mirror of
synced 2024-12-05 05:18:52 +08:00
When the TimeTravel functionality was previously removed, it inadvertently affected the MVCC functionality within the system. This PR aims to reintroduce the internal MVCC functionality as follows: 1. Add MvccTimestamp to the requests of Search/Query and the results of Search internally. 2. When the delegator receives a Query/Search request and there is no MVCC timestamp set in the request, set the delegator's current tsafe as the MVCC timestamp of the request. If the request already has an MVCC timestamp, do not modify it. 3. When the Proxy handles Search and triggers the second phase ReQuery, divide the ReQuery into different shards and pass the MVCC timestamp to the corresponding Query requests. issue: #29656 Signed-off-by: zhenshan.cao <zhenshan.cao@zilliz.com>
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package proxy
import (
type BaseDeleteTask = msgstream.DeleteMsg
type deleteTask struct {
ctx context.Context
tr *timerecord.TimeRecorder
req *milvuspb.DeleteRequest
// channel
chMgr channelsMgr
chTicker channelsTimeTicker
pChannels []pChan
vChannels []vChan
idAllocator allocator.Interface
// delete info
primaryKeys *schemapb.IDs
collectionID UniqueID
partitionID UniqueID
partitionKeyMode bool
// set by scheduler
ts Timestamp
msgID UniqueID
// result
count int64
func (dt *deleteTask) TraceCtx() context.Context {
return dt.ctx
func (dt *deleteTask) ID() UniqueID {
return dt.msgID
func (dt *deleteTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
dt.msgID = uid
func (dt *deleteTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return commonpb.MsgType_Delete
func (dt *deleteTask) Name() string {
return DeleteTaskName
func (dt *deleteTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return dt.ts
func (dt *deleteTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return dt.ts
func (dt *deleteTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
dt.ts = ts
func (dt *deleteTask) OnEnqueue() error {
return nil
func (dt *deleteTask) setChannels() error {
collID, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(dt.ctx, dt.req.GetDbName(), dt.req.GetCollectionName())
if err != nil {
return err
channels, err := dt.chMgr.getChannels(collID)
if err != nil {
return err
dt.pChannels = channels
return nil
func (dt *deleteTask) getChannels() []pChan {
return dt.pChannels
func (dt *deleteTask) PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func (dt *deleteTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
ctx, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.ProxyRole).Start(ctx, "Proxy-Delete-Execute")
defer sp.End()
// log := log.Ctx(ctx)
if len(dt.req.GetExpr()) == 0 {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("valid expr", "empty expr", "invalid expression")
dt.tr = timerecord.NewTimeRecorder(fmt.Sprintf("proxy execute delete %d", dt.ID()))
stream, err := dt.chMgr.getOrCreateDmlStream(dt.collectionID)
if err != nil {
return err
hashValues := typeutil.HashPK2Channels(dt.primaryKeys, dt.vChannels)
// repack delete msg by dmChannel
result := make(map[uint32]msgstream.TsMsg)
numRows := int64(0)
for index, key := range hashValues {
vchannel := dt.vChannels[key]
_, ok := result[key]
if !ok {
deleteMsg, err := dt.newDeleteMsg(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
deleteMsg.ShardName = vchannel
result[key] = deleteMsg
curMsg := result[key].(*msgstream.DeleteMsg)
curMsg.HashValues = append(curMsg.HashValues, hashValues[index])
curMsg.Timestamps = append(curMsg.Timestamps, dt.ts)
typeutil.AppendIDs(curMsg.PrimaryKeys, dt.primaryKeys, index)
// send delete request to log broker
msgPack := &msgstream.MsgPack{
BeginTs: dt.BeginTs(),
EndTs: dt.EndTs(),
for _, msg := range result {
if msg != nil {
msgPack.Msgs = append(msgPack.Msgs, msg)
log.Debug("send delete request to virtual channels",
