godchen ec01e140f8 Refactor code and doc
update docs:
1. formating
2. remove the docs related with deprecated components
3. some minor fixes

Signed-off-by: godchen <>
2021-04-12 12:45:38 +08:00

20 KiB

10. Master

10.1 Master Interface

type MasterService interface {

	//DDL request
	CreateCollection(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
	DropCollection(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DropCollectionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
	HasCollection(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.HasCollectionRequest) (*milvuspb.BoolResponse, error)
	DescribeCollection(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DescribeCollectionRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeCollectionResponse, error)
	ShowCollections(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.ShowCollectionsRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowCollectionsResponse, error)
	CreatePartition(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.CreatePartitionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
	DropPartition(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DropPartitionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
	HasPartition(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.HasPartitionRequest) (*milvuspb.BoolResponse, error)
	ShowPartitions(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.ShowPartitionsRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowPartitionsResponse, error)

	//index builder service
	CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.CreateIndexRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
	DescribeIndex(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DescribeIndexRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeIndexResponse, error)
	DropIndex(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DropIndexRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)

	//global timestamp allocator
	AllocTimestamp(ctx context.Context, req *masterpb.AllocTimestampRequest) (*masterpb.AllocTimestampResponse, error)
	AllocID(ctx context.Context, req *masterpb.AllocIDRequest) (*masterpb.AllocIDResponse, error)

	DescribeSegment(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DescribeSegmentRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeSegmentResponse, error)
	ShowSegments(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.ShowSegmentsRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowSegmentsResponse, error)

	GetDdChannel(ctx context.Context) (*milvuspb.StringResponse, error)
  • MsgBase
type MsgBase struct {
	MsgType   MsgType
	MsgID	    UniqueID
	Timestamp Timestamp
	SourceID  UniqueID
  • CreateCollection
type CreateCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	Schema         []byte
  • DropCollection
type DropCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
  • HasCollection
type HasCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
  • DescribeCollection
type DescribeCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	CollectionID   UniqueID

type CollectionSchema struct {
	Name        string
	Description string
	AutoID      bool
	Fields      []*FieldSchema

type DescribeCollectionResponse struct {
	Status       *commonpb.Status
	Schema       *schemapb.CollectionSchema
	CollectionID int64
  • ShowCollections
type ShowCollectionRequest struct {
	Base   *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName string

type ShowCollectionResponse struct {
	Status          *commonpb.Status
	CollectionNames []string
  • CreatePartition
type CreatePartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	PartitionName  string
  • DropPartition
type DropPartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	PartitionName  string
  • HasPartition
type HasPartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	PartitionName  string
  • ShowPartitions
type ShowPartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	CollectionID   UniqueID

type ShowPartitionResponse struct {
	Status         *commonpb.Status
	PartitionNames []string
	PartitionIDs   []UniqueID
  • DescribeSegment
type DescribeSegmentRequest struct {
	Base         *commonpb.MsgBase
	CollectionID UniqueID
	SegmentID    UniqueID

type DescribeSegmentResponse struct {
	Status      *commonpb.Status
	IndexID     UniqueID
	BuildID     UniqueID
	EnableIndex bool
  • ShowSegments
type ShowSegmentsRequest struct {
	Base         *commonpb.MsgBase
	CollectionID UniqueID
	PartitionID  UniqueID

type ShowSegmentsResponse struct {
	Status     *commonpb.Status
	SegmentIDs []UniqueID
  • CreateIndex
type CreateIndexRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	FieldName      string
	ExtraParams    []*commonpb.KeyValuePair
  • DescribeIndex
type DescribeIndexRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	FieldName      string
	IndexName      string

type IndexDescription struct {
	IndexName string
	IndexID   UniqueID
	Params    []*commonpb.KeyValuePair

type DescribeIndexResponse struct {
	Status            *commonpb.Status
	IndexDescriptions []*IndexDescription
  • DropIndex
type DropIndexRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	FieldName      string
	IndexName      string
  • AllocTimestamp

type BaseRequest struct {
	Done  chan error
	Valid bool

type TSORequest struct {
	timestamp Timestamp
	count     uint32
  • AllocID
type BaseRequest struct {
	Done  chan error
	Valid bool

type IDRequest struct {
	id    UniqueID
	count uint32

10.2 Dd (Data definitions) Channel

  • CreateCollectionMsg

type CreateCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	Schema         []byte

type CreateCollectionMsg struct {
  • DropCollectionMsg
type DropCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string

type DropCollectionMsg struct {
  • CreatePartitionMsg
type CreatePartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	PartitionName  string

type CreatePartitionMsg struct {
  • DropPartitionMsg
type DropPartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	PartitionName  string
	DbID           int64
	CollectionID   int64
	PartitionID    int64

