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synced 2024-12-05 05:18:52 +08:00
Signed-off-by: Cai Yudong <yudong.cai@zilliz.com>
474 lines
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474 lines
19 KiB
import time
import random
import pdb
import copy
import threading
import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process
import pytest
from utils import *
from constants import *
field_name = default_float_vec_field_name
default_single_query = {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"vector": {field_name: {"topk": 10, "metric_type":"L2", "query": gen_vectors(1, default_dim), "params": {"nprobe": 10}}}}
# class TestDeleteBase:
# """
# ******************************************************************
# The following cases are used to test `delete_entity_by_id` function
# ******************************************************************
# """
# @pytest.fixture(
# scope="function",
# params=gen_simple_index()
# )
# def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "GPU":
# if not request.param["index_type"] not in ivf():
# pytest.skip("Only support index_type: idmap/ivf")
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("CPU not support index_type: ivf_sq8h")
# return request.param
# @pytest.fixture(
# scope="function",
# params=[
# 1,
# 2000
# ],
# )
# def insert_count(self, request):
# yield request.param
# def test_delete_entity_id_not_exised(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: test delete entity, params entity_id not existed
# method: add entity and delete
# expected: status DELETED
# '''
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entity)
# connect.flush([collection])
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, [0])
# assert status
# def test_delete_empty_collection(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: test delete entity, params collection_name not existed
# method: add entity and delete
# expected: status DELETED
# '''
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, [0])
# assert status
# def test_delete_entity_collection_not_existed(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: test delete entity, params collection_name not existed
# method: add entity and delete
# expected: error raised
# '''
# collection_new = gen_unique_str()
# with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection_new, [0])
# def test_delete_entity_collection_not_existed(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: test delete entity, params collection_name not existed
# method: add entity and delete
# expected: error raised
# '''
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entity)
# connect.flush([collection])
# collection_new = gen_unique_str()
# with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection_new, [0])
# def test_insert_delete(self, connect, collection, insert_count):
# '''
# target: test delete entity
# method: add entities and delete
# expected: no error raised
# '''
# entities = gen_entities(insert_count)
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == insert_count - 1
# def test_insert_delete_A(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: test delete entity
# method: add entities and delete one in collection, and one not in collection
# expected: no error raised
# '''
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], 1]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == default_nb - 1
# def test_insert_delete_B(self, connect, id_collection):
# '''
# target: test delete entity
# method: add entities with the same ids, and delete the id in collection
# expected: no error raised, all entities deleted
# '''
# ids = [1 for i in range(default_nb)]
# res_ids = connect.bulk_insert(id_collection, default_entities, ids)
# connect.flush([id_collection])
# delete_ids = [1]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(id_collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([id_collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(id_collection)
# assert res_count == 0
# def test_delete_exceed_limit(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: test delete entity
# method: add one entity and delete two ids
# expected: error raised
# '''
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entity)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], 1]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == 0
# def test_flush_after_delete(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: test delete entity
# method: add entities and delete, then flush
# expected: entity deleted and no error raised
# '''
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == default_nb - len(delete_ids)
# def test_flush_after_delete_binary(self, connect, binary_collection):
# '''
# target: test delete entity
# method: add entities and delete, then flush
# expected: entity deleted and no error raised
# '''
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities)
# connect.flush([binary_collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(binary_collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([binary_collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(binary_collection)
# assert res_count == default_nb - len(delete_ids)
# def test_insert_delete_binary(self, connect, binary_collection):
# '''
# method: add entities and delete
# expected: status DELETED
# '''
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities)
# connect.flush([binary_collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(binary_collection, delete_ids)
# def test_insert_same_ids_after_delete(self, connect, id_collection):
# '''
# method: add entities and delete
# expected: status DELETED
# note: Not flush after delete
# '''
# insert_ids = [i for i in range(default_nb)]
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(id_collection, default_entities, insert_ids)
# connect.flush([id_collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(id_collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# new_ids = connect.bulk_insert(id_collection, default_entity, [ids[0]])
# assert new_ids == [ids[0]]
# connect.flush([id_collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(id_collection)
# assert res_count == default_nb - 1
# def test_insert_same_ids_after_delete_binary(self, connect, binary_id_collection):
# '''
# method: add entities, with the same id and delete the ids
# expected: status DELETED, all id deleted
# '''
# insert_ids = [i for i in range(default_nb)]
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(binary_id_collection, default_binary_entities, insert_ids)
# connect.flush([binary_id_collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(binary_id_collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# new_ids = connect.bulk_insert(binary_id_collection, default_binary_entity, [ids[0]])
# assert new_ids == [ids[0]]
# connect.flush([binary_id_collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(binary_id_collection)
# assert res_count == default_nb - 1
# def test_search_after_delete(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: test delete entity
# method: add entities and delete, then search
# expected: entity deleted and no error raised
# '''
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# query = copy.deepcopy(default_single_query)
