cai.zhang 4dc684126e
enhance: Handoff growing segment after sorted (#37385)
issue: #33744 

1. Segments generated from inserts will be loaded as growing until they
are sorted by primary key.
2. This PR may increase memory pressure on the delegator, but we need to
test the performance of stats. In local testing, the speed of stats is
greater than the insert speed.

Signed-off-by: Cai Zhang <>
2024-11-07 16:08:24 +08:00

1272 lines
39 KiB

// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datacoord
import (
clientv3 ""
globalIDAllocator ""
datanodeclient ""
indexnodeclient ""
rootcoordclient ""
etcdkv ""
streamingcoord ""
const (
connMetaMaxRetryTime = 100
allPartitionID = 0 // partitionID means no filtering
var (
// TODO: sunby put to config
enableTtChecker = true
ttCheckerName = "dataTtChecker"
ttMaxInterval = 2 * time.Minute
ttCheckerWarnMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Datacoord haven't received tt for %f minutes", ttMaxInterval.Minutes())
segmentTimedFlushDuration = 10.0
type (
// UniqueID shortcut for typeutil.UniqueID
UniqueID = typeutil.UniqueID
// Timestamp shortcurt for typeutil.Timestamp
Timestamp = typeutil.Timestamp
type rootCoordCreatorFunc func(ctx context.Context) (types.RootCoordClient, error)
// makes sure Server implements `DataCoord`
var _ types.DataCoord = (*Server)(nil)
var Params = paramtable.Get()
// Server implements `types.DataCoord`
// handles Data Coordinator related jobs
type Server struct {
ctx context.Context
serverLoopCtx context.Context
serverLoopCancel context.CancelFunc
serverLoopWg sync.WaitGroup
quitCh chan struct{}
stateCode atomic.Value
etcdCli *clientv3.Client
tikvCli *txnkv.Client
address string
watchClient kv.WatchKV
kv kv.MetaKv
meta *meta
segmentManager Manager
allocator allocator.Allocator
// self host id allocator, to avoid get unique id from rootcoord
idAllocator *globalIDAllocator.GlobalIDAllocator
cluster Cluster
sessionManager session.DataNodeManager
channelManager ChannelManager
rootCoordClient types.RootCoordClient
garbageCollector *garbageCollector
gcOpt GcOption
handler Handler
importMeta ImportMeta
importScheduler ImportScheduler
importChecker ImportChecker
compactionTrigger trigger
compactionHandler compactionPlanContext
compactionTriggerManager TriggerManager
syncSegmentsScheduler *SyncSegmentsScheduler
metricsCacheManager *metricsinfo.MetricsCacheManager
flushCh chan UniqueID
notifyIndexChan chan UniqueID
factory dependency.Factory
session sessionutil.SessionInterface
icSession *sessionutil.Session
dnEventCh <-chan *sessionutil.SessionEvent
inEventCh <-chan *sessionutil.SessionEvent
// qcEventCh <-chan *sessionutil.SessionEvent
qnEventCh <-chan *sessionutil.SessionEvent
enableActiveStandBy bool
activateFunc func() error
dataNodeCreator session.DataNodeCreatorFunc
indexNodeCreator session.IndexNodeCreatorFunc
rootCoordClientCreator rootCoordCreatorFunc
// indexCoord types.IndexCoord
// segReferManager *SegmentReferenceManager
indexNodeManager *session.IndexNodeManager
indexEngineVersionManager IndexEngineVersionManager
taskScheduler *taskScheduler
jobManager StatsJobManager
// manage ways that data coord access other coord
broker broker.Broker
// streamingcoord server is embedding in datacoord now.
