# Risk Engine(Radar) ## Introduction A real-time risk analysis engine,which can update risk rule in real-time and make it effective immediately. It applies to the anti-fraud application perfectly. The project code called Radar, like the code, monitor the transaction at the back. ## FEATURE * real-time * visual rule editor * plugin design * nosql, easy extended * simple configuration * out-of-the-box ## Relation Site Gitee: https://gitee.com/freshday/radar Github: https://github.com/wfh45678/radar Official Site: https://www.riskengine.cn Wiki: https://gitee.com/freshday/radar/wikis/home ## Architecture Server-end: SpringBoot + Mybatis + tkMapper + Mysql + MongoDB + Redis + Groovy + ES + Swagger Front-end: React(SPA) ### System Component Diagram ![Architecture](https://www.riskengine.cn/radar/sys_model_arch.png) ## Technology stack * Springboot:base spring boot 2.x framework. * Mybatis + tkMapper: data persistence layer framework. * Mysql : model meta data storage. * MongoDB: for event data storage. * ES: risk result data analysis. * Redis: cache, pub sub when model meta data change. * Groovy: rule engine. * Swagger: Rest API. --- ## [manual](https://gitee.com/freshday/radar/wikis/manual) https://gitee.com/freshday/radar/wikis/manual ## Demo site [Demo URL:]( ## wiki [WIKI:](https://gitee.com/freshday/radar/wikis/home?sort_id=1637444) https://gitee.com/freshday/radar/wikis/home?sort_id=1637444 ## Thanks 千面怪, 烈日下的从容, DerekDingLu, king, sanying2012, 紫泉夜, 玄梦 成书平, 徐帅,郭锐, 王成,马兆永... ## Statement Copyright © 2019-2021 WangFeiHu