YANG QIA c1f1407cb3
Some checks are pending
Build docker image / build-and-push (push) Waiting to run
Build pro image / get-plugins (push) Waiting to run
Build pro image / build-and-push (push) Blocked by required conditions
E2E / Build (push) Waiting to run
E2E / Core and plugins (push) Blocked by required conditions
E2E / plugin-workflow (push) Blocked by required conditions
E2E / plugin-workflow-approval (push) Blocked by required conditions
E2E / plugin-data-source-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
E2E / Comment on PR (push) Blocked by required conditions
NocoBase backend test / sqlite-test (20, false) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / sqlite-test (20, true) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / postgres-test (public, 20, nocobase, false) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / postgres-test (public, 20, nocobase, true) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / postgres-test (public, 20, public, false) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / postgres-test (public, 20, public, true) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / postgres-test (user_schema, 20, nocobase, false) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / postgres-test (user_schema, 20, nocobase, true) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / postgres-test (user_schema, 20, public, false) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / postgres-test (user_schema, 20, public, true) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / mysql-test (20, false) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / mysql-test (20, true) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / mariadb-test (20, false) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase backend test / mariadb-test (20, true) (push) Waiting to run
NocoBase frontEnd test / frontend-test (18) (push) Waiting to run
Test on Windows / build (push) Waiting to run
chore(ci): release (#5686)
* chore(ci): release