streamingCoord *streamingcoord.Server
metricsRequest *metricsinfo.MetricsRequest
type CollectionNameInfo struct {
CollectionName string
DBName string
// Option utility function signature to set DataCoord server attributes
type Option func(svr *Server)
// WithRootCoordCreator returns an `Option` setting RootCoord creator with provided parameter
func WithRootCoordCreator(creator rootCoordCreatorFunc) Option {
return func(svr *Server) {
svr.rootCoordClientCreator = creator
// WithCluster returns an `Option` setting Cluster with provided parameter
func WithCluster(cluster Cluster) Option {
return func(svr *Server) {
svr.cluster = cluster
// WithDataNodeCreator returns an `Option` setting DataNode create function
func WithDataNodeCreator(creator session.DataNodeCreatorFunc) Option {
return func(svr *Server) {
svr.dataNodeCreator = creator
// WithSegmentManager returns an Option to set SegmentManager
func WithSegmentManager(manager Manager) Option {
return func(svr *Server) {
svr.segmentManager = manager
// CreateServer creates a `Server` instance
func CreateServer(ctx context.Context, factory dependency.Factory, opts ...Option) *Server {
s := &Server{
ctx: ctx,
quitCh: make(chan struct{}),
factory: factory,
flushCh: make(chan UniqueID, 1024),
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID),
dataNodeCreator: defaultDataNodeCreatorFunc,
indexNodeCreator: defaultIndexNodeCreatorFunc,
rootCoordClientCreator: defaultRootCoordCreatorFunc,
metricsCacheManager: metricsinfo.NewMetricsCacheManager(),
enableActiveStandBy: Params.DataCoordCfg.EnableActiveStandby.GetAsBool(),
metricsRequest: metricsinfo.NewMetricsRequest(),
for _, opt := range opts {
expr.Register("datacoord", s)
return s
func defaultDataNodeCreatorFunc(ctx context.Context, addr string, nodeID int64) (types.DataNodeClient, error) {
return datanodeclient.NewClient(ctx, addr, nodeID)
func defaultIndexNodeCreatorFunc(ctx context.Context, addr string, nodeID int64) (types.IndexNodeClient, error) {
return indexnodeclient.NewClient(ctx, addr, nodeID, Params.DataCoordCfg.WithCredential.GetAsBool())
func defaultRootCoordCreatorFunc(ctx context.Context) (types.RootCoordClient, error) {
return rootcoordclient.NewClient(ctx)
// QuitSignal returns signal when server quits
func (s *Server) QuitSignal() <-chan struct{} {
return s.quitCh
// Register registers data service at etcd
func (s *Server) Register() error {
// first register indexCoord
afterRegister := func() {
metrics.NumNodes.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID()), typeutil.DataCoordRole).Inc()
log.Info("DataCoord Register Finished")
s.session.LivenessCheck(s.ctx, func() {
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Error("disconnected from etcd and exited", zap.Int64("serverID", s.session.GetServerID()))
if s.enableActiveStandBy {
go func() {
err := s.session.ProcessActiveStandBy(s.activateFunc)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to activate standby datacoord server", zap.Error(err))
err = s.icSession.ForceActiveStandby(nil)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to force activate standby indexcoord server", zap.Error(err))
} else {
return nil
func (s *Server) initSession() error {
s.icSession = sessionutil.NewSession(s.ctx)
if s.icSession == nil {
return errors.New("failed to initialize IndexCoord session")
s.icSession.Init(typeutil.IndexCoordRole, s.address, true, true)
s.session = sessionutil.NewSession(s.ctx)
if s.session == nil {
return errors.New("failed to initialize session")
s.session.Init(typeutil.DataCoordRole, s.address, true, true)
return nil
// Init change server state to Initializing
func (s *Server) Init() error {
var err error
if err = s.initSession(); err != nil {
return err
if s.enableActiveStandBy {
s.activateFunc = func() error {
log.Info("DataCoord switch from standby to active, activating")
if err := s.initDataCoord(); err != nil {
log.Error("DataCoord init failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
log.Info("DataCoord startup success")
if s.streamingCoord != nil {
log.Info("StreamingCoord stratup successfully at standby mode")
return nil
log.Info("DataCoord enter standby mode successfully")
return nil
return s.initDataCoord()
func (s *Server) RegisterStreamingCoordGRPCService(server *grpc.Server) {
func (s *Server) initDataCoord() error {
var err error
if err = s.initRootCoordClient(); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("init rootcoord client done") = broker.NewCoordinatorBroker(s.rootCoordClient)
s.allocator = allocator.NewRootCoordAllocator(s.rootCoordClient)
storageCli, err := s.newChunkManagerFactory()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info("init chunk manager factory done")
if err = s.initMeta(storageCli); err != nil {
return err
// init id allocator after init meta
s.idAllocator = globalIDAllocator.NewGlobalIDAllocator("idTimestamp", s.kv)
err = s.idAllocator.Initialize()
if err != nil {
log.Error("data coordinator id allocator initialize failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
// Initialize streaming coordinator.
