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synced 2024-12-05 05:18:52 +08:00
Signed-off-by: FluorineDog <guilin.gou@zilliz.com>
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// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
// is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
// or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// #include <fiu-control.h>
// #include <fiu-local.h>
// #include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// #include "db/SnapshotVisitor.h"
// #include "db/Types.h"
// #include "db/snapshot/IterateHandler.h"
// #include "db/snapshot/Resources.h"
// #include "db/utils.h"
// #include "knowhere/index/vector_index/helpers/IndexParameter.h"
// #include "segment/SegmentReader.h"
// #include "segment/SegmentWriter.h"
// #include "src/dog_segment/SegmentBase.h"
// #include "utils/Json.h"
#include <random>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "dog_segment/SegmentBase.h"
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
// using SegmentVisitor = milvus::engine::SegmentVisitor;
// namespace {
// milvus::Status
// CreateCollection(std::shared_ptr<DB> db, const std::string& collection_name, const LSN_TYPE& lsn) {
// CreateCollectionContext context;
// context.lsn = lsn;
// auto collection_schema = std::make_shared<Collection>(collection_name);
// context.collection = collection_schema;
// int64_t collection_id = 0;
// int64_t field_id = 0;
// /* field uid */
// auto uid_field = std::make_shared<Field>(milvus::engine::FIELD_UID, 0, milvus::engine::DataType::INT64,
// milvus::engine::snapshot::JEmpty, field_id);
// auto uid_field_element_blt =
// std::make_shared<FieldElement>(collection_id, field_id, milvus::engine::ELEMENT_BLOOM_FILTER,
// milvus::engine::FieldElementType::FET_BLOOM_FILTER);
// auto uid_field_element_del =
// std::make_shared<FieldElement>(collection_id, field_id, milvus::engine::ELEMENT_DELETED_DOCS,
// milvus::engine::FieldElementType::FET_DELETED_DOCS);
// field_id++;
// /* field vector */
// milvus::json vector_param = {{milvus::knowhere::meta::DIM, 4}};
// auto vector_field =
// std::make_shared<Field>("vector", 0, milvus::engine::DataType::VECTOR_FLOAT, vector_param, field_id);
// auto vector_field_element_index =
// std::make_shared<FieldElement>(collection_id, field_id, milvus::knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_IVFSQ8,
// milvus::engine::FieldElementType::FET_INDEX);
// /* another field*/
// auto int_field = std::make_shared<Field>("int", 0, milvus::engine::DataType::INT32,
// milvus::engine::snapshot::JEmpty, field_id++);
// context.fields_schema[uid_field] = {uid_field_element_blt, uid_field_element_del};
// context.fields_schema[vector_field] = {vector_field_element_index};
// context.fields_schema[int_field] = {};
// return db->CreateCollection(context);
// }
// } // namespace
TEST(DogSegmentTest, TestABI) {
using namespace milvus::engine;
using namespace milvus::dog_segment;
ASSERT_EQ(TestABI(), 42);
// TEST_F(DogSegmentTest, TestCreateAndSchema) {
// using namespace milvus::engine;
// using namespace milvus::dog_segment;
// // step1: create segment from current snapshot.
// LSN_TYPE lsn = 0;
// auto next_lsn = [&]() -> decltype(lsn) { return ++lsn; };
// // step 1.1: create collection
// std::string db_root = "/tmp/milvus_test/db/table";
// std::string collection_name = "c1";
// auto status = CreateCollection(db_, collection_name, next_lsn());
// ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
// // step 1.2: get snapshot
// ScopedSnapshotT snapshot;
// status = Snapshots::GetInstance().GetSnapshot(snapshot, collection_name);
// ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
// ASSERT_TRUE(snapshot);
// ASSERT_EQ(snapshot->GetName(), collection_name);
// // step 1.3: get partition_id
// cout << endl;
// cout << endl;
// ID_TYPE partition_id = snapshot->GetResources<Partition>().begin()->first;
// cout << partition_id;
// // step 1.5 create schema from ids
// auto collection = snapshot->GetCollection();
// auto field_names = snapshot->GetFieldNames();
// auto schema = std::make_shared<Schema>();
// for (const auto& field_name : field_names) {
// auto the_field = snapshot->GetField(field_name);
// auto param = the_field->GetParams();
// auto type = the_field->GetFtype();
// cout << field_name //
// << " " << (int)type //
// << " " << param //
// << endl;
// FieldMeta field(field_name, type);
// int dim = 1;
// if(field.is_vector()) {
// field.set_dim(dim);
// }
// schema->AddField(field);
// }
// // step 1.6 create a segment from ids