type DropPartitionMsg struct {

10.2 Master Instance

type Master interface {
	MetaTable *metaTable
	//id allocator
	idAllocator *allocator.GlobalIDAllocator
	//tso allocator
	tsoAllocator *tso.GlobalTSOAllocator
	//inner members
	ctx     context.Context
	cancel  context.CancelFunc
	etcdCli *clientv3.Client
	kvBase  *etcdkv.EtcdKV
	metaKV  *etcdkv.EtcdKV
	//setMsgStreams, receive time tick from proxy service time tick channel
	ProxyTimeTickChan chan typeutil.Timestamp
	//setMsgStreams, send time tick into dd channel and time tick channel
	SendTimeTick func(t typeutil.Timestamp) error
	//setMsgStreams, send create collection into dd channel
	DdCreateCollectionReq func(req *internalpb.CreateCollectionRequest) error
	//setMsgStreams, send drop collection into dd channel, and notify the proxy to delete this collection
	DdDropCollectionReq func(req *internalpb.DropCollectionRequest) error
	//setMsgStreams, send create partition into dd channel
	DdCreatePartitionReq func(req *internalpb.CreatePartitionRequest) error
	//setMsgStreams, send drop partition into dd channel
	DdDropPartitionReq func(req *internalpb.DropPartitionRequest) error
	//setMsgStreams segment channel, receive segment info from data service, if master create segment
	DataServiceSegmentChan chan *datapb.SegmentInfo
	//setMsgStreams ,if segment flush completed, data node would put segment id into msg stream
	DataNodeSegmentFlushCompletedChan chan typeutil.UniqueID
	//get binlog file path from data service,
	GetBinlogFilePathsFromDataServiceReq func(segID typeutil.UniqueID, fieldID typeutil.UniqueID) ([]string, error)
	//call index builder's client to build index, return build id
	BuildIndexReq func(binlog []string, typeParams []*commonpb.KeyValuePair, indexParams []*commonpb.KeyValuePair, indexID typeutil.UniqueID, indexName string) (typeutil.UniqueID, error)
	DropIndexReq  func(indexID typeutil.UniqueID) error
	//proxy service interface, notify proxy service to drop collection
	InvalidateCollectionMetaCache func(ts typeutil.Timestamp, dbName string, collectionName string) error
	//query service interface, notify query service to release collection
	ReleaseCollection func(ts typeutil.Timestamp, dbID typeutil.UniqueID, collectionID typeutil.UniqueID) error
	// put create index task into this chan
	indexTaskQueue chan *CreateIndexTask
	//dd request scheduler
	ddReqQueue      chan reqTask //dd request will be push into this chan
	lastDdTimeStamp typeutil.Timestamp
	//time tick loop
	lastTimeTick typeutil.Timestamp
	//states code
	stateCode atomic.Value
	//call once
	initOnce  sync.Once
	startOnce sync.Once
	//isInit    atomic.Value
	msFactory ms.Factory

10.3 Data definition Request Scheduler

10.2.1 Task

Master receives data definition requests via grpc. Each request (described by a proto) will be wrapped as a task for further scheduling. The task interface is

type reqTask interface {
	Ctx() context.Context
	Type() commonpb.MsgType
	Ts() (typeutil.Timestamp, error)
	IgnoreTimeStamp() bool
	Execute(ctx context.Context) error
	WaitToFinish() error
	Notify(err error)

A task example is as follows. In this example, we wrap a CreateCollectionRequest (a proto) as a createCollectionTask. The wrapper need to implement task interfaces.

type CreateCollectionReqTask struct {
	Req *milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest

// Task interfaces
func (task *createCollectionTask) Ctx() context.Context
func (task *createCollectionTask) Type() ReqType
func (task *createCollectionTask) Ts() Timestamp
func (task *createCollectionTask) IgnoreTimeStamp() bool
func (task *createCollectionTask) Execute() error
func (task *createCollectionTask) WaitToFinish() error
func (task *createCollectionTask) Notify() error

// TODO remove?

10.2.3 Scheduler
type ddRequestScheduler struct {
	reqQueue *task chan
	ddStream *MsgStream

func (rs *ddRequestScheduler) Enqueue(task *task) error
func (rs *ddRequestScheduler) schedule() *task // implement scheduling policy

In most cases, a data definition task need to

  • update system's meta data (via metaTable),
  • and synchronize the data definition request to other related system components so that the quest can take effect system wide.


//TODO remove?

