mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 11:59:00 +08:00
Signed-off-by: Xiangyu Wang <xiangyu.wang@zilliz.com>
1253 lines
30 KiB
1253 lines
30 KiB
package proxynode
import (
oplog "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go/log"
type task interface {
ID() UniqueID // return ReqID
SetID(uid UniqueID) // set ReqID
Type() commonpb.MsgType
BeginTs() Timestamp
EndTs() Timestamp
SetTs(ts Timestamp)
PreExecute() error
Execute() error
PostExecute() error
WaitToFinish() error
Notify(err error)
type BaseInsertTask = msgstream.InsertMsg
type InsertTask struct {
result *servicepb.IntegerRangeResponse
manipulationMsgStream *pulsarms.PulsarMsgStream
ctx context.Context
rowIDAllocator *allocator.IDAllocator
func (it *InsertTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
it.Base.MsgID = uid
func (it *InsertTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
rowNum := len(it.RowData)
it.Timestamps = make([]uint64, rowNum)
for index := range it.Timestamps {
it.Timestamps[index] = ts
it.BeginTimestamp = ts
it.EndTimestamp = ts
func (it *InsertTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return it.BeginTimestamp
func (it *InsertTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return it.EndTimestamp
func (it *InsertTask) ID() UniqueID {
return it.Base.MsgID
func (it *InsertTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return it.Base.MsgType
func (it *InsertTask) PreExecute() error {
span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(it.ctx, "InsertTask preExecute")
defer span.Finish()
it.ctx = ctx
span.SetTag("hash keys", it.Base.MsgID)
span.SetTag("start time", it.BeginTs())
collectionName := it.BaseInsertTask.CollectionName
if err := ValidateCollectionName(collectionName); err != nil {
return err
partitionTag := it.BaseInsertTask.PartitionName
if err := ValidatePartitionTag(partitionTag, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (it *InsertTask) Execute() error {
span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(it.ctx, "InsertTask Execute")
defer span.Finish()
it.ctx = ctx
span.SetTag("hash keys", it.Base.MsgID)
span.SetTag("start time", it.BeginTs())
collectionName := it.BaseInsertTask.CollectionName
span.LogFields(oplog.String("collection_name", collectionName))
if !globalMetaCache.Hit(collectionName) {
err := globalMetaCache.Sync(collectionName)
if err != nil {
return err
description, err := globalMetaCache.Get(collectionName)
if err != nil || description == nil {
return err
autoID := description.Schema.AutoID
span.LogFields(oplog.Bool("auto_id", autoID))
var rowIDBegin UniqueID
var rowIDEnd UniqueID
rowNums := len(it.BaseInsertTask.RowData)
rowIDBegin, rowIDEnd, _ = it.rowIDAllocator.Alloc(uint32(rowNums))
span.LogFields(oplog.Int("rowNums", rowNums),
oplog.Int("rowIDBegin", int(rowIDBegin)),
oplog.Int("rowIDEnd", int(rowIDEnd)))
it.BaseInsertTask.RowIDs = make([]UniqueID, rowNums)
for i := rowIDBegin; i < rowIDEnd; i++ {
offset := i - rowIDBegin
it.BaseInsertTask.RowIDs[offset] = i
if autoID {
if it.HashValues == nil || len(it.HashValues) == 0 {
it.HashValues = make([]uint32, 0)
for _, rowID := range it.RowIDs {
hashValue, _ := typeutil.Hash32Int64(rowID)
it.HashValues = append(it.HashValues, hashValue)
var tsMsg msgstream.TsMsg = &it.BaseInsertTask
msgPack := &msgstream.MsgPack{
BeginTs: it.BeginTs(),
EndTs: it.EndTs(),
Msgs: make([]msgstream.TsMsg, 1),
span.LogFields(oplog.String("send msg", "send msg"))
msgPack.Msgs[0] = tsMsg
err = it.manipulationMsgStream.Produce(msgPack)
it.result = &servicepb.IntegerRangeResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_SUCCESS,
Begin: rowIDBegin,
End: rowIDEnd,
if err != nil {
it.result.Status.ErrorCode = commonpb.ErrorCode_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
it.result.Status.Reason = err.Error()
return nil
func (it *InsertTask) PostExecute() error {
span, _ := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(it.ctx, "InsertTask postExecute")
defer span.Finish()
return nil
type CreateCollectionTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *commonpb.Status
ctx context.Context
schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema
func (cct *CreateCollectionTask) ID() UniqueID {
return cct.Base.MsgID
func (cct *CreateCollectionTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
cct.Base.MsgID = uid
func (cct *CreateCollectionTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return cct.Base.MsgType
func (cct *CreateCollectionTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return cct.Base.Timestamp
func (cct *CreateCollectionTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return cct.Base.Timestamp
func (cct *CreateCollectionTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
cct.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (cct *CreateCollectionTask) PreExecute() error {