// auto segment = CreateSegment(schema);
// std::vector<id_t> primary_ids;
// }
TEST(DogSegmentTest, MockTest) {
using namespace milvus::dog_segment;
using namespace milvus::engine;
auto schema = std::make_shared<Schema>();
schema->AddField("fakevec", DataType::VECTOR_FLOAT, 16);
schema->AddField("age", DataType::INT32);
std::vector<char> raw_data;
std::vector<Timestamp> timestamps;
std::vector<uint64_t> uids;
int N = 10000;
std::default_random_engine e(67);
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
uids.push_back(100000 + i);
// append vec
float vec[16];
for(auto &x: vec) {
x = e() % 2000 * 0.001 - 1.0;
raw_data.insert(raw_data.end(), (const char*)std::begin(vec), (const char*)std::end(vec));
int age = e() % 100;
raw_data.insert(raw_data.end(), (const char*)&age, ((const char*)&age) + sizeof(age));
auto line_sizeof = (sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) * 16);
assert(raw_data.size() == line_sizeof * N);
auto segment = CreateSegment(schema);
DogDataChunk data_chunk{raw_data.data(), (int)line_sizeof, N};
segment->Insert(N, uids.data(), timestamps.data(), data_chunk);
QueryResult query_result;
segment->Query(nullptr, 0, query_result);
int i = 0;
//TEST_F(DogSegmentTest, DogSegmentTest) {
// LSN_TYPE lsn = 0;
// auto next_lsn = [&]() -> decltype(lsn) { return ++lsn; };
// std::string db_root = "/tmp/milvus_test/db/table";
// std::string c1 = "c1";
// auto status = CreateCollection(db_, c1, next_lsn());
// ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
// ScopedSnapshotT snapshot;
// status = Snapshots::GetInstance().GetSnapshot(snapshot, c1);
// ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
// ASSERT_TRUE(snapshot);
// ASSERT_EQ(snapshot->GetName(), c1);
// {
// SegmentFileContext sf_context;
// SFContextBuilder(sf_context, snapshot);
// }
// std::vector<SegmentFileContext> segfile_ctxs;
// SFContextsBuilder(segfile_ctxs, snapshot);
// std::cout << snapshot->ToString() << std::endl;
// ID_TYPE partition_id;
// {
// auto& partitions = snapshot->GetResources<Partition>();
// partition_id = partitions.begin()->first;
// }
// [&next_lsn, //
// &segfile_ctxs, //
// &partition_id, //
// &snapshot, //
// &db_root] {
// /* commit new segment */
// OperationContext op_ctx;
// op_ctx.lsn = next_lsn();
// op_ctx.prev_partition = snapshot->GetResource<Partition>(partition_id);
// auto new_seg_op = std::make_shared<NewSegmentOperation>(op_ctx, snapshot);
// SegmentPtr new_seg;
// auto status = new_seg_op->CommitNewSegment(new_seg);
// ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
// /* commit new segment file */
// for (auto& cctx : segfile_ctxs) {
// SegmentFilePtr seg_file;
// auto nsf_context = cctx;
// nsf_context.segment_id = new_seg->GetID();
// nsf_context.partition_id = new_seg->GetPartitionId();
// status = new_seg_op->CommitNewSegmentFile(nsf_context, seg_file);
// }
// /* build segment visitor */
// auto ctx = new_seg_op->GetContext();
// ASSERT_TRUE(ctx.new_segment);
// auto visitor = SegmentVisitor::Build(snapshot, ctx.new_segment, ctx.new_segment_files);
// ASSERT_TRUE(visitor);
// ASSERT_EQ(visitor->GetSegment(), new_seg);
// ASSERT_FALSE(visitor->GetSegment()->IsActive());
// // std::cout << visitor->ToString() << std::endl;
// // std::cout << snapshot->ToString() << std::endl;
// /* write data */
// milvus::segment::SegmentWriter segment_writer(db_root, visitor);
// // std::vector<milvus::segment::doc_id_t> raw_uids = {123};
// // std::vector<uint8_t> raw_vectors = {1, 2, 3, 4};
// // status = segment_writer.AddChunk("test", raw_vectors, raw_uids);
// // ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok())
// //
// // status = segment_writer.Serialize();
// // ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
// /* read data */
// // milvus::segment::SSSegmentReader segment_reader(db_root, visitor);
// //
// // status = segment_reader.Load();
// // ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
// //
// // milvus::segment::SegmentPtr segment_ptr;
// // status = segment_reader.GetSegment(segment_ptr);
// // ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
// //
// // auto& out_uids = segment_ptr->vectors_ptr_->GetUids();
// // ASSERT_EQ(raw_uids.size(), out_uids.size());
// // ASSERT_EQ(raw_uids[0], out_uids[0]);
// // auto& out_vectors = segment_ptr->vectors_ptr_->GetData();
// // ASSERT_EQ(raw_vectors.size(), out_vectors.size());
// // ASSERT_EQ(raw_vectors[0], out_vectors[0]);
// }();
// status = db_->DropCollection(c1);
// ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());