if streamingutil.IsStreamingServiceEnabled() {
s.streamingCoord = streamingcoord.NewServerBuilder().
if err = s.streamingCoord.Init(context.TODO()); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("init streaming coordinator done")
s.handler = newServerHandler(s)
// check whether old node exist, if yes suspend auto balance until all old nodes down
if err = s.initCluster(); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("init datanode cluster done")
if err = s.initServiceDiscovery(); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("init service discovery done")
log.Info("init task scheduler done")
log.Info("init statsJobManager done")
log.Info("init compaction done")
if err = s.initSegmentManager(); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("init segment manager done")
s.importMeta, err = NewImportMeta(s.meta.catalog)
if err != nil {
return err
s.importScheduler = NewImportScheduler(s.meta, s.cluster, s.allocator, s.importMeta)
s.importChecker = NewImportChecker(s.meta,, s.cluster, s.allocator, s.importMeta, s.jobManager)
s.syncSegmentsScheduler = newSyncSegmentsScheduler(s.meta, s.channelManager, s.sessionManager)
s.serverLoopCtx, s.serverLoopCancel = context.WithCancel(s.ctx)
log.Info("init datacoord done", zap.Int64("nodeID", paramtable.GetNodeID()), zap.String("Address", s.address))
return nil
// Start initialize `Server` members and start loops, follow steps are taken:
// 1. initialize message factory parameters
// 2. initialize root coord client, meta, datanode cluster, segment info channel,
// allocator, segment manager
// 3. start service discovery and server loops, which includes message stream handler (segment statistics,datanode tt)
// datanodes etcd watch, etcd alive check and flush completed status check
// 4. set server state to Healthy
func (s *Server) Start() error {
if !s.enableActiveStandBy {
log.Info("DataCoord startup successfully")
if s.streamingCoord != nil {
log.Info("StreamingCoord stratup successfully")
return nil
func (s *Server) startDataCoord() {
// http.Register(&http.Handler{
// Path: "/datacoord/garbage_collection/pause",
// HandlerFunc: func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// pauseSeconds := req.URL.Query().Get("pause_seconds")
// seconds, err := strconv.ParseInt(pauseSeconds, 10, 64)
// if err != nil {
// w.WriteHeader(400)
// w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"msg": "invalid pause seconds(%v)"}`, pauseSeconds)))
// return
// }
// err = s.garbageCollector.Pause(req.Context(), time.Duration(seconds)*time.Second)
// if err != nil {
// w.WriteHeader(500)
// w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"msg": "failed to pause garbage collection, %s"}`, err.Error())))
// return
// }
// w.WriteHeader(200)
// w.Write([]byte(`{"msg": "OK"}`))
// return
// },
// })
// http.Register(&http.Handler{
// Path: "/datacoord/garbage_collection/resume",
// HandlerFunc: func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// err := s.garbageCollector.Resume(req.Context())
// if err != nil {
// w.WriteHeader(500)
// w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"msg": "failed to pause garbage collection, %s"}`, err.Error())))
// return
// }
// w.WriteHeader(200)
// w.Write([]byte(`{"msg": "OK"}`))
// return
// },
// })
sessionutil.SaveServerInfo(typeutil.DataCoordRole, s.session.GetServerID())
func (s *Server) GetServerID() int64 {
if s.session != nil {
return s.session.GetServerID()
return paramtable.GetNodeID()
func (s *Server) afterStart() {}
func (s *Server) initCluster() error {
if s.cluster != nil {
return nil
s.sessionManager = session.NewDataNodeManagerImpl(session.WithDataNodeCreator(s.dataNodeCreator))
var err error
channelManagerOpts := []ChannelmanagerOpt{withCheckerV2()}
if streamingutil.IsStreamingServiceEnabled() {
channelManagerOpts = append(channelManagerOpts, withEmptyPolicyFactory())
s.channelManager, err = NewChannelManager(s.watchClient, s.handler, s.sessionManager, s.idAllocator, channelManagerOpts...)
