mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 03:38:03 +08:00
* feat: API Authorization * fix: API Group flow * perf(api-group): group select status * build(e2e): delete image --------- Co-authored-by: buqiyuan <1743369777@qq.com>
242 lines
7.2 KiB
242 lines
7.2 KiB
import { sign, doSign } from 'app-builder-lib/out/codeSign/windowsCodeSign';
import { build, BuildResult, Platform } from 'electron-builder';
import type { Configuration } from 'electron-builder';
import minimist from 'minimist';
import YAML from 'yaml';
import pkgInfo from '../package.json';
import { COMMON_APP_CONFIG } from '../src/environment';
import { execSync, exec, spawn } from 'node:child_process';
import { createHash } from 'node:crypto';
import { copyFileSync, createReadStream, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'node:fs';
import path, { resolve } from 'node:path';
import { exit, platform } from 'node:process';
const pkgPath = path.join(__dirname, '../package.json');
// 当前 postcat 版本
const version = process.env.npm_package_version;
// 保存签名时的参数,供签名后面生成的 自定义安装界面 安装包
let signOptions: Parameters<typeof sign>;
const isWin = process.platform === 'win32';
// 参数同 electron-builder cli 命令行参数
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
// https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/util.html#util_class_util_textdecoder
const decoder = new TextDecoder('gbk');
// 删除 minimist 解析后默认带的 _ 属性,防止 electron-builder 执行报错
Reflect.deleteProperty(argv, '_');
// mac 系统删除 release 目录
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
exec(`rm -r ${path.resolve(__dirname, '../release')}`);
// window 系统删除 release 目录
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
exec(`rd/s/q ${path.resolve(__dirname, '../release')}`);
function hashFile(file: string, algorithm = 'sha512', encoding: 'base64' | 'hex' = 'base64', options?: any): Promise<string> {
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
const hash = createHash(algorithm);
hash.on('error', reject).setEncoding(encoding);
createReadStream(file, { ...options, highWaterMark: 1024 * 1024 /* better to use more memory but hash faster */ })
.on('error', reject)
.on('end', () => {
resolve(hash.read() as string);
.pipe(hash, { end: false });
const config: Configuration = {
appId: '.postcat.io',
productName: 'Postcat',
asar: true,
directories: {
output: 'release/'
files: [
publish: [
provider: 'generic',
generateUpdatesFilesForAllChannels: true,
nsis: {
// 指定guid,此guid会存放在注册表中,如果没有指定则系统会自动生成
guid: 'Postcat',
oneClick: false,
allowElevation: true,
allowToChangeInstallationDirectory: true,
// for win - 将协议写入主机的脚本
include: 'scripts/urlProtoco.nsh'
protocols: [
// for macOS - 用于在主机注册指定协议
name: 'eoapi',
schemes: ['eoapi']
win: {
icon: 'src/app/common/images/logo.ico',
verifyUpdateCodeSignature: false,
signingHashAlgorithms: ['sha256'],
// artifactName: '${productName}-${version}.${ext}',
signDlls: false,
certificateSubjectName: 'OID., OID. Organization',
target: ['nsis', 'portable'],
sign(configuration, packager) {
// console.log('configuration', configuration);
signOptions = [configuration, packager!];
return doSign(configuration, packager!);
portable: {
splashImage: 'src/app/common/images/postcat.bmp'
mac: {
icon: 'src/app/common/images/512x512.png',
hardenedRuntime: true,
category: 'public.app-category.productivity',
gatekeeperAssess: false,
entitlements: 'scripts/entitlements.mac.plist',
entitlementsInherit: 'scripts/entitlements.mac.plist',
// target: ['dmg', 'zip']
target: [
target: 'default',
arch: ['x64', 'arm64']
dmg: {
sign: false
afterSign: 'scripts/notarize.js',
linux: {
icon: 'src/app/common/images/',
target: ['AppImage']
// 这里动态往 package.json 中写入 electron-builder 配置,主要是为了给 build-for-electron.bat 脚本读取配置
const modifyPkgInfo = () => {
// @ts-ignore
pkgInfo.build = config;
writeFileSync(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkgInfo, null, 2));
// 退出进程/意外退出进程 时主动还原 package.json 信息
process.on('exit', restorePkgInfo);
process.on('uncaughtException', restorePkgInfo);
const restorePkgInfo = () => {
Reflect.deleteProperty(pkgInfo, 'build');
// 还原 package.json 文件
writeFileSync(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkgInfo, null, 2));
// 要打包的目标平台
const targetPlatform: Platform = {
darwin: Platform.MAC,
win32: Platform.WINDOWS,
linux: Platform.LINUX
// 针对 Windows 签名
const signWindows = () => {
return new Promise(async resolve => {
// https://docs.github.com/zh/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#default-environment-variables
if (!isWin || process.env.GITHUB_ACTIONS) {
return resolve(true);
// 生成自定义安装包
const ls = spawn('yarn', ['wininstaller'], {
// 仅在当前运行环境为 Windows 时,才使用 shell
shell: isWin
ls.stdout.on('data', async data => {
const logText = decoder.decode(data);
// build/nsis-build-and-sign.bat
if (logText.includes('是时候给 Uninstall Postcat.exe 签名了')) {
signOptions[0] = {
path: 'D:\\git\\postcat\\release\\Uninstall Postcat.exe'
await sign(...signOptions);
// build/build-by-external.bat
if (logText.includes('pack postcat finished!')) {
// 给自定义安装包签名
signOptions[0] = {
path: `D:\\git\\postcat\\release\\Postcat-Setup-${version}.exe`
await sign(...signOptions);
if (argv.publish === 'always') {
const latestYmlPath = path.join(__dirname, '../release/latest.yml');
const latestYml = readFileSync(latestYmlPath, 'utf8');
const latestYmlObj = YAML.parse(latestYml);
const sha512 = await hashFile(signOptions[0].path);
latestYmlObj.sha512 = sha512;
for (const file of latestYmlObj.files) {
file.sha512 = sha512;
writeFileSync(latestYmlPath, YAML.stringify(latestYmlObj));
execSync('yarn releaseWindows');
console.log('\x1b[32m', '打包完成🎉🎉🎉你要的都在 release 目录里🤪🤪🤪');
console.log('打包参数', argv);
targets: targetPlatform.createTarget(),
.then(async () => {
await signWindows();
.catch(async error => {
if (error.includes?.('HttpError')) {
await signWindows();
console.log('\x1b[31m', '打包失败,错误信息:', error);