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2022-08-23 10:31:44 +08:00
# 3.4.6 (2022-8-23)
### 🐞 Bug fixes
- `process` is not defined in path
- Fixed an error when dynamic routing `children` is an empty array
- Fixed `iframe` loading failure
2022-08-22 20:21:53 +08:00
# 3.4.5 (2022-8-22)
### 🐞 Bug fixes
- Fix local responsive storage object setting issue
2022-08-22 17:21:18 +08:00
# 3.4.0 (2022-8-22)
### 🍏 Perf
- Optimized routing
- Optimized for mobile compatibility
- Optimized routing parameters (`query`, `params` way to refresh the page does not need to open the tab page cache, the parameters can be retained on the `url` and `tab page`)
2022-08-19 15:29:06 +08:00
# 3.3.5 (2022-8-19)
### 🎫 Feat
- Secondary encapsulation of `Table` of `element-plus` into [@pureadmin/table](, providing flexible configuration items and integrating into the platform
- Secondary encapsulation of `Descriptions` of `element-plus` into [@pureadmin/descriptions](, providing flexible configuration items and integrating into the platform
- Centralize most of the tools and hooks of the platform to [@pureadmin/utils](, and delete the code concentrated in this library to reduce the size of the platform
- Add [unplugin-vue-define-options]( plugin, the page can directly write `defineOptions({name: custom name})`
- Add project files, language analysis tool [cloc](
- Added landing page internationalization
- Add full routing configuration table type declaration
- Add virtual listing page demo
- Add `PDF` preview page demo
- Added export `execl` page demo
- Added blank page demo without `Layout`
### ✔️ refactor
- Refactored the theme color to adapt to `element-plus` dark mode (also solved the problem that the same element `css` in `3.3.0` and earlier versions was overwritten many times, resulting in poor style debugging)
- Refactored route reset function
### 🍏 Perf
- The compatible project storage directory is named in Chinese, but we really do not recommend Chinese naming, because a library may not escape the Chinese path, causing the project to crash
- Optimized interface type
### 🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed async routes with `showlink` set to `false`, not showing after refresh
- Fixed vertical navigation menu text being hidden after collapse when there is no `icon`
2022-05-11 15:51:38 +08:00
# 3.3.0 (2022-5-11)
### 🎫 Feat
- Add user management page demo
- Add role management page demo
- Add department management page demo
- Add card list page demo
- Integrated form designer
- Added `PPT` demo
- Added anti-shake interception demo in the function menu
- Upgrade `wangeditorV5` (and support internationalization and custom themes)
- Integrate `tauri` version
- Added barcode function
- Added QR code function
- Use the `Cascader` cascade selector in `element-plus` to write a three-level and two-level linkage demo of Chinese provinces and cities
- Integrate `Swiper` plugin
- Routing supports passing `component`, representing the component path
- Added pre-release packaging mode
- Add [hooks] to close a tag (
### ✔️ refactor
- Refactored the landing page to be more inclined to the actual business scenario
- Use `unocss` instead of `windicss`, `unocss` has better performance in development environment, no memory leaks, and `api` is compatible with `windicss`
### 🍏 Perf
- Optimized the style of the `split-pane` component for the platform
- Optimize internationalization, no longer pass the `i18n` field in the route, the platform automatically reads the files in the `locales` folder of the root directory for internationalization matching
- Optimized icon selector
- Optimize `layout` to display user information [commit](
### 🐞 Bug fixes
- Fix route initialization problem (Cannot access 'constantRoutes' before initialization)
2022-03-22 00:25:55 +08:00
# 3.2.0 (2022-3-22)
### 🎫 Feat
- Icon selection component
- Menu search function
- Added results page
- Extended `element-plus` timeline component
- Extended `element-plus` tree component to support connecting lines
- Add tree selector, support single and multiple selection
### 🍏 Perf
- Optimized the error page UI
