kaorun343 dfc64e8a11 Add TypeScript definitions
Add TypeScript definition

Remove unnecessary definition

Update definitions

* separate files
* remove unnecessary `{[key: string]: any}`
* from singular to plural

Update definitions

* Add more definitions
* Rename filename and interface
* Sort definitions
* Fix indent


Add test

* add test
* fix some definitions
* fix typo

Fix ComputedOptions

Update Vue.set

Update definitions

Add npm script
2016-08-31 12:21:26 -04:00

75 lines
1.9 KiB

import { Vue } from "./vue.d";
import { VNode, VNodeDirective } from "./vnode.d";
type Constructor = {
new (...args: any[]): any;
export interface ComponentOptions {
data?: Object | ( (this: Vue) => Object );
props?: string[] | { [key: string]: PropOptions | Constructor | Constructor[] };
propsData?: Object;
computed?: { [key: string]: ((this: Vue) => any) | ComputedOptions };
methods?: { [key: string]: Function };
watch?: { [key: string]: ({ handler: WatchHandler } & WatchOptions) | WatchHandler | string };
el?: Element | String;
template?: string;
render?(createElement: typeof Vue.prototype.$createElement): VNode;
staticRenderFns?: (() => VNode)[];
beforeCreate?(): void;
created?(): void;
beforeDestroy?(): void;
destroyed?(): void;
beforeMount?(): void;
mounted?(): void;
beforeUpdate?(): void;
updated?(): void;
directives?: { [key: string]: DirectiveOptions | DirectiveFunction };
components?: { [key: string]: ComponentOptions | typeof Vue };
transitions?: { [key: string]: Object };
filters?: { [key: string]: Function };
parent?: Vue;
mixins?: (ComponentOptions | typeof Vue)[];
name?: string;
extends?: ComponentOptions | typeof Vue;
delimiters?: [string, string];
export interface PropOptions {
type?: Constructor | Constructor[] | null;
required?: boolean;
default?: any;
validator?(value: any): boolean;
export interface ComputedOptions {
get?(this: Vue): any;
set?(this: Vue, value: any): void;
cache?: boolean;
export type WatchHandler = <T>(val: T, oldVal: T) => void;
export interface WatchOptions {
deep?: boolean;
immediate?: boolean;
export type DirectiveFunction = (
el: HTMLElement,
binding: VNodeDirective,
vnode: VNode,
oldVnode: VNode
) => void;
export interface DirectiveOptions {
bind?: DirectiveFunction;
update?: DirectiveFunction;
componentUpdated?: DirectiveFunction;
unbind?: DirectiveFunction;