if int64(len(cct.schema.Fields)) > Params.MaxFieldNum() {
return errors.New("maximum field's number should be limited to " + strconv.FormatInt(Params.MaxFieldNum(), 10))
// validate collection name
if err := ValidateCollectionName(cct.schema.Name); err != nil {
return err
if err := ValidateDuplicatedFieldName(cct.schema.Fields); err != nil {
return err
if err := ValidatePrimaryKey(cct.schema); err != nil {
return err
// validate field name
for _, field := range cct.schema.Fields {
if err := ValidateFieldName(field.Name); err != nil {
return err
if field.DataType == schemapb.DataType_VECTOR_FLOAT || field.DataType == schemapb.DataType_VECTOR_BINARY {
exist := false
var dim int64 = 0
for _, param := range field.TypeParams {
if param.Key == "dim" {
exist = true
tmp, err := strconv.ParseInt(param.Value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
dim = tmp
if !exist {
return errors.New("dimension is not defined in field type params")
if field.DataType == schemapb.DataType_VECTOR_FLOAT {
if err := ValidateDimension(dim, false); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := ValidateDimension(dim, true); err != nil {
return err
if err := ValidateVectorFieldMetricType(field); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (cct *CreateCollectionTask) Execute() error {
schemaBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(cct.schema)
cct.CreateCollectionRequest.Schema = schemaBytes
resp, err := cct.masterClient.CreateCollection(cct.ctx, &cct.CreateCollectionRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("create collection failed, error= %v", err)
cct.result = &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UNEXPECTED_ERROR,
Reason: err.Error(),
} else {
cct.result = resp
return err
func (cct *CreateCollectionTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil
type DropCollectionTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *commonpb.Status
ctx context.Context
func (dct *DropCollectionTask) ID() UniqueID {
return dct.Base.MsgID
func (dct *DropCollectionTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
dct.Base.MsgID = uid
func (dct *DropCollectionTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return dct.Base.MsgType
func (dct *DropCollectionTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return dct.Base.Timestamp
func (dct *DropCollectionTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return dct.Base.Timestamp
func (dct *DropCollectionTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
dct.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (dct *DropCollectionTask) PreExecute() error {
if err := ValidateCollectionName(dct.CollectionName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (dct *DropCollectionTask) Execute() error {
resp, err := dct.masterClient.DropCollection(dct.ctx, &dct.DropCollectionRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("drop collection failed, error= %v", err)
dct.result = &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UNEXPECTED_ERROR,
Reason: err.Error(),
} else {
dct.result = resp
return err
func (dct *DropCollectionTask) PostExecute() error {
if globalMetaCache.Hit(dct.CollectionName) {
return globalMetaCache.Remove(dct.CollectionName)
return nil
type SearchTask struct {
queryMsgStream *pulsarms.PulsarMsgStream
resultBuf chan []*internalpb2.SearchResults
result *servicepb.QueryResult
ctx context.Context
query *servicepb.Query
func (st *SearchTask) ID() UniqueID {
return st.Base.MsgID
func (st *SearchTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
st.Base.MsgID = uid
func (st *SearchTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return st.Base.MsgType
func (st *SearchTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return st.Base.Timestamp
func (st *SearchTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return st.Base.Timestamp
func (st *SearchTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
st.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (st *SearchTask) PreExecute() error {
span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(st.ctx, "SearchTask preExecute")
defer span.Finish()
st.ctx = ctx
span.SetTag("hash keys", st.Base.MsgID)
span.SetTag("start time", st.BeginTs())
collectionName := st.query.CollectionName
if !globalMetaCache.Hit(collectionName) {
err := globalMetaCache.Sync(collectionName)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err := globalMetaCache.Get(collectionName)
if err != nil { // err is not nil if collection not exists
return err
if err := ValidateCollectionName(st.query.CollectionName); err != nil {
return err
for _, tag := range st.query.PartitionTags {
if err := ValidatePartitionTag(tag, false); err != nil {
return err
st.Base.MsgType = commonpb.MsgType_kSearch
queryBytes, err := proto.Marshal(st.query)
if err != nil {
return err
st.Query = &commonpb.Blob{
Value: queryBytes,
return nil
