mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 20:27:49 +08:00
feat(filterForm): add support for many-to-many association fields (#5178)
* feat(filterForm): add support for many-to-many association fields * test: add e2e test * fix: prevent page from losing responsiveness
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import { Page, createBlockInPage, expect, oneEmptyFilterFormBlock, test } from '@nocobase/test/e2e';
import { oneFilterFormWithInherit } from './templates';
import { displayManyTOManyAssociationFields, oneFilterFormWithInherit } from './templates';
const deleteButton = async (page: Page, name: string) => {
await page.getByLabel(`action-Action-${name}-`).hover();
@ -82,6 +82,33 @@ test.describe('configure fields', () => {
await expect(page.getByLabel('block-item-Markdown.Void-general-filter-form')).toBeVisible();
test('display manyToMany association fields', async ({ page, mockPage, mockRecord }) => {
const nocoPage = await mockPage(displayManyTOManyAssociationFields).waitForInit();
const record = await mockRecord('users', 2);
await nocoPage.goto();
// display the `users.roles` field
await page.getByLabel('schema-initializer-Grid-filterForm:configureFields-users').hover();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'Roles right' }).hover();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'Role name' }).click();
// before filter
await expect(page.getByRole('button', { name: record.roles.map((item) => item.name).join(',') })).toBeVisible();
// input a some value to filter
await page.getByLabel('block-item-CollectionField-').getByRole('textbox').fill('root');
await page.getByLabel('action-Action-Filter-submit-').click({
position: {
x: 10,
y: 10,
// expect: should only display the record with the `root` role
await expect(page.getByRole('button', { name: 'root,admin,member' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('button', { name: record.roles.map((item) => item.name).join(',') })).not.toBeVisible();
test.pgOnly('display inherit fields', async ({ page, mockPage }) => {
await mockPage(oneFilterFormWithInherit).goto();
@ -1035,3 +1035,318 @@ export const T4798 = {
'x-index': 1,
export const displayManyTOManyAssociationFields = {
pageSchema: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Page',
properties: {
'9r802f25xpw': {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Grid',
'x-initializer': 'page:addBlock',
properties: {
y7zqna9ok64: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Grid.Row',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
e01ptiv7169: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Grid.Col',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
'8c03fmw7mv0': {
'x-uid': 'osrsw28bg16',
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-decorator': 'FilterFormBlockProvider',
'x-use-decorator-props': 'useFilterFormBlockDecoratorProps',
'x-decorator-props': {
dataSource: 'main',
collection: 'users',
'x-toolbar': 'BlockSchemaToolbar',
'x-settings': 'blockSettings:filterForm',
'x-component': 'CardItem',
'x-filter-targets': [
uid: 'vl641x6hrd6',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
vikjl7uaxai: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'FormV2',
'x-use-component-props': 'useFilterFormBlockProps',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
grid: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Grid',
'x-initializer': 'filterForm:configureFields',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
'x-uid': 'f38j0uj5vvq',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
'0av2ioa3zjr': {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-initializer': 'filterForm:configureActions',
'x-component': 'ActionBar',
'x-component-props': {
layout: 'one-column',
style: {
float: 'right',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
lsxm71r395m: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
title: '{{ t("Filter") }}',
'x-action': 'submit',
'x-component': 'Action',
'x-use-component-props': 'useFilterBlockActionProps',
'x-designer': 'Action.Designer',
'x-component-props': {
type: 'primary',
htmlType: 'submit',
'x-action-settings': {},
type: 'void',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
'x-uid': '6kj3gzqqubb',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
'7ukzfx8trmp': {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
title: '{{ t("Reset") }}',
'x-component': 'Action',
'x-use-component-props': 'useResetBlockActionProps',
'x-designer': 'Action.Designer',
'x-action-settings': {},
type: 'void',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
'x-uid': '48rt2qm0rip',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 2,
'x-uid': 'rv5qfqgaxs1',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 2,
'x-uid': 'pmc05hvyobp',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
'x-uid': 'bzkbofpet3m',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
'x-uid': 'wlpzuhipi0n',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
ektxc4qt6td: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Grid.Row',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
zftl6dfyeia: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Grid.Col',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
