XuanYang-cn 4926021c02
fix: Skip mark compaction timeout for mix and l0 compaction (#37118)
Timeout is a bad design for long running tasks, especially using a
static timeout config. We should monitor execution progress and fail the
task if the progress has been stale for a long time.

This pr is a small patch to stop DC from marking compaction tasks
timeout, while still waiting for DN to finish. The design is
self-conflicted. After this pr, mix and L0 compaction are no longer
controlled by DC timeout, but clustering is still under timeout control.

The compaction queue capacity grows larger for priority calc, hence
timeout compactions appears more often, and when timeout, the queuing
tasks will be timeout too, no compaction will success after.

See also: #37108, #37015


Signed-off-by: yangxuan <>
2024-10-28 14:33:29 +08:00

95 lines
2.9 KiB

package datacoord
import (
func TestMixCompactionTaskSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(MixCompactionTaskSuite))
type MixCompactionTaskSuite struct {
mockMeta *MockCompactionMeta
mockSessMgr *session.MockDataNodeManager
func (s *MixCompactionTaskSuite) SetupTest() {
s.mockMeta = NewMockCompactionMeta(s.T())
s.mockSessMgr = session.NewMockDataNodeManager(s.T())
func (s *MixCompactionTaskSuite) TestProcessRefreshPlan_NormalMix() {
channel := "Ch-1"
binLogs := []*datapb.FieldBinlog{getFieldBinlogIDs(101, 3)}
s.mockMeta.EXPECT().GetHealthySegment(mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(segID int64) *SegmentInfo {
return &SegmentInfo{SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
Level: datapb.SegmentLevel_L1,
InsertChannel: channel,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
Binlogs: binLogs,
task := newMixCompactionTask(&datapb.CompactionTask{
PlanID: 1,
TriggerID: 19530,
CollectionID: 1,
PartitionID: 10,
Type: datapb.CompactionType_MixCompaction,
NodeID: 1,
State: datapb.CompactionTaskState_executing,
InputSegments: []int64{200, 201},
ResultSegments: []int64{100, 200},
}, nil, s.mockMeta, nil)
alloc := allocator.NewMockAllocator(s.T())
alloc.EXPECT().AllocN(mock.Anything).Return(100, 200, nil)
task.allocator = alloc
plan, err := task.BuildCompactionRequest()
s.Equal(2, len(plan.GetSegmentBinlogs()))
segIDs := lo.Map(plan.GetSegmentBinlogs(), func(b *datapb.CompactionSegmentBinlogs, _ int) int64 {
return b.GetSegmentID()
s.ElementsMatch([]int64{200, 201}, segIDs)
func (s *MixCompactionTaskSuite) TestProcessRefreshPlan_MixSegmentNotFound() {
channel := "Ch-1"
s.Run("segment_not_found", func() {
s.mockMeta.EXPECT().GetHealthySegment(mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(segID int64) *SegmentInfo {
return nil
task := newMixCompactionTask(&datapb.CompactionTask{
PlanID: 1,
TriggerID: 19530,
CollectionID: 1,
PartitionID: 10,
Channel: channel,
Type: datapb.CompactionType_MixCompaction,
State: datapb.CompactionTaskState_executing,
NodeID: 1,
InputSegments: []int64{200, 201},
ResultSegments: []int64{100, 200},
}, nil, s.mockMeta, nil)
alloc := allocator.NewMockAllocator(s.T())
alloc.EXPECT().AllocN(int64(1)).Return(19530, 99999, nil)
task.allocator = alloc
_, err := task.BuildCompactionRequest()
s.ErrorIs(err, merr.ErrSegmentNotFound)