if err != nil {
return err
s.cluster = NewClusterImpl(s.sessionManager, s.channelManager)
return nil
func (s *Server) SetAddress(address string) {
s.address = address
// SetEtcdClient sets etcd client for datacoord.
func (s *Server) SetEtcdClient(client *clientv3.Client) {
s.etcdCli = client
func (s *Server) SetTiKVClient(client *txnkv.Client) {
s.tikvCli = client
func (s *Server) SetRootCoordClient(rootCoord types.RootCoordClient) {
s.rootCoordClient = rootCoord
func (s *Server) SetDataNodeCreator(f func(context.Context, string, int64) (types.DataNodeClient, error)) {
s.dataNodeCreator = f
func (s *Server) SetIndexNodeCreator(f func(context.Context, string, int64) (types.IndexNodeClient, error)) {
s.indexNodeCreator = f
func (s *Server) newChunkManagerFactory() (storage.ChunkManager, error) {
chunkManagerFactory := storage.NewChunkManagerFactoryWithParam(Params)
cli, err := chunkManagerFactory.NewPersistentStorageChunkManager(s.ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Error("chunk manager init failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
return cli, err
func (s *Server) initGarbageCollection(cli storage.ChunkManager) {
s.garbageCollector = newGarbageCollector(s.meta, s.handler, GcOption{
cli: cli,
enabled: Params.DataCoordCfg.EnableGarbageCollection.GetAsBool(),
checkInterval: Params.DataCoordCfg.GCInterval.GetAsDuration(time.Second),
scanInterval: Params.DataCoordCfg.GCScanIntervalInHour.GetAsDuration(time.Hour),
missingTolerance: Params.DataCoordCfg.GCMissingTolerance.GetAsDuration(time.Second),
dropTolerance: Params.DataCoordCfg.GCDropTolerance.GetAsDuration(time.Second),
func (s *Server) initServiceDiscovery() error {
r := semver.MustParseRange(">=2.2.3")
sessions, rev, err := s.session.GetSessionsWithVersionRange(typeutil.DataNodeRole, r)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("DataCoord failed to init service discovery", zap.Error(err))
return err
log.Info("DataCoord success to get DataNode sessions", zap.Any("sessions", sessions))
datanodes := make([]*session.NodeInfo, 0, len(sessions))
legacyVersion, err := semver.Parse(paramtable.Get().DataCoordCfg.LegacyVersionWithoutRPCWatch.GetValue())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("DataCoord failed to init service discovery", zap.Error(err))
for _, s := range sessions {
info := &session.NodeInfo{
NodeID: s.ServerID,
Address: s.Address,
if s.Version.LTE(legacyVersion) {
info.IsLegacy = true
datanodes = append(datanodes, info)
log.Info("DataCoord Cluster Manager start up")
if err := s.cluster.Startup(s.ctx, datanodes); err != nil {
log.Warn("DataCoord Cluster Manager failed to start up", zap.Error(err))
return err
log.Info("DataCoord Cluster Manager start up successfully")
// TODO implement rewatch logic
s.dnEventCh = s.session.WatchServicesWithVersionRange(typeutil.DataNodeRole, r, rev+1, nil)
inSessions, inRevision, err := s.session.GetSessions(typeutil.IndexNodeRole)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("DataCoord get QueryCoord session failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
if Params.DataCoordCfg.BindIndexNodeMode.GetAsBool() {
if err = s.indexNodeManager.AddNode(Params.DataCoordCfg.IndexNodeID.GetAsInt64(), Params.DataCoordCfg.IndexNodeAddress.GetValue()); err != nil {
log.Error("add indexNode fail", zap.Int64("ServerID", Params.DataCoordCfg.IndexNodeID.GetAsInt64()),
zap.String("address", Params.DataCoordCfg.IndexNodeAddress.GetValue()), zap.Error(err))
return err
log.Info("add indexNode success", zap.String("IndexNode address", Params.DataCoordCfg.IndexNodeAddress.GetValue()),
zap.Int64("nodeID", Params.DataCoordCfg.IndexNodeID.GetAsInt64()))
} else {
for _, session := range inSessions {
if err := s.indexNodeManager.AddNode(session.ServerID, session.Address); err != nil {
return err
s.inEventCh = s.session.WatchServices(typeutil.IndexNodeRole, inRevision+1, nil)
s.indexEngineVersionManager = newIndexEngineVersionManager()