broo6eq0m2p: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-decorator': 'TableBlockProvider',
'x-acl-action': 'users:list',
'x-use-decorator-props': 'useTableBlockDecoratorProps',
'x-decorator-props': {
collection: 'users',
dataSource: 'main',
action: 'list',
params: {
pageSize: 20,
rowKey: 'id',
showIndex: true,
dragSort: false,
'x-toolbar': 'BlockSchemaToolbar',
'x-settings': 'blockSettings:table',
'x-component': 'CardItem',
'x-filter-targets': [],
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
actions: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-initializer': 'table:configureActions',
'x-component': 'ActionBar',
'x-component-props': {
style: {
marginBottom: 'var(--nb-spacing)',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
'x-uid': 'w46bhgi0e9b',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
c4fknjf3dgj: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'array',
'x-initializer': 'table:configureColumns',
'x-component': 'TableV2',
'x-use-component-props': 'useTableBlockProps',
'x-component-props': {
rowKey: 'id',
rowSelection: {
type: 'checkbox',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
actions: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
title: '{{ t("Actions") }}',
'x-action-column': 'actions',
'x-decorator': 'TableV2.Column.ActionBar',
'x-component': 'TableV2.Column',
'x-toolbar': 'TableColumnSchemaToolbar',
'x-initializer': 'table:configureItemActions',
'x-settings': 'fieldSettings:TableColumn',
'x-toolbar-props': {
initializer: 'table:configureItemActions',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
'5mb0ksk9n7d': {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-decorator': 'DndContext',
'x-component': 'Space',
'x-component-props': {
split: '|',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
'x-uid': 'b8lt0cpa8sk',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
'x-uid': 'uygsokuvjjo',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
blco479x6xr: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
type: 'void',
'x-decorator': 'TableV2.Column.Decorator',
'x-toolbar': 'TableColumnSchemaToolbar',
'x-settings': 'fieldSettings:TableColumn',
'x-component': 'TableV2.Column',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
properties: {
roles: {
_isJSONSchemaObject: true,
version: '2.0',
'x-collection-field': 'users.roles',
'x-component': 'CollectionField',
'x-component-props': {
fieldNames: {
value: 'name',
label: 'name',
ellipsis: true,
size: 'small',
'x-read-pretty': true,
'x-decorator': null,
'x-decorator-props': {
labelStyle: {
display: 'none',
'x-app-version': '1.3.13-beta',
'x-uid': 'gocdkziqwlz',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
'x-uid': '3pfwlp96981',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 2,
'x-uid': 'c6nm8b9emvw',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 2,
'x-uid': 'vl641x6hrd6',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
'x-uid': '5x1f6kzfwce',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
'x-uid': 'o9e7bi2jvp7',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 2,
'x-uid': 'bcez1hvmvm0',
'x-async': false,
'x-index': 1,
'x-uid': '1z5t01zmibi',
'x-async': true,
'x-index': 1,
keepUid: true,
@ -492,25 +492,27 @@ export const useAssociatedFormItemInitializerFields = (options?: any) => {
return groups;
const getItem = (
const associationFieldToMenu = (
field: FieldOptions,
schemaName: string,
collectionName: string,
processedCollections: string[],
) => {
if (field.interface === 'm2o') {
if (processedCollections.includes(field.target)) return null;
if (field.target && field.uiSchema) {
if (processedCollections.includes(field.target) || processedCollections.length >= 1) return;
const subFields = getCollectionFields(field.target);
if (!subFields?.length) return;
return {
type: 'subMenu',
name: schemaName,
title: field.uiSchema?.title,
children: subFields
.map((subField) =>
getItem(subField, `${schemaName}.${subField.name}`, collectionName, getCollectionFields, [
associationFieldToMenu(subField, `${schemaName}.${subField.name}`, collectionName, getCollectionFields, [
@ -519,12 +521,11 @@ const getItem = (
} as SchemaInitializerItemType;
if (isAssocField(field)) return null;
if (!field.uiSchema) return;
const schema = {
type: 'string',
name: schemaName,
// 'x-designer': 'FormItem.FilterFormDesigner',
'x-toolbar': 'FormItemSchemaToolbar',
'x-settings': 'fieldSettings:FilterFormItem',
'x-designer-props': {
@ -551,13 +552,10 @@ const getItem = (
export const useFilterAssociatedFormItemInitializerFields = () => {
const { name, fields } = useCollection_deprecated();
const { getCollectionFields } = useCollectionManager_deprecated();
const interfaces = ['m2o'];
const groups = fields
?.filter((field) => {
return interfaces.includes(field.interface);
?.map((field) => getItem(field, field.name, name, getCollectionFields, []));
return groups;
return fields
?.filter((field) => field.target && field.uiSchema)
.map((field) => associationFieldToMenu(field, field.name, name, getCollectionFields, []))
export const useInheritsFormItemInitializerFields = (options?) => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user