* fix: repositories

* fix: e2ed

* fix: e2e

* fix: e2e

* chore: update
2024-11-19 16:44:39 +08:00

465 lines
13 KiB

const execa = require('execa');
const fs = require('fs/promises');
const path = require('path');
const { Command } = require('commander');
const program = new Command();
const axios = require('axios');
.option('-f, --from [from]')
.option('-t, --to [to]')
.option('-v, --ver [ver]', '', 'rc')
.option('--cmsURL [url]')
.option('--cmsToken [token]');
const header = {
en: `# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
cn: `# 更新日志
格式基于 [Keep a Changelog](,
并且本项目遵循 [语义化版本](。
function parsePRBody(body, language) {
const regExp = new RegExp(`${language}[ ]?\\|[ ]?([^\\|]*)\\|`, 'g');
const match = [...body.matchAll(regExp)];
if (!match.length) {
return {
description: '',
docTitle: '',
docLink: '',
const description = match[0]?.[1].trim() || '';
const docLink = match[1]?.[1].trim();
if (!docLink || docLink.startsWith('<!--')) {
return {
docTitle: '',
docLink: '',
const docMatch = docLink.match(/\[(.*)\]\((.*)\)/);
return {
docTitle: docMatch[1],
docLink: docMatch[2],
// pkgType: oss, pro
async function getPackageJson(pkg, pkgType) {
let dir;
if (pkgType === 'oss') {
dir = pkg.includes('plugin-') ? `plugins/@nocobase/${pkg}` : `core/${pkg}`;
} else {
dir = `pro-plugins/@nocobase/${pkg}`;
try {
const pkgJSON = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../../packages', dir, 'package.json'), 'utf8');
return JSON.parse(pkgJSON);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Get package.json for ${pkg} failed, error: ${error.message}`);
return {};
async function parsePackage(files, pkgType, pkg) {
if (!pkg) {
const maxChanges = { pkg: '', changes: 0 };
for (const file of files) {
const { path, additions, deletions } = file;
const match = path.match(/(?:@nocobase|core)\/([^\/]+)/);
const name = match && match[1];
if (!name) {
const changes = additions + deletions;
if (changes > maxChanges.changes) {
maxChanges.pkg = name;
maxChanges.changes = changes;
pkg = maxChanges.pkg;
if (!pkg) {
return { displayName: '', cnDisplayName: '' };
const pkgJSON = await getPackageJson(pkg, pkgType);
const { displayName, 'displayName.zh-CN': cnDisplayName, name } = pkgJSON;
return { displayName, cnDisplayName, name };
async function parsePR(number, pkgType, cwd, pkg, retries = 10) {
let { ver = 'rc' } = program.opts();
// gh pr view 5112 --json author,body,files
let res;
try {
const { stdout } = await execa('gh', ['pr', 'view', number, '--json', 'author,body,files,baseRefName,url'], {
res = stdout;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Get PR #${number} failed, error: ${error.message}`);
if (retries > 0) {
console.log(`Retrying... ${retries}`);
retries -= 1;
return parsePR(number, pkgType, cwd, pkg, retries);
return { number };
const { author, body, files, baseRefName, url } = JSON.parse(res);
if (ver === 'beta' && baseRefName !== 'next') {
return { number };
if (ver === 'alpha' && baseRefName !== 'develop') {
return { number };
const typeRegExp = /\[x\] ([^(\\\r)]+)/;
const typeMatch = body.match(typeRegExp);
const prType = typeMatch ? typeMatch[1] : '';
if (!prType) {
return { number };
const { description, docTitle, docLink } = parsePRBody(body, 'English');
const { description: cnDescription, docTitle: cnDocTitle, docLink: cnDocLink } = parsePRBody(body, 'Chinese');
const { displayName, cnDisplayName, name } = await parsePackage(files, pkgType, pkg);
const pkgName = name?.split('/').pop();
const changelog = {
author: author.login,
moduleType: name?.includes('plugin-') ? 'plugin' : 'core',
module: name,
en: {
module: displayName || pkgName,
cn: {
module: cnDisplayName || pkgName,
description: cnDescription,
docTitle: cnDocTitle,
docLink: cnDocLink,
return changelog;
async function getPRList(from, to, cwd) {
// git log v1.3.9-beta..HEAD --pretty=format:"%s"
const { stdout: logs } = await execa('git', ['log', `${from}..${to}`, '--pretty=format:%s'], { cwd });
const prs = [];
for (const log of logs.split('\n')) {
const match = log.match(/\(#(\d+)\)/);
if (match) {
return prs;
function arrangeChangelogs(changelogs) {
const result = {
'New feature': {
core: {},
plugin: {},
Improvement: {
core: {},
plugin: {},
'Bug fix': {
core: {},
plugin: {},
for (const changelog of changelogs) {
const { prType, module, moduleType } = changelog;
if (!result[prType]?.[moduleType]) {
if (!result[prType][moduleType][module]) {
result[prType][moduleType][module] = [];
return result;
async function collect(from, to) {
const changelogs = [];
const get = async (changelogs, pkgType, cwd, pkg) => {
const prs = await getPRList(from, to, cwd);
await Promise.all( (pr) => {
console.log(`Parsing PR #${pr}`);
const changelog = await parsePR(pr, pkgType, cwd, pkg);
if (pkgType !== 'oss') { = true;
await get(changelogs, 'oss');
try {
await get(changelogs, 'pro', path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/pro-plugins/'));
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Generate changelog for pro-plugins failed, error: ${error.message}`);
if (process.env.PRO_PLUGIN_REPOS) {
const repos = JSON.parse(process.env.PRO_PLUGIN_REPOS);
for (const repo of repos) {
try {
await get(changelogs, 'pro', path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/pro-plugins/@nocobase', repo), repo);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Generate changelog for ${repo} failed, error: ${error.message}`);
return { changelogs: arrangeChangelogs(changelogs) };