qnSessions, qnRevision, err := s.session.GetSessions(typeutil.QueryNodeRole)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("DataCoord get QueryNode sessions failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
s.qnEventCh = s.session.WatchServicesWithVersionRange(typeutil.QueryNodeRole, r, qnRevision+1, nil)
return nil
func (s *Server) initSegmentManager() error {
if s.segmentManager == nil {
manager, err := newSegmentManager(s.meta, s.allocator)
if err != nil {
return err
s.segmentManager = manager
return nil
func (s *Server) initMeta(chunkManager storage.ChunkManager) error {
if s.meta != nil {
return nil
s.watchClient = etcdkv.NewEtcdKV(s.etcdCli, Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath.GetValue(),
metaType := Params.MetaStoreCfg.MetaStoreType.GetValue()
log.Info("data coordinator connecting to metadata store", zap.String("metaType", metaType))
metaRootPath := ""
if metaType == util.MetaStoreTypeTiKV {
metaRootPath = Params.TiKVCfg.MetaRootPath.GetValue()
s.kv = tikv.NewTiKV(s.tikvCli, metaRootPath,
} else if metaType == util.MetaStoreTypeEtcd {
metaRootPath = Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath.GetValue()
s.kv = etcdkv.NewEtcdKV(s.etcdCli, metaRootPath,
} else {
return retry.Unrecoverable(fmt.Errorf("not supported meta store: %s", metaType))
log.Info("data coordinator successfully connected to metadata store", zap.String("metaType", metaType))
reloadEtcdFn := func() error {
var err error
catalog := datacoord.NewCatalog(s.kv, chunkManager.RootPath(), metaRootPath)
s.meta, err = newMeta(s.ctx, catalog, chunkManager)
if err != nil {
return err
// Load collection information asynchronously
// HINT: please make sure this is the last step in the `reloadEtcdFn` function !!!
go func() {
_ = retry.Do(s.ctx, func() error {
return s.meta.reloadCollectionsFromRootcoord(s.ctx,
}, retry.Sleep(time.Second), retry.Attempts(connMetaMaxRetryTime))
return nil
return retry.Do(s.ctx, reloadEtcdFn, retry.Attempts(connMetaMaxRetryTime))
func (s *Server) initTaskScheduler(manager storage.ChunkManager) {
if s.taskScheduler == nil {
s.taskScheduler = newTaskScheduler(s.ctx, s.meta, s.indexNodeManager, manager, s.indexEngineVersionManager, s.handler, s.allocator)
func (s *Server) initJobManager() {
if s.jobManager == nil {
s.jobManager = newJobManager(s.ctx, s.meta, s.taskScheduler, s.allocator)
func (s *Server) initIndexNodeManager() {
if s.indexNodeManager == nil {
s.indexNodeManager = session.NewNodeManager(s.ctx, s.indexNodeCreator)
func (s *Server) initCompaction() {
s.compactionHandler = newCompactionPlanHandler(s.cluster, s.sessionManager, s.meta, s.allocator, s.taskScheduler, s.handler)
s.compactionTriggerManager = NewCompactionTriggerManager(s.allocator, s.handler, s.compactionHandler, s.meta)
s.compactionTrigger = newCompactionTrigger(s.meta, s.compactionHandler, s.allocator, s.handler, s.indexEngineVersionManager)
func (s *Server) stopCompaction() {
if s.compactionTrigger != nil {
if s.compactionTriggerManager != nil {
if s.compactionHandler != nil {
func (s *Server) startCompaction() {
if s.compactionHandler != nil {
if s.compactionTrigger != nil {
if s.compactionTriggerManager != nil {
func (s *Server) startServerLoop() {
if Params.DataCoordCfg.EnableCompaction.GetAsBool() {
go s.importScheduler.Start()
go s.importChecker.Start()
if !(streamingutil.IsStreamingServiceEnabled() || paramtable.Get().DataNodeCfg.SkipBFStatsLoad.GetAsBool()) {
func (s *Server) startTaskScheduler() {
func (s *Server) updateSegmentStatistics(stats []*commonpb.SegmentStats) {
for _, stat := range stats {
segment := s.meta.GetSegment(stat.GetSegmentID())
if segment == nil {
log.Warn("skip updating row number for not exist segment",
zap.Int64("segmentID", stat.GetSegmentID()),
zap.Int64("new value", stat.GetNumRows()))
if isFlushState(segment.GetState()) {
log.Warn("skip updating row number for flushed segment",
zap.Int64("segmentID", stat.GetSegmentID()),
zap.Int64("new value", stat.GetNumRows()))
// Log if # of rows is updated.