- Optimize the internationalization function
- Optimized routing `rank` sorting, compatible with the case where the value of the `rank` field in the routing `meta` is `null`
### 🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed the situation where the menu expands and folds will freeze on some computers
2022-03-03 22:57:11 +08:00
# 3.1.0 (2022-3-3)
### 🎫 Feat
- iframe supports dynamic loading
- Watermark example
- Print examples (pictures, tables, echarts)
- Add running and packaging information, use `lodash-unified` to replace `lodash-es`, `lodash-unified` supports `ESM` and is compatible with `CJS`
### 🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed jumping to another menu page alone in one menu page, the routing page jumped but the tab page was not displayed
- Fixed the route that returns dynamic level 3 and above in the background, and the menu does not correspond to the page
2022-02-14 23:19:32 +08:00
# 3.0 (2022-2-14)
### 🎫 Feat
- Added mix navigation
### 🐞 Bug fixes
- Fix tab page bug
2022-02-05 17:34:01 +08:00
# 2.9.0 (2022-2-5)
### 🎫 Feat
- Added package size analysis, command `pnpm report`
### 🍏 Perf
- Use `iconify` to introduce icons on demand, optimize icon size, and reduce network requests
- Optimize the route, the route can not pass `showLink: true`, it is displayed by default
2022-01-21 16:46:48 +08:00
# 2.8.5 (2022-1-21)
### 🎫 Feat
- Added `WindiCSS` support
- Add online environment remove console plugin `vite-plugin-remove-console`
### ✔️ refactor
- Replace `@element-plus/icons-vue` with `@iconify-icons/ep`
2022-01-04 19:52:05 +08:00
# 2.8.0(2022-1-4)
### 🎫 Feat
-Added dark theme
-Add element-plus custom theme
-Add guide page
### 🍏 Perf
-Optimize internationalization, compatible with the vscode plug-in i18n Ally smart reminder
-Optimize the back-end return routing structure
-Optimize local storage, with four built-in buttons `responsive-configure`, `responsive-locale`, `responsive-layout`, `responsive-tags`, which are basic configuration, international configuration, layout configuration, and tab persistent configuration
2021-12-18 13:56:21 +08:00
# 2.7.0(2021-12-18)
### 🎫 Feat
- New tab reuse
- New message reminder template
- Added front-end menu tree structure example
- Refactor routing, optimize permissions modules, and bring a more convenient experience
- Refactor the env environment and http request to bring a more convenient experience
- Currently, the tabs of the platform are forced to associate with local storage. The next step is to put the tabs in the memory by default and support configurable persistent tabs
- Navigation menu icons support fontawesome, iconfont, remixicon, element-plus/icons, custom svg
- Update font-awesome to version 5.0, because versions below 5.0 are no longer officially maintained, but the platform will still be compatible with font-awesome4 version
### 🍏 Perf
- Optimize the tab page to bring a better interactive experience
- Routing title supports direct writing in Chinese, which can be separated from internationalization
- Route history mode is read from env and supports base parameter
- Packaged files provide traditional browser compatibility support, configure VITE_LEGACY to true
2021-11-10 09:10:32 +08:00
# 2.6.0(2021-11-10)
### 🎫 Feat
- Refactored navigation theme color, supports multiple color schemes
- Refactored login page, illustration style
### 🍏 Perf
- Optimize the navigation style
- Eliminate strong navigation dependence on vxe-table
- Synchronously update element-plus, replace Font Icon with SVG Icon
2021-10-14 17:50:03 +08:00
# 2.1.0(2021-10-14)
### 🎫 Feat
- Route animation (each route can add different animations)
- Extra icons (for example, this is a newly added page, a new icon is displayed in the upper right corner of the routing menu)
- Extract the default configuration options
- Perfect type file
### 🐞 Bug fixes
- Fix the issue of element-plus internationalization
- Fix routing issues
- Fix navigation adaptation problem
2021-09-29 02:38:50 +08:00
# 2.0.1(2021-9-29)
### 🎫 Feat
- Feat horizontal nav
2021-04-13 18:37:47 +08:00
# 2.0.0(2021-4-13)
### 🎫 Chores
2021-09-29 02:38:50 +08:00
- Release 2.0.0 version