func (st *SearchTask) Execute() error {
span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(st.ctx, "SearchTask Execute")
defer span.Finish()
st.ctx = ctx
span.SetTag("hash keys", st.Base.MsgID)
span.SetTag("start time", st.BeginTs())
var tsMsg msgstream.TsMsg = &msgstream.SearchMsg{
SearchRequest: st.SearchRequest,
BaseMsg: msgstream.BaseMsg{
HashValues: []uint32{uint32(Params.ProxyID())},
BeginTimestamp: st.Base.Timestamp,
EndTimestamp: st.Base.Timestamp,
msgPack := &msgstream.MsgPack{
BeginTs: st.Base.Timestamp,
EndTs: st.Base.Timestamp,
Msgs: make([]msgstream.TsMsg, 1),
msgPack.Msgs[0] = tsMsg
err := st.queryMsgStream.Produce(msgPack)
log.Printf("[Proxy] length of searchMsg: %v", len(msgPack.Msgs))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[Proxy] send search request failed: %v", err)
return err
func (st *SearchTask) PostExecute() error {
span, _ := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(st.ctx, "SearchTask postExecute")
defer span.Finish()
span.SetTag("hash keys", st.Base.MsgID)
span.SetTag("start time", st.BeginTs())
for {
select {
case <-st.ctx.Done():
log.Print("wait to finish failed, timeout!")
span.LogFields(oplog.String("wait to finish failed, timeout", "wait to finish failed, timeout"))
return errors.New("wait to finish failed, timeout")
case searchResults := <-st.resultBuf:
span.LogFields(oplog.String("receive result", "receive result"))
filterSearchResult := make([]*internalpb2.SearchResults, 0)
var filterReason string
for _, partialSearchResult := range searchResults {
if partialSearchResult.Status.ErrorCode == commonpb.ErrorCode_SUCCESS {
filterSearchResult = append(filterSearchResult, partialSearchResult)
// For debugging, please don't delete.
//for i := 0; i < len(partialSearchResult.Hits); i++ {
// testHits := milvuspb.Hits{}
// err := proto.Unmarshal(partialSearchResult.Hits[i], &testHits)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// fmt.Println(testHits.IDs)
// fmt.Println(testHits.Scores)
} else {
filterReason += partialSearchResult.Status.Reason + "\n"
availableQueryNodeNum := len(filterSearchResult)
if availableQueryNodeNum <= 0 {
st.result = &servicepb.QueryResult{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UNEXPECTED_ERROR,
Reason: filterReason,
return errors.New(filterReason)
hits := make([][]*servicepb.Hits, 0)
for _, partialSearchResult := range filterSearchResult {
if partialSearchResult.Hits == nil || len(partialSearchResult.Hits) <= 0 {
filterReason += "nq is zero\n"
partialHits := make([]*servicepb.Hits, 0)
for _, bs := range partialSearchResult.Hits {
partialHit := &servicepb.Hits{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(bs, partialHit)
if err != nil {
log.Println("unmarshal error")
return err
partialHits = append(partialHits, partialHit)
hits = append(hits, partialHits)
availableQueryNodeNum = len(hits)
if availableQueryNodeNum <= 0 {
st.result = &servicepb.QueryResult{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_SUCCESS,
Reason: filterReason,
return nil
nq := len(hits[0])
if nq <= 0 {
st.result = &servicepb.QueryResult{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_SUCCESS,
Reason: filterReason,
return nil
topk := 0
getMax := func(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
for _, hit := range hits {
topk = getMax(topk, len(hit[0].IDs))
st.result = &servicepb.QueryResult{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: 0,
Hits: make([][]byte, 0),
const minFloat32 = -1 * float32(math.MaxFloat32)
for i := 0; i < nq; i++ {
locs := make([]int, availableQueryNodeNum)
reducedHits := &servicepb.Hits{
IDs: make([]int64, 0),
RowData: make([][]byte, 0),
Scores: make([]float32, 0),
for j := 0; j < topk; j++ {
valid := false
choice, maxDistance := 0, minFloat32
for q, loc := range locs { // query num, the number of ways to merge
if loc >= len(hits[q][i].IDs) {
distance := hits[q][i].Scores[loc]
if distance > maxDistance || (math.Abs(float64(distance-maxDistance)) < math.SmallestNonzeroFloat32 && choice != q) {
choice = q
maxDistance = distance
valid = true
if !valid {
choiceOffset := locs[choice]
// check if distance is valid, `invalid` here means very very big,
// in this process, distance here is the smallest, so the rest of distance are all invalid
if hits[choice][i].Scores[choiceOffset] <= minFloat32 {
reducedHits.IDs = append(reducedHits.IDs, hits[choice][i].IDs[choiceOffset])
if hits[choice][i].RowData != nil && len(hits[choice][i].RowData) > 0 {
reducedHits.RowData = append(reducedHits.RowData, hits[choice][i].RowData[choiceOffset])
reducedHits.Scores = append(reducedHits.Scores, hits[choice][i].Scores[choiceOffset])
if searchResults[0].MetricType != "IP" {
for k := range reducedHits.Scores {
reducedHits.Scores[k] *= -1
reducedHitsBs, err := proto.Marshal(reducedHits)
if err != nil {
log.Println("marshal error")
return err