zap.String("collectionName", dt.req.GetCollectionName()),
zap.Int64("collectionID", dt.collectionID),
zap.Strings("virtual_channels", dt.vChannels),
zap.Int64("taskID", dt.ID()),
zap.Duration("prepare duration", dt.tr.RecordSpan()))
err = stream.Produce(msgPack)
if err != nil {
return err
dt.count += numRows
return nil
func (dt *deleteTask) PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func (dt *deleteTask) newDeleteMsg(ctx context.Context) (*msgstream.DeleteMsg, error) {
msgid, err := dt.idAllocator.AllocOne()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to allocate MsgID of delete")
sliceRequest := msgpb.DeleteRequest{
Base: commonpbutil.NewMsgBase(
// msgid of delete msg must be set
// or it will be seen as duplicated msg in mq
CollectionID: dt.collectionID,
PartitionID: dt.partitionID,
CollectionName: dt.req.GetCollectionName(),
PartitionName: dt.req.GetPartitionName(),
PrimaryKeys: &schemapb.IDs{},
return &msgstream.DeleteMsg{
BaseMsg: msgstream.BaseMsg{
Ctx: ctx,
DeleteRequest: sliceRequest,
}, nil
type deleteRunner struct {
req *milvuspb.DeleteRequest
result *milvuspb.MutationResult
// channel
chMgr channelsMgr
chTicker channelsTimeTicker
vChannels []vChan
idAllocator allocator.Interface
tsoAllocatorIns tsoAllocator
// delete info
schema *schemaInfo
collectionID UniqueID
partitionID UniqueID
partitionKeyMode bool
// for query
msgID int64
ts uint64
lb LBPolicy
count atomic.Int64
err error
// task queue
queue *dmTaskQueue
func (dr *deleteRunner) Init(ctx context.Context) error {
log := log.Ctx(ctx)
var err error
collName := dr.req.GetCollectionName()
if err := validateCollectionName(collName); err != nil {
return ErrWithLog(log, "Invalid collection name", err)
dr.collectionID, err = globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(ctx, dr.req.GetDbName(), collName)
if err != nil {
return ErrWithLog(log, "Failed to get collection id", err)
dr.schema, err = globalMetaCache.GetCollectionSchema(ctx, dr.req.GetDbName(), collName)
if err != nil {
return ErrWithLog(log, "Failed to get collection schema", err)
dr.partitionKeyMode = dr.schema.IsPartitionKeyCollection()
// get partitionIDs of delete
dr.partitionID = common.InvalidPartitionID
if len(dr.req.PartitionName) > 0 {
if dr.partitionKeyMode {
return errors.New("not support manually specifying the partition names if partition key mode is used")
partName := dr.req.GetPartitionName()
if err := validatePartitionTag(partName, true); err != nil {
return ErrWithLog(log, "Invalid partition name", err)
partID, err := globalMetaCache.GetPartitionID(ctx, dr.req.GetDbName(), collName, partName)
if err != nil {
return ErrWithLog(log, "Failed to get partition id", err)
dr.partitionID = partID
// hash primary keys to channels
channelNames, err := dr.chMgr.getVChannels(dr.collectionID)
if err != nil {
return ErrWithLog(log, "Failed to get primary keys from expr", err)
dr.vChannels = channelNames
dr.result = &milvuspb.MutationResult{
Status: merr.Success(),
IDs: &schemapb.IDs{
IdField: nil,
return nil
func (dr *deleteRunner) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
plan, err := planparserv2.CreateRetrievePlan(dr.schema.CollectionSchema, dr.req.Expr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create expr plan, expr = %s", dr.req.GetExpr())
isSimple, pk, numRow := getPrimaryKeysFromPlan(dr.schema.CollectionSchema, plan)
if isSimple {
// if could get delete.primaryKeys from delete expr
err := dr.simpleDelete(ctx, pk, numRow)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// if get complex delete expr
// need query from querynode before delete
err = dr.complexDelete(ctx, plan)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("complex delete failed,but delete some data", zap.Int64("count", dr.result.DeleteCnt), zap.String("expr", dr.req.GetExpr()))
return err
return nil
func (dr *deleteRunner) produce(ctx context.Context, primaryKeys *schemapb.IDs) (*deleteTask, error) {
