wei liu 3cd0b26285
enhance: Enable dynamic update loaded collection's replica (#35822)
issue: #35821
After collection loaded, if we need to increase/decrease collection's
replica, we need to release and load it again.

milvus offers 4 solution to update loaded collection's replica, this PR
aims to dynamic change the replica number without release, and after
replica number changed, milvus will execute load replica or release
replica in async, and the replica loaded status can be checked by
getReplicas API.

Notice that if set too much replicas than querynode can afford,the new
replica won't be loaded successfully until enough querynode joins.


Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
2024-09-25 10:13:18 +08:00

246 lines
8.7 KiB

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package utils
import (
func GetPartitions(collectionMgr *meta.CollectionManager, collectionID int64) ([]int64, error) {
collection := collectionMgr.GetCollection(collectionID)
if collection != nil {
partitions := collectionMgr.GetPartitionsByCollection(collectionID)
if partitions != nil {
return lo.Map(partitions, func(partition *meta.Partition, i int) int64 {
return partition.PartitionID
}), nil
return nil, merr.WrapErrCollectionNotLoaded(collectionID)
// GroupNodesByReplica groups nodes by replica,
// returns ReplicaID -> NodeIDs
func GroupNodesByReplica(replicaMgr *meta.ReplicaManager, collectionID int64, nodes []int64) map[int64][]int64 {
ret := make(map[int64][]int64)
replicas := replicaMgr.GetByCollection(collectionID)
for _, replica := range replicas {
for _, node := range nodes {
if replica.Contains(node) {
ret[replica.GetID()] = append(ret[replica.GetID()], node)
return ret
// GroupPartitionsByCollection groups partitions by collection,
// returns CollectionID -> Partitions
func GroupPartitionsByCollection(partitions []*meta.Partition) map[int64][]*meta.Partition {
ret := make(map[int64][]*meta.Partition, 0)
for _, partition := range partitions {
collection := partition.GetCollectionID()
ret[collection] = append(ret[collection], partition)
return ret
// GroupSegmentsByReplica groups segments by replica,
// returns ReplicaID -> Segments
func GroupSegmentsByReplica(replicaMgr *meta.ReplicaManager, collectionID int64, segments []*meta.Segment) map[int64][]*meta.Segment {
ret := make(map[int64][]*meta.Segment)
replicas := replicaMgr.GetByCollection(collectionID)
for _, replica := range replicas {
for _, segment := range segments {
if replica.Contains(segment.Node) {
ret[replica.GetID()] = append(ret[replica.GetID()], segment)
return ret
// RecoverReplicaOfCollection recovers all replica of collection with latest resource group.
func RecoverReplicaOfCollection(m *meta.Meta, collectionID typeutil.UniqueID) {
logger := log.With(zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID))
rgNames := m.ReplicaManager.GetResourceGroupByCollection(collectionID)
if rgNames.Len() == 0 {
logger.Error("no resource group found for collection", zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID))
rgs, err := m.ResourceManager.GetNodesOfMultiRG(rgNames.Collect())
if err != nil {
logger.Error("unreachable code as expected, fail to get resource group for replica", zap.Error(err))
if err := m.ReplicaManager.RecoverNodesInCollection(collectionID, rgs); err != nil {
logger.Warn("fail to set available nodes in replica", zap.Error(err))
// RecoverAllCollectionrecovers all replica of all collection in resource group.
func RecoverAllCollection(m *meta.Meta) {
for _, collection := range m.CollectionManager.GetAll() {
RecoverReplicaOfCollection(m, collection)
func AssignReplica(m *meta.Meta, resourceGroups []string, replicaNumber int32, checkNodeNum bool) (map[string]int, error) {
if len(resourceGroups) != 0 && len(resourceGroups) != 1 && len(resourceGroups) != int(replicaNumber) {
return nil, errors.Errorf(
"replica=[%d] resource group=[%s], resource group num can only be 0, 1 or same as replica number", replicaNumber, strings.Join(resourceGroups, ","))
replicaNumInRG := make(map[string]int)
if len(resourceGroups) == 0 {
// All replicas should be spawned in default resource group.
replicaNumInRG[meta.DefaultResourceGroupName] = int(replicaNumber)