if segment.currRows < stat.GetNumRows() {
log.Debug("Updating segment number of rows",
zap.Int64("segmentID", stat.GetSegmentID()),
zap.Int64("old value", s.meta.GetSegment(stat.GetSegmentID()).GetNumOfRows()),
zap.Int64("new value", stat.GetNumRows()),
s.meta.SetCurrentRows(stat.GetSegmentID(), stat.GetNumRows())
func (s *Server) getFlushableSegmentsInfo(flushableIDs []int64) []*SegmentInfo {
res := make([]*SegmentInfo, 0, len(flushableIDs))
for _, id := range flushableIDs {
sinfo := s.meta.GetHealthySegment(id)
if sinfo == nil {
log.Error("get segment from meta error", zap.Int64("id", id))
res = append(res, sinfo)
return res
func (s *Server) setLastFlushTime(segments []*SegmentInfo) {
for _, sinfo := range segments {
s.meta.SetLastFlushTime(sinfo.GetID(), time.Now())
// start a goroutine wto watch services
func (s *Server) startWatchService(ctx context.Context) {
go s.watchService(ctx)
func (s *Server) stopServiceWatch() {
// ErrCompacted is handled inside SessionWatcher, which means there is some other error occurred, closing server.
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Error("watch service channel closed", zap.Int64("serverID", paramtable.GetNodeID()))
go s.Stop()
if s.session.IsTriggerKill() {
if p, err := os.FindProcess(os.Getpid()); err == nil {
// watchService watches services.
func (s *Server) watchService(ctx context.Context) {
defer logutil.LogPanic()
defer s.serverLoopWg.Done()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Info("watch service shutdown")
case event, ok := <-s.dnEventCh:
if !ok {
if err := s.handleSessionEvent(ctx, typeutil.DataNodeRole, event); err != nil {
go func() {
if err := s.Stop(); err != nil {
log.Warn("DataCoord server stop error", zap.Error(err))
case event, ok := <-s.inEventCh:
if !ok {
if err := s.handleSessionEvent(ctx, typeutil.IndexNodeRole, event); err != nil {
go func() {
if err := s.Stop(); err != nil {
log.Warn("DataCoord server stop error", zap.Error(err))
case event, ok := <-s.qnEventCh:
if !ok {
if err := s.handleSessionEvent(ctx, typeutil.QueryNodeRole, event); err != nil {
go func() {
if err := s.Stop(); err != nil {
log.Warn("DataCoord server stop error", zap.Error(err))
// handles session events - DataNodes Add/Del
func (s *Server) handleSessionEvent(ctx context.Context, role string, event *sessionutil.SessionEvent) error {
if event == nil {
return nil
log := log.Ctx(ctx)
switch role {
case typeutil.DataNodeRole:
info := &datapb.DataNodeInfo{
Address: event.Session.Address,
Version: event.Session.ServerID,
Channels: []*datapb.ChannelStatus{},
node := &session.NodeInfo{
NodeID: event.Session.ServerID,
Address: event.Session.Address,
switch event.EventType {
case sessionutil.SessionAddEvent:
log.Info("received datanode register",
zap.String("address", info.Address),
zap.Int64("serverID", info.Version))
if err := s.cluster.Register(node); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to register node", zap.Int64("id", node.NodeID), zap.String("address", node.Address), zap.Error(err))
return err
case sessionutil.SessionDelEvent:
log.Info("received datanode unregister",
zap.String("address", info.Address),
zap.Int64("serverID", info.Version))
if err := s.cluster.UnRegister(node); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to deregister node", zap.Int64("id", node.NodeID), zap.String("address", node.Address), zap.Error(err))
return err
log.Warn("receive unknown service event type",
zap.Any("type", event.EventType))
case typeutil.IndexNodeRole:
if Params.DataCoordCfg.BindIndexNodeMode.GetAsBool() {
log.Info("receive indexnode session event, but adding indexnode by bind mode, skip it",
zap.String("address", event.Session.Address),
zap.Int64("serverID", event.Session.ServerID),
zap.String("event type", event.EventType.String()))
return nil
switch event.EventType {
case sessionutil.SessionAddEvent:
log.Info("received indexnode register",
zap.String("address", event.Session.Address),
zap.Int64("serverID", event.Session.ServerID))
return s.indexNodeManager.AddNode(event.Session.ServerID, event.Session.Address)
case sessionutil.SessionDelEvent:
log.Info("received indexnode unregister",
zap.String("address", event.Session.Address),