# query["bool"]["must"][0]["vector"][field_name]["query"] =\
# [default_entity[-1]["values"][0], default_entities[-1]["values"][1], default_entities[-1]["values"][-1]]
# res = connect.search(collection, query)
# logging.getLogger().debug(res)
# assert len(res) == len(query["bool"]["must"][0]["vector"][field_name]["query"])
# assert res[0]._distances[0] > epsilon
# assert res[1]._distances[0] < epsilon
# assert res[2]._distances[0] > epsilon
# def test_create_index_after_delete(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
# '''
# method: add entitys and delete, then create index
# expected: vectors deleted, index created
# '''
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
# # assert index info
# def test_delete_multiable_times(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# method: add entities and delete id serveral times
# expected: entities deleted
# '''
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# for i in range(10):
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# def test_index_insert_batch_delete_get(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
# '''
# method: create index, insert entities, and delete
# expected: entities deleted
# '''
# connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == default_nb - len(delete_ids)
# res_get = connect.get_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert res_get[0] is None
# # TODO: disable
# @pytest.mark.level(2)
# def _test_index_insert_single_delete_get(self, connect, id_collection):
# '''
# method: insert entities, and delete
# expected: entities deleted
# '''
# ids = [i for i in range(default_nb)]
# for i in range(default_nb):
# connect.bulk_insert(id_collection, default_entity, [ids[i]])
# connect.flush([id_collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(id_collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([id_collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(id_collection)
# assert res_count == default_nb - len(delete_ids)
# """
# ******************************************************************
# The following cases are used to test `delete_entity_by_id` function, with tags
# ******************************************************************
# """
# def test_insert_tag_delete(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# method: add entitys with given tag, delete entities with the return ids
# expected: entities deleted
# '''
# connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities, partition_tag=default_tag)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == default_nb - 2
# def test_insert_default_tag_delete(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# method: add entitys, delete entities with the return ids
# expected: entities deleted
# '''
# connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == default_nb - 2
# def test_insert_tags_delete(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# method: add entitys with given two tags, delete entities with the return ids
# expected: entities deleted
# '''
# tag_new = "tag_new"
# connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
# connect.create_partition(collection, tag_new)
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities, partition_tag=default_tag)
# ids_new = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities, partition_tag=tag_new)
# connect.flush([collection])
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids_new[0]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == 2 * (default_nb - 1)
# def test_insert_tags_index_delete(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
# """
# method: add entitys with given tag, create index, delete entities with the return ids
# expected: entities deleted
# """
# tag_new = "tag_new"
# connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
# connect.create_partition(collection, tag_new)
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities, partition_tag=default_tag)
# ids_new = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities, partition_tag=tag_new)
# connect.flush([collection])
# connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
# delete_ids = [ids[0], ids_new[0]]
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == 2 * (default_nb - 1)
# def test_insert_delete_loop(self, connect, collection):
# """
# target: test loop insert and delete entities
# method: loop insert entities into two segments, and delete entities cross segments.
# expected: count is correct
# """
# loop = 2
# for i in range(loop):
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, ids[100:default_nb - 100])
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == loop * 200
# def test_search_delete_loop(self, connect, collection):
# """
# target: test loop search and delete entities
# method: loop search and delete cross segments
# expected: ok
# """
# loop = 2
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# ni = default_nb // loop
# for i in range(loop):
# res = connect.search(collection, default_single_query)
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, ids[i * ni:(i + 1) * ni])
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == 0
# def test_count_delete_loop(self, connect, collection):
# """
# target: test loop search and delete entities
# method: loop search and delete cross segments
# expected: ok
# """
# loop = 2
# ids = connect.bulk_insert(collection, default_entities)
# connect.flush([collection])
# ni = default_nb // loop
# for i in range(loop):
# connect.count_entities(collection)
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, ids[i * ni:(i + 1) * ni])
# assert status
# connect.flush([collection])
# res_count = connect.count_entities(collection)
# assert res_count == 0
# class TestDeleteInvalid(object):
# """
# Test adding vectors with invalid vectors
# """
# @pytest.fixture(
# scope="function",
# params=gen_invalid_ints()
# )
# def gen_entity_id(self, request):
# yield request.param
# @pytest.fixture(
# scope="function",
# params=gen_invalid_strs()
# )
# def get_collection_name(self, request):
# yield request.param
# @pytest.mark.level(1)
# def test_delete_entity_id_invalid(self, connect, collection, gen_entity_id):
# invalid_id = gen_entity_id
# with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, [invalid_id])
# def test_delete_entity_ids_invalid(self, connect, collection, gen_entity_id):
# invalid_id = gen_entity_id
# with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, [1, invalid_id])
# @pytest.mark.level(2)
# def test_delete_entity_with_invalid_collection_name(self, connect, get_collection_name):
# collection_name = get_collection_name
# with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
# status = connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection_name, [1])