binbin eff75c7701
Replace sdk source and merge tests and tests20 (#7182)
Signed-off-by: Binbin Lv <>
2021-08-20 11:00:56 +08:00

11 lines
764 B

def FileTransfer (sourceFiles, remoteDirectory, remoteIP, protocol = "ftp", makeEmptyDirs = true) {
if (protocol == "ftp") {
ftpPublisher masterNodeName: '', paramPublish: [parameterName: ''], alwaysPublishFromMaster: false, continueOnError: false, failOnError: true, publishers: [
[configName: "${remoteIP}", transfers: [
[asciiMode: false, cleanRemote: false, excludes: '', flatten: false, makeEmptyDirs: "${makeEmptyDirs}", noDefaultExcludes: false, patternSeparator: '[, ]+', remoteDirectory: "${remoteDirectory}", remoteDirectorySDF: false, removePrefix: '', sourceFiles: "${sourceFiles}"]], usePromotionTimestamp: true, useWorkspaceInPromotion: false, verbose: true
return this