10.4 Meta Table

10.4.1 Meta
  • Tenant Meta
message TenantMeta {
  uint64 id = 1;
  uint64 num_query_nodes = 2;
  repeated string insert_channel_names = 3;
  string query_channel_name = 4;
  • Proxy Meta
message ProxyMeta {
  uint64 id = 1;
  common.Address address = 2;
  repeated string result_channel_names = 3;
  • Collection Meta
message CollectionMeta {
  uint64 id=1;
  schema.CollectionSchema schema=2;
  uint64 create_time=3;
  repeated uint64 segment_ids=4;
  repeated string partition_tags=5;
  • Segment Meta
message SegmentMeta {
  uint64 segment_id=1;
  uint64 collection_id =2;
  string partition_tag=3;
  int32 channel_start=4;
  int32 channel_end=5;
  uint64 open_time=6;
  uint64 close_time=7;
  int64 num_rows=8;
10.4.2 KV pairs in EtcdKV
"tenant/$tenantId" string -> tenantMetaBlob string
"proxy/$proxyId" string -> proxyMetaBlob string
"collection/$collectionId" string -> collectionMetaBlob string
"segment/$segmentId" string -> segmentMetaBlob string

Note that tenantId, proxyId, collectionId, segmentId are unique strings converted from int64.

tenantMeta, proxyMeta, collectionMeta, segmentMeta are serialized protos.

10.4.3 Meta Table
type metaTable struct {
	client             kv.TxnBase                                                       // client of a reliable kv service, i.e. etcd client
	tenantID2Meta      map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.TenantMeta                              // tenant id to tenant meta
	proxyID2Meta       map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.ProxyMeta                               // proxy id to proxy meta
	collID2Meta        map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.CollectionInfo                          // collection id to collection meta,
	collName2ID        map[string]typeutil.UniqueID                                     // collection name to collection id
	partitionID2Meta   map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.PartitionInfo                           // partition id -> partition meta
	segID2IndexMeta    map[typeutil.UniqueID]*map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.SegmentIndexInfo // segment id -> index id -> segment index meta
	indexID2Meta       map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.IndexInfo                               // index id ->index meta
	segID2CollID       map[typeutil.UniqueID]typeutil.UniqueID                          // segment id -> collection id
	partitionID2CollID map[typeutil.UniqueID]typeutil.UniqueID                          // partition id -> collection id
	tenantLock sync.RWMutex
	proxyLock  sync.RWMutex
	ddLock     sync.RWMutex

func (mt *metaTable) AddCollection(coll *pb.CollectionInfo, part *pb.PartitionInfo, idx []*pb.IndexInfo) error
func (mt *metaTable) DeleteCollection(collID typeutil.UniqueID) error
func (mt *metaTable) HasCollection(collID typeutil.UniqueID) bool
func (mt *metaTable) GetCollectionByID(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID) (*pb.CollectionInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetCollectionByName(collectionName string) (*pb.CollectionInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetCollectionBySegmentID(segID typeutil.UniqueID) (*pb.CollectionInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) ListCollections() ([]string, error)
func (mt *metaTable) AddPartition(collID typeutil.UniqueID, partitionName string, partitionID typeutil.UniqueID) error
func (mt *metaTable) HasPartition(collID typeutil.UniqueID, partitionName string) bool
func (mt *metaTable) DeletePartition(collID typeutil.UniqueID, partitionName string) (typeutil.UniqueID, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetPartitionByID(partitionID typeutil.UniqueID) (pb.PartitionInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) AddSegment(seg *datapb.SegmentInfo) error
func (mt *metaTable) AddIndex(seg *pb.SegmentIndexInfo) error
func (mt *metaTable) DropIndex(collName, fieldName, indexName string) (typeutil.UniqueID, bool, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetSegmentIndexInfoByID(segID typeutil.UniqueID, filedID int64, idxName string) (pb.SegmentIndexInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetFieldSchema(collName string, fieldName string) (schemapb.FieldSchema, error)
func (mt *metaTable) unlockGetFieldSchema(collName string, fieldName string) (schemapb.FieldSchema, error)
func (mt *metaTable) IsSegmentIndexed(segID typeutil.UniqueID, fieldSchema *schemapb.FieldSchema, indexParams []*commonpb.KeyValuePair) bool
func (mt *metaTable) unlockIsSegmentIndexed(segID typeutil.UniqueID, fieldSchema *schemapb.FieldSchema, indexParams []*commonpb.KeyValuePair) bool
func (mt *metaTable) GetNotIndexedSegments(collName string, fieldName string, idxInfo *pb.IndexInfo) ([]typeutil.UniqueID, schemapb.FieldSchema, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetIndexByName(collName string, fieldName string, indexName string) ([]pb.IndexInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetIndexByID(indexID typeutil.UniqueID) (*pb.IndexInfo, error)

func NewMetaTable(kv kv.TxnBase) (*metaTable, error)

metaTable maintains meta both in memory and etcdKV. It keeps meta's consistency in both sides. All its member functions may be called concurrently.

