced_pod_status(pod_name_tmp, namespace, pretty='true') if status_res.status.phase == "Running": logger.error("Already running") ready_break = True break else: time.sleep(5) if time.time() - start_time > timeout: logger.error("Restart pod: %s timeout" % pod_name_tmp) res = False return res if ready_break: break else: raise Exception("Pod: %s not found" % pod_name) follow = True pretty = True previous = True # bool | Return previous terminated container logs. Defaults to false. (optional) since_seconds = 56 # int | A relative time in seconds before the current time from which to show logs. If this value precedes the time a pod was started, only logs since the pod start will be returned. If this value is in the future, no logs will be returned. Only one of sinceSeconds or sinceTime may be specified. (optional) timestamps = True # bool | If true, add an RFC3339 or RFC3339Nano timestamp at the beginning of every line of log output. Defaults to false. (optional) container = "milvus" # start_time = time.time() # while time.time() - start_time <= timeout: # try: # api_response = v1.read_namespaced_pod_log(pod_name_tmp, namespace, container=container, follow=follow, # pretty=pretty, previous=previous, since_seconds=since_seconds, # timestamps=timestamps) # logging.error(api_response) # return res # except Exception as e: # logging.error("Exception when calling CoreV1Api->read_namespaced_pod_log: %s\n" % e) # # waiting for server start # time.sleep(2) # # res = False # # return res # if time.time() - start_time > timeout: # logging.error("Restart pod: %s timeout" % pod_name_tmp) # res = False return res if __name__ == '__main__': print(type(get_host_cpus("idc-sh002")))