task := &deleteTask{
ctx: ctx,
Condition: NewTaskCondition(ctx),
req: dr.req,
idAllocator: dr.idAllocator,
chMgr: dr.chMgr,
chTicker: dr.chTicker,
collectionID: dr.collectionID,
partitionID: dr.partitionID,
partitionKeyMode: dr.partitionKeyMode,
vChannels: dr.vChannels,
primaryKeys: primaryKeys,
if err := dr.queue.Enqueue(task); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to enqueue delete task: " + err.Error())
return nil, err
return task, nil
// getStreamingQueryAndDelteFunc return query function used by LBPolicy
// make sure it concurrent safe
func (dr *deleteRunner) getStreamingQueryAndDelteFunc(plan *planpb.PlanNode) executeFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, nodeID int64, qn types.QueryNodeClient, channel string) error {
var partitionIDs []int64
// optimize query when partitionKey on
if dr.partitionKeyMode {
expr, err := ParseExprFromPlan(plan)
if err != nil {
return err
partitionKeys := ParsePartitionKeys(expr)
hashedPartitionNames, err := assignPartitionKeys(ctx, dr.req.GetDbName(), dr.req.GetCollectionName(), partitionKeys)
if err != nil {
return err
partitionIDs, err = getPartitionIDs(ctx, dr.req.GetDbName(), dr.req.GetCollectionName(), hashedPartitionNames)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if dr.partitionID != common.InvalidFieldID {
partitionIDs = []int64{dr.partitionID}
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", dr.collectionID),
zap.Int64s("partitionIDs", partitionIDs),
zap.String("channel", channel),
zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID))
// set plan
_, outputFieldIDs := translatePkOutputFields(dr.schema.CollectionSchema)
outputFieldIDs = append(outputFieldIDs, common.TimeStampField)
plan.OutputFieldIds = outputFieldIDs
serializedPlan, err := proto.Marshal(plan)
if err != nil {
return err
queryReq := &querypb.QueryRequest{
Req: &internalpb.RetrieveRequest{
Base: commonpbutil.NewMsgBase(
MvccTimestamp: dr.ts,
ReqID: paramtable.GetNodeID(),
DbID: 0, // TODO
CollectionID: dr.collectionID,
PartitionIDs: partitionIDs,
SerializedExprPlan: serializedPlan,
OutputFieldsId: outputFieldIDs,
GuaranteeTimestamp: parseGuaranteeTsFromConsistency(dr.ts, dr.ts, dr.req.GetConsistencyLevel()),
DmlChannels: []string{channel},
Scope: querypb.DataScope_All,
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
log.Debug("start query for delete", zap.Int64("msgID", dr.msgID))
client, err := qn.QueryStream(ctx, queryReq)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("query stream for delete create failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
taskCh := make(chan *deleteTask, 256)
go dr.receiveQueryResult(ctx, client, taskCh)
// wait all task finish
for task := range taskCh {
err := task.WaitToFinish()
if err != nil {
return err
// query or produce task failed
if dr.err != nil {
return dr.err
return nil
func (dr *deleteRunner) receiveQueryResult(ctx context.Context, client querypb.QueryNode_QueryStreamClient, taskCh chan *deleteTask) {
defer func() {
for {
result, err := client.Recv()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
log.Debug("query stream for delete finished", zap.Int64("msgID", dr.msgID))
dr.err = err
err = merr.Error(result.GetStatus())
if err != nil {
dr.err = err
log.Warn("query stream for delete get error status", zap.Int64("msgID", dr.msgID), zap.Error(err))
task, err := dr.produce(ctx, result.GetIds())
if err != nil {
dr.err = err
log.Warn("produce delete task failed", zap.Error(err))
taskCh <- task
func (dr *deleteRunner) complexDelete(ctx context.Context, plan *planpb.PlanNode) error {
rc := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("QueryStreamDelete")
var err error
dr.msgID, err = dr.idAllocator.AllocOne()
if err != nil {
return err
dr.ts, err = dr.tsoAllocatorIns.AllocOne(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