} else if len(resourceGroups) == 1 {
// All replicas should be spawned in the given resource group.
replicaNumInRG[resourceGroups[0]] = int(replicaNumber)
} else {
// replicas should be spawned in different resource groups one by one.
for _, rgName := range resourceGroups {
replicaNumInRG[rgName] += 1
// TODO: !!!Warning, ResourceManager and ReplicaManager doesn't protected with each other in concurrent operation.
// 1. replica1 got rg1's node snapshot but doesn't spawn finished.
// 2. rg1 is removed.
// 3. replica1 spawn finished, but cannot find related resource group.
for rgName, num := range replicaNumInRG {
if !m.ContainResourceGroup(rgName) {
return nil, merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNotFound(rgName)
nodes, err := m.ResourceManager.GetNodes(rgName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if num > len(nodes) {
log.Warn("failed to check resource group", zap.Error(err))
if checkNodeNum {
err := merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNodeNotEnough(rgName, len(nodes), num)
return nil, err
return replicaNumInRG, nil
// SpawnReplicasWithRG spawns replicas in rgs one by one for given collection.
func SpawnReplicasWithRG(m *meta.Meta, collection int64, resourceGroups []string, replicaNumber int32, channels []string) ([]*meta.Replica, error) {
replicaNumInRG, err := AssignReplica(m, resourceGroups, replicaNumber, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Spawn it in replica manager.
replicas, err := m.ReplicaManager.Spawn(collection, replicaNumInRG, channels)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Active recover it.
RecoverReplicaOfCollection(m, collection)
return replicas, nil
func ReassignReplicaToRG(
m *meta.Meta,
collectionID int64,
newReplicaNumber int32,
newResourceGroups []string,
) (map[string]int, map[string][]*meta.Replica, []int64, error) {
// assign all replicas to newResourceGroups, got each rg's replica number
newAssignment, err := AssignReplica(m, newResourceGroups, newReplicaNumber, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
replicas := m.ReplicaManager.GetByCollection(collectionID)
replicasInRG := lo.GroupBy(replicas, func(replica *meta.Replica) string {
return replica.GetResourceGroup()
// if rg doesn't exist in newResourceGroups, add all replicas to candidateToRelease
candidateToRelease := make([]*meta.Replica, 0)
outRg, _ := lo.Difference(lo.Keys(replicasInRG), newResourceGroups)
if len(outRg) > 0 {
for _, rgName := range outRg {
candidateToRelease = append(candidateToRelease, replicasInRG[rgName]...)
// if rg has more replicas than newAssignment's replica number, add the rest replicas to candidateToMove
// also set the lacked replica number as rg's replicaToSpawn value
replicaToSpawn := make(map[string]int, len(newAssignment))
for rgName, count := range newAssignment {
if len(replicasInRG[rgName]) > count {
candidateToRelease = append(candidateToRelease, replicasInRG[rgName][count:]...)
} else {
lack := count - len(replicasInRG[rgName])
if lack > 0 {
replicaToSpawn[rgName] = lack
candidateIdx := 0
// if newReplicaNumber is small than current replica num, pick replica from candidate and add it to replicasToRelease
replicasToRelease := make([]int64, 0)
replicaReleaseCounter := len(replicas) - int(newReplicaNumber)
for replicaReleaseCounter > 0 {
replicasToRelease = append(replicasToRelease, candidateToRelease[candidateIdx].GetID())
replicaReleaseCounter -= 1
candidateIdx += 1
// if candidateToMove is not empty, pick replica from candidate add add it to replicaToTransfer
// which means if rg has less replicas than expected, we transfer some existed replica to it.
replicaToTransfer := make(map[string][]*meta.Replica)
if candidateIdx < len(candidateToRelease) {
for rg := range replicaToSpawn {
for replicaToSpawn[rg] > 0 && candidateIdx < len(candidateToRelease) {
if replicaToTransfer[rg] == nil {
replicaToTransfer[rg] = make([]*meta.Replica, 0)
replicaToTransfer[rg] = append(replicaToTransfer[rg], candidateToRelease[candidateIdx])
candidateIdx += 1
replicaToSpawn[rg] -= 1
if replicaToSpawn[rg] == 0 {
delete(replicaToSpawn, rg)
return replicaToSpawn, replicaToTransfer, replicasToRelease, nil