st.result.Hits = append(st.result.Hits, reducedHitsBs)
return nil
type HasCollectionTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *servicepb.BoolResponse
ctx context.Context
func (hct *HasCollectionTask) ID() UniqueID {
return hct.Base.MsgID
func (hct *HasCollectionTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
hct.Base.MsgID = uid
func (hct *HasCollectionTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return hct.Base.MsgType
func (hct *HasCollectionTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return hct.Base.Timestamp
func (hct *HasCollectionTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return hct.Base.Timestamp
func (hct *HasCollectionTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
hct.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (hct *HasCollectionTask) PreExecute() error {
if err := ValidateCollectionName(hct.CollectionName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (hct *HasCollectionTask) Execute() error {
resp, err := hct.masterClient.HasCollection(hct.ctx, &hct.HasCollectionRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("has collection failed, error= %v", err)
hct.result = &servicepb.BoolResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UNEXPECTED_ERROR,
Reason: "internal error",
Value: false,
} else {
hct.result = &servicepb.BoolResponse{
Status: resp.Status,
Value: resp.Value,
return err
func (hct *HasCollectionTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil
type DescribeCollectionTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *servicepb.CollectionDescription
ctx context.Context
func (dct *DescribeCollectionTask) ID() UniqueID {
return dct.Base.MsgID
func (dct *DescribeCollectionTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
dct.Base.MsgID = uid
func (dct *DescribeCollectionTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return dct.Base.MsgType
func (dct *DescribeCollectionTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return dct.Base.Timestamp
func (dct *DescribeCollectionTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return dct.Base.Timestamp
func (dct *DescribeCollectionTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
dct.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (dct *DescribeCollectionTask) PreExecute() error {
if err := ValidateCollectionName(dct.CollectionName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (dct *DescribeCollectionTask) Execute() error {
result, err := dct.masterClient.DescribeCollection(dct.ctx, &dct.DescribeCollectionRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
dct.result = &servicepb.CollectionDescription{
Status: result.Status,
Schema: result.Schema,
err = globalMetaCache.Update(dct.CollectionName, dct.result)
return err
func (dct *DescribeCollectionTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil
type ShowCollectionsTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *servicepb.StringListResponse
ctx context.Context
func (sct *ShowCollectionsTask) ID() UniqueID {
return sct.Base.MsgID
func (sct *ShowCollectionsTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
sct.Base.MsgID = uid
func (sct *ShowCollectionsTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return sct.Base.MsgType
func (sct *ShowCollectionsTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return sct.Base.Timestamp
func (sct *ShowCollectionsTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return sct.Base.Timestamp
func (sct *ShowCollectionsTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
sct.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (sct *ShowCollectionsTask) PreExecute() error {
return nil
func (sct *ShowCollectionsTask) Execute() error {
resp, err := sct.masterClient.ShowCollections(sct.ctx, &sct.ShowCollectionRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("show collections failed, error= %v", err)
sct.result = &servicepb.StringListResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UNEXPECTED_ERROR,
Reason: "internal error",
} else {
sct.result = &servicepb.StringListResponse{
Status: resp.Status,
Values: resp.CollectionNames,
return err
func (sct *ShowCollectionsTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil
type CreatePartitionTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *commonpb.Status
ctx context.Context
func (cpt *CreatePartitionTask) ID() UniqueID {
return cpt.Base.MsgID
func (cpt *CreatePartitionTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
cpt.Base.MsgID = uid
func (cpt *CreatePartitionTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return cpt.Base.MsgType
func (cpt *CreatePartitionTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return cpt.Base.Timestamp
func (cpt *CreatePartitionTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return cpt.Base.Timestamp
func (cpt *CreatePartitionTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
