mirror of
synced 2024-12-05 05:38:23 +08:00
* chore: run backend tests concurrently * fix: mock app server create database * chore: using @swc/jest instead of ts-jest * chore: create test database * chore: database distributor * fix: test collection manager * fix: test * chore: to use Jest.mock, change the formatter to the commonjs module * chore: db acquire * chore: github action * fix: pg test action * chore: formatter * chore: jest workaround * fix: mysql test * chore: mysql github action * chore: clean storage * chore: gitignore * chore: max workers
112 lines
3.1 KiB
112 lines
3.1 KiB
"name": "nocobase",
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"test:e2e:server": "tsx ./scripts/nocobase.setup.ts",
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"release:force": "lerna publish from-package --yes",
"release": "lerna publish",
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