err = dr.lb.Execute(ctx, CollectionWorkLoad{
db: dr.req.GetDbName(),
collectionName: dr.req.GetCollectionName(),
collectionID: dr.collectionID,
nq: 1,
exec: dr.getStreamingQueryAndDelteFunc(plan),
dr.result.DeleteCnt = dr.count.Load()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("fail to execute complex delete",
zap.Int64("deleteCnt", dr.result.GetDeleteCnt()),
zap.Duration("interval", rc.ElapseSpan()),
return err
log.Info("complex delete finished", zap.Int64("deleteCnt", dr.result.GetDeleteCnt()), zap.Duration("interval", rc.ElapseSpan()))
return nil
func (dr *deleteRunner) simpleDelete(ctx context.Context, pk *schemapb.IDs, numRow int64) error {
log.Debug("get primary keys from expr",
zap.Int64("len of primary keys", numRow),
zap.Int64("collectionID", dr.collectionID),
zap.Int64("partitionID", dr.partitionID))
task, err := dr.produce(ctx, pk)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("produce delete task failed")
return err
err = task.WaitToFinish()
if err == nil {
dr.result.DeleteCnt = task.count
return err
func getPrimaryKeysFromPlan(schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema, plan *planpb.PlanNode) (bool, *schemapb.IDs, int64) {
// simple delete request need expr with "pk in [a, b]"
termExpr, ok := plan.Node.(*planpb.PlanNode_Query).Query.Predicates.Expr.(*planpb.Expr_TermExpr)
if ok {
if !termExpr.TermExpr.GetColumnInfo().GetIsPrimaryKey() {
return false, nil, 0
ids, rowNum, err := getPrimaryKeysFromTermExpr(schema, termExpr)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, 0
return true, ids, rowNum
// simple delete if expr with "pk == a"
unaryRangeExpr, ok := plan.Node.(*planpb.PlanNode_Query).Query.Predicates.Expr.(*planpb.Expr_UnaryRangeExpr)
if ok {
if unaryRangeExpr.UnaryRangeExpr.GetOp() != planpb.OpType_Equal || !unaryRangeExpr.UnaryRangeExpr.GetColumnInfo().GetIsPrimaryKey() {
return false, nil, 0
ids, err := getPrimaryKeysFromUnaryRangeExpr(schema, unaryRangeExpr)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, 0
return true, ids, 1
return false, nil, 0
func getPrimaryKeysFromUnaryRangeExpr(schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema, unaryRangeExpr *planpb.Expr_UnaryRangeExpr) (res *schemapb.IDs, err error) {
res = &schemapb.IDs{}
switch unaryRangeExpr.UnaryRangeExpr.GetColumnInfo().GetDataType() {
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
res.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_IntId{
IntId: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: []int64{unaryRangeExpr.UnaryRangeExpr.GetValue().GetInt64Val()},
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
res.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_StrId{
StrId: &schemapb.StringArray{
Data: []string{unaryRangeExpr.UnaryRangeExpr.GetValue().GetStringVal()},
return res, fmt.Errorf("invalid field data type specifyed in simple delete expr")
return res, nil
func getPrimaryKeysFromTermExpr(schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema, termExpr *planpb.Expr_TermExpr) (res *schemapb.IDs, rowNum int64, err error) {
res = &schemapb.IDs{}
rowNum = int64(len(termExpr.TermExpr.Values))
switch termExpr.TermExpr.ColumnInfo.GetDataType() {
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
ids := make([]int64, 0)
for _, v := range termExpr.TermExpr.Values {
ids = append(ids, v.GetInt64Val())
res.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_IntId{
IntId: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: ids,
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
ids := make([]string, 0)
for _, v := range termExpr.TermExpr.Values {
ids = append(ids, v.GetStringVal())
res.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_StrId{
StrId: &schemapb.StringArray{
Data: ids,
return res, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid field data type specifyed in simple delete expr")
return res, rowNum, nil