cpt.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (cpt *CreatePartitionTask) PreExecute() error {
collName, partitionTag := cpt.CollectionName, cpt.PartitionName
if err := ValidateCollectionName(collName); err != nil {
return err
if err := ValidatePartitionTag(partitionTag, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (cpt *CreatePartitionTask) Execute() (err error) {
cpt.result, err = cpt.masterClient.CreatePartition(cpt.ctx, &cpt.CreatePartitionRequest)
return err
func (cpt *CreatePartitionTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil
type DropPartitionTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *commonpb.Status
ctx context.Context
func (dpt *DropPartitionTask) ID() UniqueID {
return dpt.Base.MsgID
func (dpt *DropPartitionTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
dpt.Base.MsgID = uid
func (dpt *DropPartitionTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return dpt.Base.MsgType
func (dpt *DropPartitionTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return dpt.Base.Timestamp
func (dpt *DropPartitionTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return dpt.Base.Timestamp
func (dpt *DropPartitionTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
dpt.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (dpt *DropPartitionTask) PreExecute() error {
collName, partitionTag := dpt.CollectionName, dpt.PartitionName
if err := ValidateCollectionName(collName); err != nil {
return err
if err := ValidatePartitionTag(partitionTag, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (dpt *DropPartitionTask) Execute() (err error) {
dpt.result, err = dpt.masterClient.DropPartition(dpt.ctx, &dpt.DropPartitionRequest)
return err
func (dpt *DropPartitionTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil
type HasPartitionTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *servicepb.BoolResponse
ctx context.Context
func (hpt *HasPartitionTask) ID() UniqueID {
return hpt.Base.MsgID
func (hpt *HasPartitionTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
hpt.Base.MsgID = uid
func (hpt *HasPartitionTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return hpt.Base.MsgType
func (hpt *HasPartitionTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return hpt.Base.Timestamp
func (hpt *HasPartitionTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return hpt.Base.Timestamp
func (hpt *HasPartitionTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
hpt.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (hpt *HasPartitionTask) PreExecute() error {
collName, partitionTag := hpt.CollectionName, hpt.PartitionName
if err := ValidateCollectionName(collName); err != nil {
return err
if err := ValidatePartitionTag(partitionTag, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (hpt *HasPartitionTask) Execute() (err error) {
result, err := hpt.masterClient.HasPartition(hpt.ctx, &hpt.HasPartitionRequest)
hpt.result = &servicepb.BoolResponse{
Status: result.Status,
Value: result.Value,
return err
func (hpt *HasPartitionTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil
//type DescribePartitionTask struct {
// Condition
// internalpb.DescribePartitionRequest
// masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
// result *servicepb.PartitionDescription
// ctx context.Context
//func (dpt *DescribePartitionTask) ID() UniqueID {
// return dpt.ReqID
//func (dpt *DescribePartitionTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
// dpt.ReqID = uid
//func (dpt *DescribePartitionTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
// return dpt.MsgType
//func (dpt *DescribePartitionTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
// return dpt.Timestamp
//func (dpt *DescribePartitionTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
// return dpt.Timestamp
//func (dpt *DescribePartitionTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
// dpt.Timestamp = ts
//func (dpt *DescribePartitionTask) PreExecute() error {
// collName, partitionTag := dpt.PartitionName.CollectionName, dpt.PartitionName.Tag
// if err := ValidateCollectionName(collName); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := ValidatePartitionTag(partitionTag, true); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// return nil
//func (dpt *DescribePartitionTask) Execute() (err error) {
// dpt.result, err = dpt.masterClient.DescribePartition(dpt.ctx, &dpt.DescribePartitionRequest)
// return err
//func (dpt *DescribePartitionTask) PostExecute() error {
// return nil
type ShowPartitionsTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *servicepb.StringListResponse
ctx context.Context
func (spt *ShowPartitionsTask) ID() UniqueID {
return spt.Base.MsgID
func (spt *ShowPartitionsTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
spt.Base.MsgID = uid
func (spt *ShowPartitionsTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return spt.Base.MsgType