zap.Int64("serverID", event.Session.ServerID))
case sessionutil.SessionUpdateEvent:
serverID := event.Session.ServerID
log.Info("received indexnode SessionUpdateEvent", zap.Int64("serverID", serverID))
log.Warn("receive unknown service event type",
zap.Any("type", event.EventType))
case typeutil.QueryNodeRole:
switch event.EventType {
case sessionutil.SessionAddEvent:
log.Info("received querynode register",
zap.String("address", event.Session.Address),
zap.Int64("serverID", event.Session.ServerID))
case sessionutil.SessionDelEvent:
log.Info("received querynode unregister",
zap.String("address", event.Session.Address),
zap.Int64("serverID", event.Session.ServerID))
case sessionutil.SessionUpdateEvent:
serverID := event.Session.ServerID
log.Info("received querynode SessionUpdateEvent", zap.Int64("serverID", serverID))
log.Warn("receive unknown service event type",
zap.Any("type", event.EventType))
return nil
// startFlushLoop starts a goroutine to handle post func process
// which is to notify `RootCoord` that this segment is flushed
func (s *Server) startFlushLoop(ctx context.Context) {
go func() {
defer logutil.LogPanic()
defer s.serverLoopWg.Done()
ctx2, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// send `Flushing` segments
go s.handleFlushingSegments(ctx2)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Info("flush loop shutdown")
case segmentID := <-s.flushCh:
// Ignore return error
log.Info("flush successfully", zap.Any("segmentID", segmentID))
err := s.postFlush(ctx, segmentID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to do post flush", zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID), zap.Error(err))
// post function after flush is done
// 1. check segment id is valid
// 2. notify RootCoord segment is flushed
// 3. change segment state to `Flushed` in meta
func (s *Server) postFlush(ctx context.Context, segmentID UniqueID) error {
log := log.Ctx(ctx)
segment := s.meta.GetHealthySegment(segmentID)
if segment == nil {
return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotFound(segmentID, "segment not found, might be a faked segment, ignore post flush")
// set segment to SegmentState_Flushed
var operators []UpdateOperator
operators = append(operators, SetSegmentIsInvisible(segmentID, true))
operators = append(operators, UpdateStatusOperator(segmentID, commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed))
err := s.meta.UpdateSegmentsInfo(operators...)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("flush segment complete failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
select {
case getStatsTaskChSingleton() <- segmentID:
insertFileNum := 0
for _, fieldBinlog := range segment.GetBinlogs() {
insertFileNum += len(fieldBinlog.GetBinlogs())
statFileNum := 0
for _, fieldBinlog := range segment.GetStatslogs() {
statFileNum += len(fieldBinlog.GetBinlogs())
deleteFileNum := 0
for _, filedBinlog := range segment.GetDeltalogs() {
deleteFileNum += len(filedBinlog.GetBinlogs())
log.Info("flush segment complete", zap.Int64("id", segmentID))
return nil
// recovery logic, fetch all Segment in `Flushing` state and do Flush notification logic
func (s *Server) handleFlushingSegments(ctx context.Context) {
segments := s.meta.GetFlushingSegments()
for _, segment := range segments {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case s.flushCh <- segment.ID:
func (s *Server) initRootCoordClient() error {
var err error
if s.rootCoordClient == nil {
if s.rootCoordClient, err = s.rootCoordClientCreator(s.ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Stop do the Server finalize processes
// it checks the server status is healthy, if not, just quit
// if Server is healthy, set server state to stopped, release etcd session,
// stop message stream client and stop server loops
func (s *Server) Stop() error {
if !s.stateCode.CompareAndSwap(commonpb.StateCode_Healthy, commonpb.StateCode_Abnormal) {
return nil
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Info("datacoord server shutdown")
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Info("datacoord garbage collector stopped")
if s.streamingCoord != nil {
log.Info("StreamingCoord stoping...")
