ChengLei Shao 05ecb25d1b
feat: create nocobase app with simple & quickstart option (#87)
* feat: create nocobase app with simple & quickstart option

* chore: delete template file

* create-nocobase-app: add env API_PORT fallback

* chore: log

* env default fallback

* move config dir

* change has yarn

* chore: prettier

* fix: npm running issue

* database testing support sqlite

* once...

* chore: typo

* fix: sqlite test

* update readme

* feat: copy .env.example to .env at create-nocobase-app

* create-nocobase-app: change sqlite3 to github master

* create-nocobase-app: .env template

* create-nocobase-app: update .env

* chore: typo

* update README

* chore: Application constructor

* feat: sqlite demo data support

* fix test

* fix: application error

* chore: plugin-client run sql

* fix: application createCli

* fix: can choose whether to register actions

* chore: model compile error

* fix: support sqlite

* fix: demo data set index sequence on postgresql

* chore: code reduce

* fix: operators are compatible with sqlite

* add impor demo option to init command

* update env

Co-authored-by: chenos <>
2021-10-18 12:49:37 +08:00

79 lines
2.7 KiB

"name": "nocobase",
"private": true,
"workspaces": [
"scripts": {
"bootstrap": "lerna bootstrap",
"clean": "lerna clean",
"examples": "ts-node-dev -r dotenv/config ./examples",
"start": "concurrently \"npm run start-server\" \"npm run start-client\"",
"start-client": "cd packages/app && npm run start-client",
"start-server": "ts-node-dev -r dotenv/config ./packages/app/src/apis/index.ts",
"nocobase": "ts-node-dev -r dotenv/config ./packages/app/src/apis/index.ts",
"start-docs": "dumi dev",
"build-docs": "dumi build",
"build2": "lerna run build",
"build": "npm run build-father-build && node packages/father-build/bin/father-build.js",
"build-father-build": "cd packages/father-build && npm run build",
"lint": "eslint --ext .ts,.tsx,.js \"packages/*/src/**.@(ts|tsx|js)\" --fix",
"start-prod": "concurrently \"npx pm2-runtime start packages/api/lib/index.js\" \"cd packages/app && npm run start-client\"",
"pm2-start": "npx pm2-runtime start packages/api/lib/index.js",
"version:alpha": "lerna version prerelease --preid alpha --force-publish=* --no-git-tag-version -m \"chore(versions): publish packages %s\"",
"test": "npm run lint && jest",
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