func (spt *ShowPartitionsTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return spt.Base.Timestamp
func (spt *ShowPartitionsTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return spt.Base.Timestamp
func (spt *ShowPartitionsTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
spt.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (spt *ShowPartitionsTask) PreExecute() error {
if err := ValidateCollectionName(spt.CollectionName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (spt *ShowPartitionsTask) Execute() error {
result, err := spt.masterClient.ShowPartitions(spt.ctx, &spt.ShowPartitionRequest)
spt.result = &servicepb.StringListResponse{
Status: result.Status,
Values: result.PartitionNames,
return err
func (spt *ShowPartitionsTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil
type CreateIndexTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *commonpb.Status
ctx context.Context
func (cit *CreateIndexTask) ID() UniqueID {
return cit.Base.MsgID
func (cit *CreateIndexTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
cit.Base.MsgID = uid
func (cit *CreateIndexTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return cit.Base.MsgType
func (cit *CreateIndexTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return cit.Base.Timestamp
func (cit *CreateIndexTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return cit.Base.Timestamp
func (cit *CreateIndexTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
cit.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (cit *CreateIndexTask) PreExecute() error {
collName, fieldName := cit.CollectionName, cit.FieldName
if err := ValidateCollectionName(collName); err != nil {
return err
if err := ValidateFieldName(fieldName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (cit *CreateIndexTask) Execute() (err error) {
cit.result, err = cit.masterClient.CreateIndex(cit.ctx, &cit.CreateIndexRequest)
return err
func (cit *CreateIndexTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil
type DescribeIndexTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *servicepb.DescribeIndexResponse
ctx context.Context
func (dit *DescribeIndexTask) ID() UniqueID {
return dit.Base.MsgID
func (dit *DescribeIndexTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
dit.Base.MsgID = uid
func (dit *DescribeIndexTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return dit.Base.MsgType
func (dit *DescribeIndexTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return dit.Base.Timestamp
func (dit *DescribeIndexTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return dit.Base.Timestamp
func (dit *DescribeIndexTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
dit.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (dit *DescribeIndexTask) PreExecute() error {
collName, fieldName := dit.CollectionName, dit.FieldName
if err := ValidateCollectionName(collName); err != nil {
return err
if err := ValidateFieldName(fieldName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (dit *DescribeIndexTask) Execute() error {
result, err := dit.masterClient.DescribeIndex(dit.ctx, &dit.DescribeIndexRequest)
dit.result = &servicepb.DescribeIndexResponse{
Status: result.Status,
CollectionName: dit.CollectionName,
FieldName: dit.FieldName,
ExtraParams: result.IndexDescriptions[0].Params,
return err
func (dit *DescribeIndexTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil
type DescribeIndexProgressTask struct {
masterClient masterpb.MasterServiceClient
result *servicepb.BoolResponse
ctx context.Context
func (dipt *DescribeIndexProgressTask) ID() UniqueID {
return dipt.Base.MsgID
func (dipt *DescribeIndexProgressTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
dipt.Base.MsgID = uid
func (dipt *DescribeIndexProgressTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return dipt.Base.MsgType
func (dipt *DescribeIndexProgressTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return dipt.Base.Timestamp
func (dipt *DescribeIndexProgressTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return dipt.Base.Timestamp
func (dipt *DescribeIndexProgressTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
dipt.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (dipt *DescribeIndexProgressTask) PreExecute() error {
collName, fieldName := dipt.CollectionName, dipt.FieldName
if err := ValidateCollectionName(collName); err != nil {
return err
if err := ValidateFieldName(fieldName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (dipt *DescribeIndexProgressTask) Execute() error {
result, err := dipt.masterClient.GetIndexState(dipt.ctx, &dipt.IndexStateRequest)
dipt.result = &servicepb.BoolResponse{
Status: result.Status,
Value: result.State == commonpb.IndexState_FINISHED,
return err
func (dipt *DescribeIndexProgressTask) PostExecute() error {
return nil