  • AddSegment(seg *SegmentMeta) first update CollectionMeta by adding the segment id, then it adds a new SegmentMeta to kv. All the modifications are done transactionally.

10.5 System Time Synchronization

10.5.1 Time Tick Barrier


  • Soft Time Tick Barrier
type softTimeTickBarrier struct {
	peer2LastTt   map[UniqueID]Timestamp
	minTtInterval Timestamp
	lastTt        int64
	outTt         chan Timestamp
	ttStream      ms.MsgStream
	ctx           context.Context

func (ttBarrier *softTimeTickBarrier) GetTimeTick() (Timestamp,error)
func (ttBarrier *softTimeTickBarrier) Start()
func (ttBarrier *softTimeTickBarrier) Close()

func NewSoftTimeTickBarrier(ctx context.Context, ttStream ms.MsgStream, peerIds []UniqueID, minTtInterval Timestamp) *softTimeTickBarrier
  • Hard Time Tick Barrier
type hardTimeTickBarrier struct {
	peer2Tt    map[UniqueID]Timestamp
	outTt      chan Timestamp
	ttStream   ms.MsgStream
	ctx        context.Context
	wg         sync.WaitGroup
	loopCtx    context.Context
	loopCancel context.CancelFunc

func (ttBarrier *hardTimeTickBarrier) GetTimeTick() (Timestamp,error)
func (ttBarrier *hardTimeTickBarrier) Start()
func (ttBarrier *hardTimeTickBarrier) Close()

func NewHardTimeTickBarrier(ctx context.Context, ttStream ms.MsgStream, peerIds []UniqueID) *hardTimeTickBarrier


10.5.1 Time Synchronization Message Producer
type TimeTickBarrier interface {
   GetTimeTick() (Timestamp,error)

type timeSyncMsgProducer struct {
   ctx       context.Context
   cancel    context.CancelFunc
   wg        sync.WaitGroup
   ttBarrier TimeTickBarrier
   watchers  []TimeTickWatcher

func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) SetProxyTtStreams(proxyTt *MsgStream, proxyIds []UniqueId)
func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) SetWriteNodeTtStreams(WriteNodeTt *MsgStream, writeNodeIds []UniqueId)

func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) SetDmSyncStream(dmSyncStream *MsgStream)
func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) SetK2sSyncStream(k2sSyncStream *MsgStream)

func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) Start() error
func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) Close() error

func newTimeSyncMsgProducer(ctx context.Context) *timeSyncMsgProducer error

10.6 System Statistics

10.6.1 Query Node Statistics
message SegmentStats {
  int64 segment_id = 1;
  int64 memory_size = 2;
  int64 num_rows = 3;
  bool recently_modified = 4;

message QueryNodeStats {
  int64 id = 1;
  uint64 timestamp = 2;
  repeated SegmentStats seg_stats = 3;

10.7 Segment Management


type assignment struct {
	MemSize    int64
	AssignTime time.Time

type segmentStatus struct {
	assignments []*assignment

type collectionStatus struct {
	openedSegment []UniqueID

type SegmentManagement struct {
	segStatus map[UniqueID]*SegmentStatus
	collStatus map[UniqueID]*collectionStatus

func NewSegmentManagement(ctx context.Context) *SegmentManagement


10.7.1 Assign Segment ID to Inserted Rows

Master receives AssignSegIDRequest which contains a list of SegIDRequest(count, channelName, collectionName, partitionName) from Proxy. Segment Manager will assign the opened segments or open a new segment if there is no enough space, and Segment Manager will record the allocated space which can be reallocated after a expire duration.

func (segMgr *SegmentManager) AssignSegmentID(segIDReq []*internalpb.SegIDRequest) ([]*internalpb.SegIDAssignment, error)

10.8 System Config

// examples of keys:
// "/pulsar/ip"
// "/pulsar/port"
// examples of key_prefixes:
// "/proxy"
// "/msg_stream/insert"

message SysConfigRequest {
  MsgType msg_type = 1;
  int64 reqID = 2;
  int64 proxyID = 3;
  uint64 timestamp = 4;
  repeated string keys = 5;
  repeated string key_prefixes = 6;

message SysConfigResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  repeated string keys = 2;
  repeated string values = 3;
type SysConfig struct {
	kv *kv.EtcdKV

func (conf *SysConfig) InitFromFile(filePath string) (error)
func (conf *SysConfig) GetByPrefix(keyPrefix string) (keys []string, values []string, err error)
func (conf *SysConfig) Get(keys []string) ([]string, error)

configuration examples in etcd:

key: root_path/config/master/address
value: "localhost"

key: root_path/config/proxy/timezone
value: "UTC+8"