syntax = "proto3"; package milvus.proto.service; option go_package=""; import "common.proto"; import "service_msg.proto"; import "schema.proto"; service MilvusService { /** * @brief This method is used to create collection * * @param CollectionSchema, use to provide collection information to be created. * * @return Status */ rpc CreateCollection(schema.CollectionSchema) returns (common.Status){} /** * @brief This method is used to delete collection. * * @param CollectionName, collection name is going to be deleted. * * @return Status */ rpc DropCollection(CollectionName) returns (common.Status) {} /** * @brief This method is used to test collection existence. * * @param CollectionName, collection name is going to be tested. * * @return BoolResponse */ rpc HasCollection(CollectionName) returns (BoolResponse) {} /** * @brief This method is used to get collection schema. * * @param CollectionName, target collection name. * * @return CollectionDescription */ rpc DescribeCollection(CollectionName) returns (CollectionDescription) {} /** * @brief This method is used to list all collections. * * @return CollectionNameList */ rpc ShowCollections(common.Empty) returns (StringListResponse) {} /** * @brief This method is used to create partition * * @return Status */ rpc CreatePartition(PartitionName) returns (common.Status) {} /** * @brief This method is used to drop partition * * @return Status */ rpc DropPartition(PartitionName) returns (common.Status) {} /** * @brief This method is used to test partition existence. * * @return BoolResponse */ rpc HasPartition(PartitionName) returns (BoolResponse) {} /** * @brief This method is used to get basic partition infomation. * * @return PartitionDescription */ rpc DescribePartition(PartitionName) returns (PartitionDescription) {} /** * @brief This method is used to show partition information * * @param CollectionName, target collection name. * * @return StringListResponse */ rpc ShowPartitions(CollectionName) returns (StringListResponse) {} /** * @brief This method is used to add vector array to collection. * * @param RowBatch, insert rows. * * @return IntegerRangeResponse contains id of the inserted rows. */ rpc Insert(RowBatch) returns (IntegerRangeResponse) {} /** * @brief This method is used to query vector in collection. * * @param Query. * * @return QueryResult */ rpc Search(Query) returns (QueryResult) {} /** * @brief This method is used to build index by collection in sync mode. * * @param IndexParam, index paramters. * * @return Status */ rpc CreateIndex(IndexParam) returns (common.Status) {} /** * @brief This method is used to describe index * * @param IndexParam, target index. * * @return IndexParam */ rpc DescribeIndex(DescribeIndexRequest) returns (DescribeIndexResponse) {} /** * @brief This method is used to query index building progress * * @param IndexParam, target index. * * @return IndexParam */ rpc DescribeIndexProgress(DescribeIndexProgressRequest) returns (BoolResponse) {} }