log.Info("StreamingCoord stopped")
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Info("datacoord compaction stopped")
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Info("datacoord statsJobManager stopped")
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Info("datacoord index builder stopped")
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Info("datacoord cluster stopped")
if s.session != nil {
if s.icSession != nil {
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Info("datacoord serverloop stopped")
logutil.Logger(s.ctx).Warn("datacoord stop successful")
return nil
// CleanMeta only for test
func (s *Server) CleanMeta() error {
log.Debug("clean meta", zap.Any("kv", s.kv))
err := s.kv.RemoveWithPrefix("")
err2 := s.watchClient.RemoveWithPrefix("")
if err2 != nil {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Failed to CleanMeta[metadata cleanup error: %w][watchdata cleanup error: %v]", err, err2)
} else {
err = err2
return err
func (s *Server) stopServerLoop() {
func (s *Server) registerMetricsRequest() {
func(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, jsonReq gjson.Result) (string, error) {
return s.getSystemInfoMetrics(ctx, req)
func(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, jsonReq gjson.Result) (string, error) {
return s.getDistJSON(ctx, req), nil
func(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, jsonReq gjson.Result) (string, error) {
return s.importMeta.TaskStatsJSON(), nil
func(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, jsonReq gjson.Result) (string, error) {
return s.meta.compactionTaskMeta.TaskStatsJSON(), nil
func(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, jsonReq gjson.Result) (string, error) {
return s.meta.indexMeta.TaskStatsJSON(), nil
func(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, jsonReq gjson.Result) (string, error) {
return s.getSyncTaskJSON(ctx, req)
func(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, jsonReq gjson.Result) (string, error) {
return s.getSegmentsJSON(ctx, req)
func(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, jsonReq gjson.Result) (string, error) {
return s.getChannelsJSON(ctx, req)
log.Info("register metrics actions finished")
// loadCollectionFromRootCoord communicates with RootCoord and asks for collection information.
// collection information will be added to server meta info.
func (s *Server) loadCollectionFromRootCoord(ctx context.Context, collectionID int64) error {
has, err :=, collectionID)
if err != nil {
return err
if !has {
return merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(collectionID)
resp, err :=, collectionID)
if err != nil {
return err
partitionIDs, err :=, collectionID)
if err != nil {
return err
properties := make(map[string]string)
for _, pair := range resp.Properties {
properties[pair.GetKey()] = pair.GetValue()
collInfo := &collectionInfo{
ID: resp.CollectionID,
Schema: resp.Schema,
Partitions: partitionIDs,
StartPositions: resp.GetStartPositions(),
Properties: properties,
CreatedAt: resp.GetCreatedTimestamp(),
DatabaseName: resp.GetDbName(),
DatabaseID: resp.GetDbId(),
VChannelNames: resp.GetVirtualChannelNames(),
return nil
func (s *Server) updateBalanceConfigLoop(ctx context.Context) {
success := s.updateBalanceConfig()
if success {
go func() {
defer s.serverLoopWg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(Params.DataCoordCfg.CheckAutoBalanceConfigInterval.GetAsDuration(time.Second))
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Info("update balance config loop exit!")
case <-ticker.C:
success := s.updateBalanceConfig()
if success {
func (s *Server) updateBalanceConfig() bool {
r := semver.MustParseRange("<2.3.0")
sessions, _, err := s.session.GetSessionsWithVersionRange(typeutil.DataNodeRole, r)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("check data node version occur error on etcd", zap.Error(err))
return false
if len(sessions) == 0 {
// only balance channel when all data node's version > 2.3.0
log.Info("all old data node down, enable auto balance!")
return true
Params.Save(Params.DataCoordCfg.AutoBalance.Key, "false")
log.RatedDebug(10, "old data node exist", zap.Strings("sessions", lo.Keys(sessions)))
return false