async function generateChangelog(changelogs) {
const { test } = program.opts();
const prTypeLocale = {
'New feature': {
en: '🎉 New Features',
cn: '🎉 新特性',
Improvement: {
en: '🚀 Improvements',
cn: '🚀 优化',
'Bug fix': {
en: '🐛 Bug Fixes',
cn: '🐛 修复',
const moduleTypeLocale = {
core: {
en: 'Core',
cn: '内核',
plugin: {
en: 'Plugins',
cn: '插件',
const referenceLocale = {
en: 'Reference: ',
cn: '参考文档:',
const generate = (changelogs, lang) => {
let result = '';
for (const [prType, moduleTypes] of Object.entries(changelogs)) {
const prTypeResults = [];
for (const [moduleType, modules] of Object.entries(moduleTypes)) {
const moduleTypeResults = [];
for (const [_, moduleChangelogs] of Object.entries(modules)) {
const moduleResults = [];
const lists = [];
for (const changelog of moduleChangelogs) {
const { number, author, pro, url } = changelog;
const { description, docTitle, docLink } = changelog[lang];
if (!description) {
console.warn(`PR #${number} has no ${lang} changelog`);
const pr = pro && !test ? '' : ` ([#${number}](${url}))`;
const doc = docTitle && docLink ? `${referenceLocale[lang]}[${docTitle}](${docLink})` : '';
lists.push(`${description}${pr} by @${author}\n${doc}`);
if (!lists.length) {
if (lists.length > 1) {
moduleResults.push(`\n - ${lists.join('\n - ')}\n`);
} else {
moduleResults.push(` ${lists[0]}\n`);
if (moduleResults.length) {
const moduleName = moduleChangelogs[0][lang].module;
moduleTypeResults.push(`- **[${moduleName}]**${moduleResults.join('')}`);
if (moduleTypeResults.length) {
const moduleTypeTitle = moduleTypeLocale[moduleType][lang];
if (prTypeResults.length) {
const prTypeTitle = prTypeLocale[prType][lang];
result += `### ${prTypeTitle}\n\n`;
result += prTypeResults.join('');
return result;
const cn = generate(changelogs, 'cn');
const en = generate(changelogs, 'en');
return { cn, en };
async function writeChangelog(cn, en, from, to) {
const date = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0];
const title = `## [${to}](${from}...${to}) - ${date}`;
const write = async (lang) => {
const file = lang === 'cn' ? '' : '';
const oldChangelog = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, `../../${file}`), 'utf8');
if (oldChangelog.includes(`## [${to}]`)) {
const fromIndex = oldChangelog.indexOf(`## [`);
const newChangelog = `${header[lang]}\n${title}\n\n${lang === 'cn' ? cn : en}${oldChangelog.slice(fromIndex)}`;
await fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, `../../${file}`), newChangelog);
async function createRelease(cn, en, to) {
const { stdout } = await execa('gh', ['release', 'list', '--json', 'tagName']);
const releases = JSON.parse(stdout);
const tags = => release.tagName);
if (tags.includes(to)) {
console.log(`Release ${to} already exists`);
let { ver = 'rc' } = program.opts();
// gh release create -t title -n note
if (ver === 'alpha' || ver === 'beta') {
await execa('gh', ['release', 'create', to, '-t', to, '-n', en, '-p']);
await execa('gh', ['release', 'create', to, '-t', to, '-n', en]);
async function getExistsChangelog(from, to) {
const get = async (lang) => {
const file = lang === 'cn' ? '' : '';
const oldChangelog = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, `../../${file}`), 'utf8');
if (!oldChangelog.includes(`## [${to}]`)) {
return null;
const fromIndex = oldChangelog.indexOf(`## [${from}]`);
const toIndex = oldChangelog.indexOf(`## [${to}]`);
return oldChangelog.slice(toIndex, fromIndex);
const cn = await get('cn');
const en = await get('en');
return { cn, en };
async function getVersion() {
let { from, to, ver = 'rc' } = program.opts();
if (!from || !to) {
// git tag -l --sort=version:refname | grep "v*-ver" | tail -2
let tagPattern = '';
switch (ver) {
case 'rc':
tagPattern = '^v[1-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+$';
case 'beta':
tagPattern = '^v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+-beta.[0-9]+$';
case 'alpha':
tagPattern = '^v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+-alpha.[0-9]+$';
const { stdout: tags } = await execa(`git tag -l --sort=creatordate | grep -E "${tagPattern}" | tail -2`, {
shell: true,
// 过渡处理
if (tags.length === 1) {
if (ver === 'rc') {
if (ver === 'beta') {
[from, to] = tags.split('\n');
console.log(`From: ${from}, To: ${to}`);
return { from, to };
async function postCMS(tag, content, contentCN) {
const { cmsToken, cmsURL } = program.opts();
if (!cmsToken || !cmsURL) {
console.error('No cmsToken or cmsURL provided');
await axios.request({
method: 'post',
url: `${cmsURL}/api/articles:updateOrCreate`,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${cmsToken}`,
params: {
filterKeys: ['slug'],
data: {
slug: tag,
title: `Nocobase ${tag}`,
title_cn: `Nocobase ${tag}`,
content_cn: contentCN,
description: `Release Note of ${tag}`,
description_cn: `${tag} 更新日志`,
tags: [4],
status: 'drafted',
author: 'nocobase [bot]',
async function writeChangelogAndCreateRelease() {
let { ver = 'rc', test } = program.opts();
const { from, to } = await getVersion();
let { cn, en } = await getExistsChangelog(from, to);
let exists = false;
if (cn || en) {
exists = true;
console.log('Changelog already exists');
} else {
const { changelogs } = await collect(from, to);
const c = await generateChangelog(changelogs);
cn =;
en = c.en;
if (!cn && !en) {
console.error('No changelog generated');
if (test) {
if (ver === 'rc' && !exists) {
await writeChangelog(cn, en, from, to);
await createRelease(cn, en, to);
await postCMS(to, en, cn);