2024-08-27 14:24:59 +08:00

127 lines
5.4 KiB

@Library('jenkins-shared-library@v0.27.0') _
def pod = libraryResource 'io/milvus/pod/tekton-ci.yaml'
String cron_timezone = 'TZ=Asia/Shanghai'
String cron_string = BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? '50 1 * * * ' : ''
// Make timeout 4 hours so that we can run two nightly during the ci
int total_timeout_minutes = 7 * 60
def milvus_helm_chart_version = '4.2.8'
pipeline {
triggers {
cron """${cron_timezone}
options {
skipDefaultCheckout true
timeout(time: total_timeout_minutes, unit: 'MINUTES')
// parallelsAlwaysFailFast()
buildDiscarder logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '30')
preserveStashes(buildCount: 5)
disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true)
agent {
kubernetes {
yaml pod
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
container('tkn') {
script {
isPr = env.CHANGE_ID != null
gitMode = isPr ? 'merge' : 'fetch'
gitBaseRef = isPr ? "$env.CHANGE_TARGET" : "$env.BRANCH_NAME"
job_name = arch: 'amd64',
isPr: isPr,
gitMode: gitMode ,
gitBaseRef: gitBaseRef,
pullRequestNumber: "$env.CHANGE_ID",
suppress_suffix_of_image_tag: true,
test_client_type: '["pytest"]'
milvus_image_tag = tekton.query_result job_name, 'milvus-image-tag'
pytest_image = tekton.query_result job_name, 'pytest-image-fqdn'
post {
always {
container('tkn') {
script {
stage('E2E Test') {
matrix {
agent {
kubernetes {
yaml pod
axes {
axis {
name 'milvus_deployment_option'
values 'standalone', 'distributed-pulsar', 'distributed-kafka', 'standalone-authentication', 'standalone-one-pod', 'distributed-streaming-service'
stages {
stage('E2E Test') {
steps {
container('tkn') {
script {
def helm_release_name = tekton.release_name milvus_deployment_option: milvus_deployment_option,
ciMode: 'nightly',
client: 'py',
changeId: "${env.CHANGE_ID}",
tekton.pytest helm_release_name: helm_release_name,
milvus_helm_version: milvus_helm_chart_version,
ciMode: 'nightly',
milvus_image_tag: milvus_image_tag,
pytest_image: pytest_image,
milvus_deployment_option: milvus_deployment_option
post {
always {
container('tkn') {
script {
container('archive') {
script {
def helm_release_name = tekton.release_name milvus_deployment_option: milvus_deployment_option,
ciMode: 'nightly',
client: 'py',
changeId: "${env.CHANGE_ID}",
tekton.archive milvus_deployment_option: milvus_deployment_option,
release_name: helm_release_name ,
change_id: env.CHANGE_ID,
build_id: env.BUILD_ID